
🚨No warnings🚨 (If there are any warnings, then please tell me.)

So umm, I have very little ideas as of right now. But, I don't care. So I'm going to make the chapter as good as I can.

Hawks POV

I waited for the Hero Government to respond to my message. And eventually they did. The message says,

'Hawks, Thank you for confirming our suspicion. We honestly thought that the spy would never tell themselves out. But, you must have done it yourself or you were told to go ahead and reveal yourself to us.

Although, you are no longer a hero. We will accept your last wish. So right now, Endeavor has been moved down to the top 50 heroes. And the public will soon know what he has done to you and anyone else.

Thank you for being a hero while you were, even if you were forced.

-The Hero Government'

As I read the message, I had smiled. Why? Well, because, they did my last wish, despite I wasn't a hero anymore. And by the fact that they understood why I did what I did.

Afterwards, me and Dabi made it to our room. When we were there. We sat on the bed and cuddled into each other while also keeping my egg warm.

5 months into preggnancy.
(I'm very sorry about that...)

It's been five months since I had found out I was pregnant. And today, me, Toga, Twice, Dabi, and Shiggy were heading towards Overhaul's base. Jade and Bakugou were staying back. Although they were still helping us.

How were they going to help? Well, Jade is focused on where everyone is at and when and where to move. Bakugou is focused on look out. Basically, he was checking our surroundings and also where we need to go.

Let me tell you our roles in what we need to do and where we are going,

Dabi, Twice:
They are going to search the base to see if they can find where the drugs are being held.

She is going to distract Overhaul's goons and the heroes if they do arrive.

Me (Hawks):
I'm going to search for how they are made or to see if they are keeping anyone captive.

When we all get there, we all go to where we need to go.  As I'm walking down the halls, I hear crying or rather whimpering as some would say. So, I went towards the sound. As I got closer. I saw the sound was coming from behind a door.

I then get to the door, and then I open it. When I did, I saw a girl with light blue, wavy, hair sitting on the bed. At first I didn't see the bandages on her, but when I did, I slowly went over to her. Then, I look at her and say,

H: Hey there.

?: Who a-are you..?

H: I'm.... Keigo...I'm here to get you out of here.

?: Really!

H: Mhm, of course, uh..

?: Oh, Umm, I'm Eri..

H: Now come on.

E: ...How?

H: Hmm?

E: How will I get out..?

H: Hmm...Ah, I know.

I then carefully pick her up and walk out the building. I notify Bakugou and Jade that I have a girl and that I'll be back soon.

As soon as I step outside the building, I spread my wings and flew.

H: Hey, Eri?

E: Yes, Mr. Keigo?

H: Do you know how the quirk erasing drugs were made?

E: Mhm...

H: If its not too much to ask, could you tell me how.

E: My blood.

H: I'm not following?

E: My quirk, which is my horn, is a rewind quirk. And because of that the Bad Man would constantly take my blood.

H: Oh, I'm sorry that happened.

E: It's fine, Mr. Keigo.

We then make it back to our base. She asked where we were and I told her that we were at her new home. I knew it wasn't the best, but the way everyone acted was surely much better than Overhaul treated her.

She asked me which room was hers and I told her that she can pick. She chose a room that was next to mine.

H: Eri, how old are you?

E: Hmm, 7.

H: Do you know what your second gender is?

E: Om-Omage..

H: Omega?

E: Yea!

H: Did you know, that your real special.

E: How?

H: An Omega with a strong quirk like mine or yours, is very rare to find.

E: You an Omage too?!

H: Yes.

E: Cool!

I smile at her. You know, she's kinda like she's my own child. Like I've known her since she was born, but that wasn't true. I honestly wonder how she would feel about getting adopted by me and Dabi. If he agrees, that is.

I'm lazy...When the others came home. And yes Overhaul has been successfully defeated.

I went down to where Dabi and the others were. And when I was down they saw me and asked why I was home earlier than they were. I responded saying that U found a kid and had to take her home.

I then walked up to Dabi, then I grabbed his arm and pulled him to Eri's room.

D: Why are we here?

H: Eri, Come here please.

Then Eri came out of where she was hiding. When she saw Dabi, she went to me and clung onto my arm.

H: Eri, Don't be scared. He's nice.

E: Really..

Eri then turned towards Dabi and awaited his answer.

D: Yes, I'm nice.

E: 😊 Yay!

I smiled at Eri again and I saw that Dabi smiled at her too. I turned to Dabi and then I whispered into his ear. After I was done he looked at me and nodded. I smiled once again.

H: Eri.

E: Yes, Mr. Keigo?

H: Would you like to be our child?

E: How does that work?

H: We'll adopt you, and that will make you our child.

E: Hmmm, Okie Dokie! You can adopt me.

We all smiled at each other. I'm glad that Eri allowed us to adopt her. And with my egg hatching in about 4 months, she'll be an older sister. Of course she'll be 7 and the baby will have to spend a lot of of time with me. But I will take care of both whenever I can.

One week later.
Motivation and Ideas: Bye Bitch!!
But is that going to stop me writing? Haha, hell no.

Its been about a week since we've adopted Eri. And,as of right now she is enjoying her life. I had a talk with Jade and Bakugou and asked them if I could teach Eri how to defend herself. And, they said yes.

So, I went up to Eri's room and knocked on the door. She soon opened it.

E: Yes, mama?

H: Do you wanna learn how to defend yourself?

E: Will I be strong like mama and papa?

H: Yes. And you can defend yourself from the bad people.

E: Ok!

I then pick her up and then I walk out the building. Once we were outside, I took her to an open field. Once there, I told her that the first thing we are training is her quirk.

E: Ok, but how?

H: Lets try to rewind a plant alive to a time were it is smaller and still relatively growing.

E: Which plant?

I looked around for a plant for her to rewind. As I was looking, I found a flower that was wilting.

H: Eri, Try to rewind this.

E: Hmm, ok.

She tried and tried, but she couldn't. So, I told her that if she can rewind the flower then I'll give her a candy apple.


When mama told me that he'll give me a candy apple, I tried my very best to rewind the flower even just a tiny bit.

And a minute later, I rewound the flower to where it was standing up straight. I looked at the flower and was proud of myself. I then looked at mama and smiled. Which I received back. Mama then gave me a delicious candy apple.

And for the next few weeks, Mama helped me control my quirk. We did find out that I can bring dead plants to life, but not people.

How did we find that out? Well, I found a few dead plants and rewound them to life. And for the person. Well mama killed someone who was looking at me weirdly, so I tried to rewind them. But all I could do was erase the traces of being killed.

It kinda made it look like they died of disease or heart attack.

Now, Can I rewind dead animals, example, cats, dogs, bunnies, etc? Well, I don't know about that yet. We haven't made that much progress. And besides, I don't really think that I'll need to rewind pets.

And as of right now, Mama is telling me that he and papa are going to teach me to how to defend myself from bad people.

So, In the next few weeks mama and papa are going to teach the basics then, slowly the other LOV members will teach me what they know. And honestly, I'm very excited to be able to defend my self.

1 month later (6 months into preggnancy)

I now know the basics of how to defend myself. Yes, It took a whole month. But it wasn't my fault. Mama taught what he needed to, and Papa wasn't always home to teach me.

Who is teaching me now? Well, hopefully for the next week or two, Auntie Toga is teaching me how to use a knife. Which does include how to use it when surrounded by many people instead of just one. Along with pulling a knife out of basically nowhere.

Then next, will be Uncle Twice, who will teach me how to distract people. Its weird, I know, but its whatever. Uncle Twice's teachings will tell me how to distract people who are surrounding me, people who are following me, and people who are trying to touch me in uncomfortable ways.

After Uncle Twice, it'll be Uncle Kacchan. He'll teach me how to use my words to defend myself, which honestly should've been the first one I learned. But, his teachings include how to threaten people, 'bark' at people, and any other ways to use my words offensively.

Then It'll be Uncle Deku. He'll teach me what to do without my quirk to help. He'll also teach me how act innocent and vulnerable, but in reality, I'll be able to kill anyone I need to. And he'll also teach me how to hack computers, phones, and other devices no matter what has happened.

Then after that, I'll been done with my self defense and pre-villain training. What about Shiggy? Well, he doesn't help much, in fact he rarely even talks to us. I don't know why. I even asked Uncle Deku about it and he said that as soon as he (Deku) was put in control Shiggy just stopped talking to them.

But, it didn't matter. Why? Because if I'm honest, I just don't care. Its his problem if he wants to talk or not. Not mine. Not anyone else's, but his own.

T: Eri!

E: Auntie!

I ran up to her and hugged her.

T: Are you ready for your knife training, Eri?

E: Mhm. Anything to make me like you, Uncles, Mama, and Papa.

T: Great. Now come on. I got some targets for you to hit with a knife.

E: But, I don't know how to throw a knife.

T: I'll show you how, so don't worry. Alright Eri.

E: Okie.

Auntie then showed me how to throw a knife from many distances. And then how to hit multiple targets with multiple knives. She also showed me how to find someone without my eyesight.

How? Well, it'll be based off of scent and sound. And if that didn't work, then wait till they get close, then grab a knife or a sharp object and stab them.

(I don't know how to end this, but whatever. I honestly might end it here, but I'm highly unsure of where to end.)

Also, everyday after training, I see mama and papa holding an egg up to them. One day, I was very curious, so I asked them why they were taking care of an egg. They told me that a child is in the egg.

E: How is there a child in there?

MH (Mama Hawks): Do you know how baby birds are made?

E: Mhm.

MH: It's kinda like that. Except, it's a human and not a bird.

E: Oh. So, you and papa made the egg, which holds a child inside?

PD (Papa Dabi): Umm, well, It is mama's, but it isn't mine.

E: What? So, mama was raped?

MH: Who taught you that?

E: Shiggy.

MH: Of course. But, yes I was.

E: Oh, Is that why you are teaching me self defense?

PD: Umm, its part of the reason.

E: Ok.

MH: Eri, do you want to watch TV with us?

E: Yes!

I got onto the bed and cuddled in between mama and papa. They put on my favorite show, My Little Pony.
(Don't judge. I really like this show. Plus it was either this or Paw Patrol. Honestly, you can choose which one you want, like you can pick your own or one the ones I have offered.)

Eventually, me, mama, and papa fell asleep. I'm glad they adopted me. Because if they didn't, I don't know who'd I'd be with right now. Or if I'll even be out of Overhaul's base.

That's the end of the chapter!

I'm sorry if the chapter ended abruptly and wasn't that good. I didn't have many ideas for how to end it.

I plan to make the egg hatch in the next chapter or the one after. But that'll only happen when I run out of Ideas to use.

But, maybe, tell me. Should I have the egg hatch next chapter or the one after?

Anygays, have a great day/night/evening!

2392 Words
