"Meet us by the flagpole or else"

A/N: I don't speak Spanish and they don't teach it at my school so if the Spanish is wrong blame the translating app I used, okay?

tw: matty and his goons

Finney's POV: 

As I slammed the bathroom stall shut, trying to be as quiet as possible, I heard them run in.

"Hey fairy, come on out." Matty called out to me. 

I knew there was no point in trying to hide from them because they already knew I was in here. I slowly picked my bag up from the floor and opened the door, watching as Matty and his friends faces came into vision. 

"Finneyyyyyy, so nice of you to join us." Buzz said with a smirk. 

"We need this done by tomorrow morning, meet us by the flagpole at first bell  or else." Matty said while dangling their homework in front of my face. 

I dropped my head in defeat and put out my hand to grab the homework sheets when all of a sudden the bathroom door slammed open. 

"Moose puto y su cara estúpida" Robin Arellano murmured under his breath while staring down at his bloodied fists. 

(Translation: motherfucking moose and his stupid face.)

Robins POV:

When I rounded the corner of the bathroom and saw Finney Blake, my best friend, a smile immediately graced my face. 

 Execpt that smile didn't stay long when I saw his bullies standing beside him. 

This morning I saw Finney running through the school hallway, and I should have known this was why. 

The only reason I didn't think twice about it at the time was because, I assumed Finney was just excited for science class since he had that class next and it's his favourite. 

Those cabrones  probably thought they could mess with Finn while I was busy dealing with moose.

(Translation: Bastards)

"Dipshits, move." I said to them. 

The three boys all hurried out of my way, homework in hand.

 Everyone watched me as I walked to the sink and started washing Moose's blood off my hands, making the running water turn red.

When I was done drying my hands I turned towards the three boys.

"Hey fuckfaces," I said angrily. "You never do learn do you?" and with that I punched Matty straight in the nose. A big cracking noise erupted through the room.

"MY NOSE!" Matty screamed while falling to the ground. 

I got down on the floor straddling him while punching his face in. I kept punching until my fists were too sore to keep going. By the time I was finished you couldn't even recognize it was him. Serves him right. 

I slowly rose from my position over top of him and turned to Buzz and Matt who were helping Matty up. 

"That was a warning for you two, next time your faces will look a lot worse." I promised.

I walked back over to the sink to wash my hands again. While I was rubbing the new blood off, I realized I hadn't even said anything to Finney since I walked in.

"Hey Finn." I said while looking up at him through the mirror. He was already looking at me so when I did we made eye contact.

 Finney immediately pretended to be looking at the ground, but his face gave him away by  turning pink.

"Thanks for helping me out Robin. I'll make it up to you by bringing reeses cups to tutoring tonight, your favourite!" Finney promised. 

"Deal. I'm skipping science so I'll see you at lunch okay?" I said with a smile. 

"Of course! Bye Robin!" Finn beamed while grabbing his bag and running to first period.

Word count: 596
