stuffed animals🐻

Tommy's pov:

    "Tommy come on! We're going to the mall!" I sighed and walked downstairs to where tubbo and ranboo we're at. "Dang it took you forever didn't it" "shut up boob boy" we walked into the mall and tubbo instantly ran to the stuffed bee's with ranboo chasing after him I looked around the toy shop and saw a lavender teddy bear. It was really nice but it was like 29 dollar's and i only had 15 dollar's on me.

   "Man I wish I could take you home with me" I walked away and went to where tubbo and ranboob were at. "Tubbo you don't need anymore stuffed bee's!" "Yes I do let me go!" I chuckled at them bickering but something felt off like someone was watching me I looked around there was no one around so I just brushed it off.

   "Bye Tommy we'll see you tomorrow!" "Bye you two" I unlocked my front door walked into my room and got changed into a oversized hoodie. *Ding dong* huh? Who's at the front door at like 7:30 I walked to The front door and looked out the peep hole no one was there. I cracked the door a little to see a present on the porch I brought it inside. "Hm what's this?" There was a tag that said 'for Tommy' I opened the box it was the lavender bear I wanted plus three other plushies one's a crow,pig and a raccoon.

      "Huh I wonder who got me this" I picked up the stuff animals and walked back to my room I placed the other plushies on my shelf and the lavender bear on my bed I fell asleep an hour later.

No one's pov:

   "He's so cute!" "I know I'm glad we chose him!" "Your going to wake him up!" "Oh shut up!" "Why I odda–" "stop it you two" "sorry"

  We finally found him and he's ours forever!

Bye my little panda's 💕💓
