

I sit down in the CR as Emu places down a cup of coffee, finally getting me something to keep me from yawning so much.

"That park didn't wake you up?" he asks, moving to the seat across from me. He pulls out the chair and sits down. "And where did he go?"

"Parad is going to be out for the rest of the day. What time is it again?"

"Evening. Five."

"Of course it is," I say, sighing a bit. "He dumped me to hang out with some girl named Sakura. I didn't get a chance to get her last name though because he noticed she was a gamer." 

"Sounds like my Bugster," Emu responds, shaking his head with a slight smile on his face. "I think it is good for him to meet someone. Anyways, I'm going to leave you here with Kiriya for a bit. I have some work to do."

"Did you get a call before you got me?"

He nods. "I did."

I shake my head. "That's more important than me. Next time you should send Kiriya to get me."

"Did someone say my name?" Kiriya asks as he enters the CR, strolling in casually with his hands in his pockets. He also has sunglasses on indoors for no reason. "It is everyone's favorite bike!"

"I'm not going to ride you," Emu tells him. "And neither will Elkie. Give up on your bike dreams." He stands up and smiles at Kiriya, looking quite joyful.

"Stop messing with me like that, man," Kiriya responds as he lifts up a hand, removing his sunglasses. "You're mean these days."

"I am trying to say goodbye to my waifu," he tells Kiriya, being a boy gamer right now with his terminology. "Waifu before anything else."

"The Waifu is laifu or something like that," I say, laughing. "Why do you need someone to be on you? Is there something going on with you in your bike mode?" If he wants someone to ride him, he might want to show off something he founds out about himself. 

"Yeah, I figured out how to go even faster. I just wanted to show it off," Kiriya says, holding up his Gashat. "Do you want to see me in action? I need someone to be on me when I do it though. I can't go as fast if I don't."

"I'll think about that long and hard." Yeah, going to have to skip out on that one.

"There you all are," a familiar voice says and I look over, turning my head towards the sound of the voice. Hiiro.

Hiiro enters the room fully, getting off the steps, and holds up a box. He then holds it out towards me, coming to a stop. He looks at me, staring at me with a cool expression. He's always so cold looking.

"What is up with the box?" I ask, getting up and moving to the side of my chair. Emu is up now too. 

"I can't shake it or else it'll ruin the contents of the box," he states, not giving me an actual answer. "Take it and open it up to see what is inside."

"Oh, you got her a present for no reason? You know it isn't her birthday, right?" Emu stares at Hiiro, looking at him like he's on something. "Why would you get Elkie something when she's not celebrating anything?"

"There is something she should be celebrating. Now shut up and let her open the box up," Hiiro snaps, not even batting an eye at Emu. "Go on, open it." Why does he have to keep his eyes on me while speaking to Emu?

I reach out and take the box from him, removing it from his hands carefully. "Open it now?" I ask.

"Yes, I just told you to do that." He nods. "Go ahead and open it to see what is inside. I think you will like what is inside that box there." 

I look down at the box and sigh, nodding. "Alright." Why is this making me all nervous?

I place down the box and open the top of it, removing the lid carefully and slowly. I look at the top of the object in it, which looks like it has glitter on it. No, that's not glitter. That some special topping that looks like it. I believe it is some kind of sugar, but I'm not a baker. That kind of thing is just not my kind of thing really.

"A cake?" I ask.

"Read it." 

I look at the words carefully, eyes staring at the Japanese writing on it. Good thing I can still understand Japanese here. If I couldn't, I would be screwed. 

My eyes go wide. "I'm hire?"

"You're hired," Hiiro confirms. "Congratulations, Elkie. My father had me pick up the cake first thing this morning. It took me a bit to get it here, but that is how it is sometimes."

 "So, that is why you're getting her a present then, huh?" Emu sighs. "Good. I was worried you were going to try and take her away."

"You weren't worried about that at all. You never worry about that these days," Hiiro responds, eyes going over to Emu as I stare at him. "You know Kuroto has a higher chance of being with her than I do, right?"

"That he does," Emu says in agreement. "You're like a brother. That would be gross."

"That would be," I state in agreement. "So, Hiiro, do you want to cut up this cake? You're good at chopping things up into pieces."

"I am," Hiiro agrees, taking the cake box from in front of me. "I will go ahead and get this served up. Where is the Bugster at? I'm sure he's going to be wanting some cake. I will bring some to Walter. He's at the house locked up in the bedroom to keep him from wandering out without permission."

"You locked him up in your room?" Hiiro is twisted. 

"He's not alone," Hiiro points out. "Don't worry about him too much. I wouldn't leave him unattended to."

I look at Emu and smile. "I guess I'm working here now." I'll forget about Walter's situation for now since he is in good hands. Hiiro is harmless.

"I am so proud of you, dear," Emu tells me, moving closer to me. He grabs my hands, holding onto them softly. "You're wonderful and you're going to be a wonderful nurse here. You're going to do great things."

"Not as great as you."

"Hey, I'm still here," Kiriya says, reminding us that he's alive still. "Congratulations, Elkie. You're going to be seeing a lot of us here. You're going to be reminded of when you were here earlier on."

"I am sure she won't be tricking anyone ever again, right?" Emu asks me, staring at me curiously.

"You know I have no intentions of making up some story again." I still don't know how anyone even bought that in the first place. "I don't know how anyone even bough that. Did it seriously not cross anyone's mind that I could make up my home universe?"

"Well, to be fair," Kiriya says. "Who could prove you wrong besides Kuroto and me?"

"True." That's a fair point. "Anyways, cake!"

"I have a piece here," Hiiro says, sitting down with his slice. "Cut your own."

I look at him, glaring. "Didn't I tell you to cut some for everyone?"

"You merely suggested it because of my skills. You didn't tell me to actually do it and make sure everyone gets a slice. Maybe give orders next time instead of offering me a position to do such an action," he says, answering me. 

"Fair enough." He's too smart for me to battle against. "Should I make sure Jennie gets some for herself and Taiga?"

"Do as you want," Emu tells me. "It is your cake despite Hiiro claiming the first piece of it."

"I hope that I'm not interrupting anything special down here," a woman's voice says and I look over as a woman comes in slowly. Saiko. She looks like I've been told she looks like.

"What are you doing down here?" Hiiro asks her, not sounding happy to see her. "You better not be causing us trouble."

She shakes her head and smiles, eyes on Hiiro. "I am here to tell you that everyone that needed to be brought back is officially back now. It was a long process, but it was worth it. Everyone has been brought back properly. Oh, right..." Her eyes go to me. "Welcome to the workplace officially! You're going to be a great nurse to have on board. I look forward to working with you when it comes to the patients that you end up handling."

"Can I ask you about something, Saiko?" I ask. "Oh, thanks, by the way." 

"Sure." She nods. "Go ahead."

"Masamune Dan. What will happen to him? I assume he's been brought back to life."

"Ah, he's going straight to prison for a bit. He won't be there too long as he assisted us with dealing with some other things. He does have to pay for causing terror Worldwide though," she answers, smiling wider. "It is what he deserves though, right? He did cause a ton of deaths."

"Does that mean that...?" Saki is back?

"Saki is back and Hiiro was reunited with her earlier in the day. She's at his house recovering from the surprise of everything going on around her," Saiko states. "Well, more like waiting for Hiiro to get done with work. He didn't want to overwhelm her on the first official day alive again."

"Is that true?" Taiga?

My eyes go to behind Saiko as Taiga moves around her. She turns to him, staring at him with slightly wide eyes. She wasn't expecting him.

"Well, yes, she's back," Saiko responds and Taiga turns away. "Is it a problem for you to have her back? Wait...I know what happened. You got fired because she died due to you failing. You're the one that failed to save her."

"And she forgives him. She said he tried his best and that is what matters the most," Hiiro says, bringing up that Taiga is forgiven for the past. "She is just grateful to be back home and that so many cared for her."

Pixels appear beside Saiko and Parad appears, forming completely. Saiko turns and jumps up, startled by the Bugster. Yeah, let's hope she gets used to him doing that in the future. He is always doing that these days since I've been here.

"Parad, what are you doing here?" Saiko asks. "You can't just teleport in whenever you feel like it." 

"Elkie is cool with it, so I can," he responds, not really answering her. "Hey, I had so much fun at the park. Emu, is it cool if I hang out again later with my new friend? Oh, free cake!" He turns, moving towards the cake.

"Uh...sure," Emu says. "Do as you please as long as you're not harming innocent lives."

Okay, this is one crazy day so far. 

A/n: And here is the new chapter! Sorry it took a bit, but I was finishing up the ending part. I was going to make it longer, but I didn't want it to be too long. I'll make the last chapter the longest chapter probably.

Anyways, thanks for reading and see you next time!
