Chapter 6: The big fight

Lee-Ah was sitting on the island in the kitchen, and Heeseung was standing next to her talking about his family.

"Yeah, my older brother is annoying, and so is my younger sister."

"Must suck. Im an only child."
Heeseung just rolled his eyes as Lee-Ah laughed at him.

Soon after, one of Soyeon's ''friends'' called everyone to the living room.
Heeseung grabbed Lee-Ah's hand helping her down, and walked to sit on the couch.

"So, we had this party to inform you that next Friday Soyeon will have her sweet 19."
Lee-Ah turned het head to Heeseung and whispered.

"Isn't supposed to be a sweet sixteen?"
Heeseung looked back at her and just gave her a look.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure she had a sweet ten party."
Lee-Ah laughed as Soyeon's friend Minnie kept talking.

"Anyways, everyone here is invited, but you must bring a present. If not you can't come. Sorry, but it's the rules."
Everyone sighed as Soyeon rolled her eyes at them.

"Okay, so while I have your attention, we will be playing a little game of Truth or Dare."
Everyone after cheered and created a circle on the floor.

"Okay so Soyeon go first."
Soyeon nodded at Minnie and searched for her first target.

"Heeseung, truth or dare."
Heeseung, who was afraid of what the dare would be, said truth.

"Okay fine, do you have a girlfriend? 'Cause if not you have to date me."
Everyone suddenly payed close attention as Soyeon felt the clouds start to take her off her feet.

Lee-Ah stood up and stared Soyeon dead in the eye.

"He's mine, sorry but maybe you can find someone else."
Lee-Ah was going to sit back down but suddenly Xiaoting giggled and passed out.

Lee-Ah flinched at a shaken Sunghoon who had her in his arms.

"It's okay she's just drunk, girl can't hold her liquor."
Sunghoon sighed in relief as everyone else lessened the tension.

"Just take lay her down on a bed, and bring water for when she wakes up."
Sunghoon nodded and obeyed carrying her bridal style upstairs.
Now, all eyes were on her and Heeseung.

"What? Did you guys not see it coming?"
She looked around at the crowd of people and met eyes with Jungwon.
Lee-Ah looked into his eyes, she couldn't tell if he was hurt, or just stunned.

"Well, I don't even want him anymore. You can have him. Whatever."
Soyeon wasn't floating on her hypothetical clouds anymore and that was all that Lee-Ah wanted.
Yes, it seemed cold, but what she said on the first day, she meant.

The game resumed with teenagers playing a classic game of truth or dare at a Friday night party.
Lee-Ah leaned in and whispered to Heeseung:

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go check on Sunghoon."
Heeseung nodded and got on his phone as Lee-Ah walked up to the guest room. 
As soon as she walked in the room, she saw a gloomy figure sitting next to the bed.

He looked up at her as she sat next to him.

"You okay?"
Sunghoon's eyes started welling up but the crystal tears weren't visible in the dark room.

"Y-yeah I'm fine."
He wiped his eyes and Lee-Ah got more worried.

"Are you sure you're okay?"
Sunghoon just shook his head giving in.

"No, no I'm not okay."
Lee-Ah stayed quiet for a bit thinking of what to do.

"What's wrong?"

"My dad.....He wants me to move to America so I can focus on my skating career. He told me we're moving in a few days."
Sunghoon's voice cracked the more he spoke, and his hand were trembling.

"And I feel bad, b-because I have to leave her again. A-and now it's my fault w-we won't be together. Again.."
Lee-Ah hugged him without any hesitation and she felt warm tears on her back.

"Hey, it's okay....she'll understand..isn't this your dream?"
Sunghoon broke the hug and shook his head.

"No, it's not. She is. I want to be with her, and when I am I feel like I'm floating. You're her best friend, you know great she is. I don't want to leave. I want to s-stay. This is my home."
Lee-Ah nodded while hearing his sincere words.

"No, you're right. She's amazing, she's literally perfect. But you know what, since she's this perfect I bet you guys can make it work."
Sunghoon just sat there and nodded.

"Yeah, but can we keep this between us? I don't want her to know yet. Just give time."
Lee-Ah nodded as she stood up.

"I'll give you some space."
Lee-ah walked to the door but Sunghoon stopped her.

"Hey, Lee-Ah?"
Lee-Ah looked back curiously.

"Thank you."
Lee-Ah smiled and shook her head.



Lee-Ah and Jungwon were walking inside together when Heeseung showed up.
"Morning guys."
Lee-Ah and Jungwon turned to look at a happy Heeseung.

"Morning love."
"Morning Hyung."
Heeseung started walking with them as Jungwon felt a bit uncomfortable, almost a like a third wheel.
But Jungwon didn't want to be a third wheel, he wanted it to be as normal as possible.
Sure, she had a boyfriend, but that dosen't mean they couldn't be friends.
It's easy to hide feelings.....right?

"Are you guys ready for the quiz today?"
Heeseung nodded as Jungwon widened his eyes.

Lee-Ah and Heeseung flinched at Jungwon who yelled so loud that North Korea could hear it.


Jungwon ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"Then.....text him?"
Jungwon just glared at Lee-Ah who got more confused.


"I left my phone at home. Did you not listen to me rant this whole time?"|
Lee-Ah widened her eyes and shook her eyes.

"Oh sorry! Here, use my phone."

"Thanks Noona."
Lee-Ah's filled with butterflies at that simple word again as she handed the phone to him, their fingers brushing lightly.

-🌸 -

The seven boys and two girls were sitting at a table during lunch, with both Xiaoting and Heeseung laying their head on the table.

"What's wrong?"
Sunghoon patted his girlfriend's back as she sighed in defeat.

"We have math quiz tomorrow, and I'm gonna fail, there goes my perfect GPA."
Sunghoon smiled and shook his head as Heeseung banged his head on the table lightly.

"No one needs to even know the value of the variables. It's stupid."
Sunoo nodded but then looked at Lee-Ah confused.

"Noona, then why aren't you freaking out?"
Lee-Ah looked from Heeseung to Sunoo and smiled.

"It's actually really easy. They're just a bunch of babies."
Xiaoting and Heeseung both scowled at her making her laugh.

"Well, I can help you guys study, I'm free."
Heeseung's eyes lit up as Xiaoting sighed.

"I can't, it's my grandma's birthday Wednesday, my mom's making us go to Shanghai this week. Which means I have to pack."

"Oh, that's fine."
Heeseung completely ignored Xiaoting and looked up at Lee-Ah.

"Will you really help me study??"

"Yeah, but not at my house because my dad's home this week."
Heeseung shook his head and hugged Lee-Ah and smiled.

"Thanks Noona."

-🌸 -

Lee-Ah was at Heeseung's house waiting at his doorstep for someone to let her in.
About ten seconds later a girl opened the door and stared at her.

Lee-Ah saw Heeseung walk down some stairs and walk to the door.

The girl still stood there, still staring at Lee-Ah.
She looked fifteen, and a lot like Heeseung.
Heeseung signaled for her to come in and she did.

Lee-Ah put her stuff down on his desk as she looked around.
His room seemed cozy unlike hers.
Heeseung went to go get his books from downstairs so it was just her in the room.
She soon found a picture of him when he was little.
She picked it up and smiled.

After that, she saw a family picture and put the one she was holding down.
There was a lady holding a baby girl, two boys with their arms around each other, and a man with a military suit on.
The man was tall, he looked like a good person, kind even.
She looked at the happy family and grew jealous.
She dosen't have that anymore, no one to come home to, no one to congratulate her on being the top of the class, no one to stay with her on rainy days, one.
Lee-Ah hadn't noticed Heeseung who came in the room about a minute ago.

"Hey, are you........okay?"
Lee-Ah blinked back her tears, shook her head and smiled.

"No I'm fine."
Heeseung nodded knowing it was none of his business and sat down at the desk.

-🌸 -

"Oppa, mom wants you to come downstairs for a sec."
Heeseung looked at the door, Somin was standing by it.


"I don't know just go downstairs idiot."
Heeseung stood up and made a face at Somin who did the same thing and walked out the door.
Somin sat down next to Lee-Ah and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Somin, I guess you're dating my brother."
Lee-Ah was going to say no but remembered about they're fake relationship.

"Uhm, yeah I am."

"Well, I get that, he's, uhm....not ugly, but he's very stupid. So if he messes up it's probably not on purpose. But, you should still beat him up."
Lee-Ah smiled and nodded.

"Can I call you Unnie?"

"Sure, but only if I can call you Minnie."
Somin smiled and put her hand out for her to shake.


-🌸 -

Xiaoting asked Lee-Ah to come to her house before she leaves in the morning so they could say goodbye.

"I'm gonna miss you!!"
Xiaoting hugged her best friend as Lee-Ah sighed.

"Girl you're only going to be gone for a week."

"I know! But it's going to feel like a year."
Lee-Ah sat down on Xiaoting's bed and laughed.

"Oh, by the way, are you and Heeseung really dating?"
Xiaoting sat down next to her friend and hugged her pillow.

"Yeah, why?"

"Come on Lee-Ah, I'm your best friend, you can tell me the truth."
Lee-Ah looked at her friend sort of annoyed.

"I'm telling the truth. Why, is it that hard to believe he likes me?"

"I mean, kind of. You guys just met.."

"Well, maybe it's because he's my soulmate."

"Okay, the whole soulmate thing is kind of dumb, I mean it's probably not even real."
Lee-Ah sat up as Xiaoting just stared at her.

"Okay stop being jealous."

"I'm literally not jealous I have a boyfriend, I just don't think you guys really like each other, I mean it's a good relationship."
Lee-Ah snapped at this.

"No Xiao, You're just jealous because your boyfriend is leaving you again. You know why? Because you guys aren't made for each other."


Xiaoting stood up as Lee-Ah just shook her head.

"I'm sorry you-"

"No, get out Lee-Ah."
Lee-Ah stood up and put her hand on Xiaoting's shoulder but Xiaoting swatted it away.

Lee-Ah flinched and walked out of the room.


Hey, Can I come over. Please?           

       Oh uhm I can ask my grandma.

      She said it's fine.

Thanks, I'll be there in ten💗     

      No problem<3  
Read 11:23 P.M.         

Lee-Ah knocked on the door and Jungwon opened the door almost immediately.
As soon as he opened the door it revealed a girl who was shaking and crying uncontrollably. 
Jungwon immediately wrapped his arms around her.

"Hey, it's okay."
Lee-Ah shook her head and hugged him back.

"I'm such a t-terrible p-person."
Jungwon shook his head and patted her back.

"No you're not, don't say that."
Jungwon broke the hug and looked her in the eyes.

"Why don't we go inside, let's talk about it."
Lee-Ah nodded as he brought her inside revealing an elderly woman making tea.

"Jungwon-ah, why'd you make such a pretty girl cry."
Lee-Ah shook her hand and her hand to reassure it wasn't him.

"No, it wasn't him. I'm sorry I came so late. I-I hope I'm not disturbing anything."
Lee-Ah bowed as Jungwon just sighed.

"Halmeoni, can you give us a minute to talk, I promise it won't take long."

"Oh no problem, make sure she dosen't leave her with her heart broken Jungwon. You must know how to keep a girl."
Jungwon turned red as Lee-Ah giggled.


"Go on, just leave the door open."
Jungwon shook his head and pulled Lee-Ah upstairs before she could say anything else.

"So, what happened."
Jungwon gave a cup of warm tea to Lee-Ah who drank it and warmed up immediately.

"Did you hear about Sunghoon?"
Jungwon nodded and payed full attention.

"Well, I told Xiaoting about it the wrong way, and she got all mad at me. Now, I can't even apologize until next week because-"
Lee-Ah's voice cracked the more talked and Jungwon just patted her back.

"Hey, it's going to be fine, I promise."
Jungwon put his pinki finger and Lee-Ah wrapped hers around it.

"She's your best friend, you guys are the closest i've ever seen best friends be. She'll forgive you."
Lee-Ah nodded and wiped her tears.
Suddenly her phone rang and she picked it up.
It was Heeseung.


"Hey, Sunghoon told me what happened, are you okay? Where are you?!"

"I'm at Jungwon's I'm fine now."

"My mom wants to know if you want to stay here tonight, Somin's being nosy so you can spill to her."

"I guess..I'll head over there in a bit. Bye"

Lee-Ah hung up and put her phone in her pocket.

"I gotta go, but thank you Jungwon."
Jungwon looked a bit disappointed but he smiled.

"No problem, whenever something happens, I'm always here."
Lee-Ah nodded and left the house.

"But why is Heeseung better than me?"




~Lizzie, the girl blasting Flicker right now, stan Enhypen
