what happened!? (eburnean au)

Techno pov:

    Man Wilbur is an idiot how do you get carrot soup from a rabbit–*crack* I pulled out my sword and turned around I was shocked to see Theseus bloody and staring at me emotionless. "Theseus what the hell are you doing here!" I raised my sword to his neck he grabbed the blade of the sword it dug into his hand making it bleed badly. "Theseus wtf stop!" I grabbed his hand and put my sword away. 

"Tommy~where are you!"

  Why would dream be around here? Theseus pulled his hand away and started to walk away from me.

    "Theseus your hand is bleeding!" I grabbed his arm but he yanked it out of my hand and kept going forward. I followed him quietly he was going to– dream!? But he's scared of him! Dream smiled and wrapped his arm around Tommy shoulders. "There you are little bro come on let's go home" little bro? No no no tommy is mine and Wilbur's brother no one else's! And it will stay that way.

   I made it back to my cabin and threw the front door open "damn what's wrong with you?" Will said putting the book that he was reading down. "That dream is really getting on my nerves"  "what do you mean dream is wonderful–" "for trying to take Tommy away from us?" Will sat up and stared at me like I was crazy.

   "What the hell do you mean!?" I sat down on my chair and sighed "Tommy let dream hug him,then dream called him 'little bro'" "no no no tommy is our little brother! Our's! not his!" Will shouted while throwing his book on the ground. "I know will" "but what do we do?" I looked up at will "well we could make sure dream can never speak or touch Tommy again" will raised his eyebrows then realized what I meant.

   "But how are we supposed to do that?" "I have a plan"

Here you guys deserve this

Bye my little panda's 💕💓❤️💜💜💛💖💖❤️❤️💜💜💛
