what is love?

Your POV
  You get back from the other Ink. What the hell , wasn't he over there?
"Ah, Y/n chan I found you! Yey" Ink?then hugged you.
"Oh thats nice, let me just..." You get out of his grasp and ran into the local pizza place.
  You weave through some kids and parents along with a couple animetronics until you were behind a slide.
There, that would buy you some time.
As you caught you're breath a shadow loomed over you. You look behind you in dread only to see nothing.
"Uh, excuse me miss?"
You looked lower to see a creepy lookin rabbit costume with a purple bowtie and vest.
"Are you lost?"
"What, no." You replied and turned to face him.
"Do you have any friends??" They said while flailing about and making an ok sign.
You nod, maybe if you just go along with this, they'll leave you alone.
"Awwww, thats too BaD," The bunny then tilted his head," if you'd like, I could give you the happiest day ever."
"No, nope, how about no creepy person. I prefer that you don't-"
But he was already T posing away while beckoning you to follow him as he glitches through the door like he has 900 ping.
You hear Ink enter the building and decided fuck it, and followed.
Inside the room, there was a table, a meme poster, and a present. Ok so far so good at least he doesn't sniff memes.
The guy then takes out a spoon and begins to open the present with it in excitment to reveal....
After taking a loong sniff of memes he passes out, but not after giving you a small box with the initials, R.R.
Weird but whatever....Yeah I should probably leeaave.
You exit the room and run out only to nearly fall into an end portal.
" SHIT!"
"Damn it." Nightmare said in disappointment," I thought it would work again."
"Ok Nootmare, whats the big deal?"
"You keep helping Ink and throwing me in portals for some unknown reason."
"Oh, well I might as well do a whole evil monalogue now huh. But this pizza place isn't the right setting..."
He snaps his fingers and instantly your teleported to a throne room.
You still stared, unimpressed and awaiting your impending boredom.
" Now, the reason why I'm helping this fool is to ensure that I get total rule over the AUs."
"But he stood in my way EVERY time. His little group was an annoyance to me. Heck, I even outnumber them and yet, they kept me from reaching my goal. Then you came along."
"Cool beans."
"He got so distracted that he left most of the universes open for me to take over. And soo, if I keep him distracted with you, I could go through with my plan and maybe kill him once and for all."
He sighed and shot you a look.
(damn it my dislexia autocorreted shot to shit, lmao)
"Your world would be corrupted and maybe destroyed if deemed useless.And you would probably never see F/n or anyone you know ever again."
"Great, do I die?"
"No, I might keep you incase Ink realized that I replaced most of his emotions with yandere related ones and decides to whoop my ass."
You slowly start walking back.
"Hey, wait sir. No, I probably won't like being used for your EvIl plans and I will kick YOUR ass if you kill my friend permanently."
He laughed," I won't hold you here against your own will Y/n."
"...What do you mean?"
" Well, I might juuussst get you to help me. I miiight just make your life a lot easier."
You take one good look at him.
"Pfft, really?"
Nightmare then stood up from his throne and cleared his voice.
Wait wtf, why do you hear music kicking in?
He then proceeds to sing a better version of Get this party started while attempting to convince you to join him and his plan. He even went on a joyride with you in a mercedes bends (yes, bends) and even danced with you. Although, you weren't a great dancer and stepped on his feet a lot...or you are a great dancer and just intended to step on them because this feels cliche.
At the end of the song he smiled and asked if you had changed your mind yet.
Hmmm, maybe you should try that weird box.
You nod and said you had a gift and yeeted the box at him.
You began running when he opened it.
Because when he did
Good ol' Rick Roll started singing Neva gonna give you up.
And you were looong gone before he could look up.
You had managed to get back to Dream and F/N.
" OH MY STARS, Y/n!" He hugged you and had tears streaming out of his eyes," I was worried that Ink had got you, I'm sooo glad that you are ok."
You smiled and tiredly hugged him back.
"What happend?"
You then explained to them about all of the things that you went through.
Dream and F/n gasped.
" ohhhh stars, so thats what happened to him. That...BASSTARD!"
"Oh, uh..I'll explain later."
You just nod and told them that you needed s l e e p. They let you be as you made your way to your bedroom and crash into your bed.
*Super mario 64 painting transition*
You woke up in the anti void. Getting up, you noticed Ink painting nearby. Since it was a dream, you approached.
"In the spirit."
He sighed and went back to painting a doge.
"Are you going to run from me again?"
" No, its a dream and you really haven't done any damage." You sat next to him.
"Oh, so you're dreaming? Cool. At least you visited me uwu."
"Wait, you aren't a figment of my inagination?"
He shook his head and placed his brush down. The color from his eyes slowly start to fade and he grabs one of his bottled up emotions to drink and remembering the undead sushi's unoriginal plan, you stop him.
"I wouldn't drink that if I were you."
You then tell him a quick summary of THE PLAN.
"That, little, shet."
"Yeeaahhh. "
He sighed," Now what am I going to do...."
Suddenly you feel something next to your hand. You look down to see THE BOX. The frick?
You felt yourself waking up. I guess you could Rick roll him.
You give him the box and to your surprise he pulled out his original vials.
His eyes lit up and he smiled," Thanks."
Before you could reply, your LSD dreams kicked in and you proceeded to get chased in a forest by some dude with a shotgun. You climbed a tree in the hopes of hiding from tha killa when they turned around and looked up.
Wtf thats illegal.
They started to climb the tree so you did the most logical thing.
You kicked him in the face, jumped down and teleported away.
You then wake up the next day feeling like you had been yeeted to narnia and back.

(Psst, want to listen to Nootmare singing that song???? Well, since it yeeted itself out of youtube your going to have to google it. Its on a different website so I think he was yeeted to Japan this time lmao)
