

"We had a lot of fun swinging at the park, huh? It sucks it ended because we had to come back here. I don't see why Hiiro needs us to be here," Parad says, sighing heavily because our fun ended. 

"He said Emu wanted to see us as soon as possible. I think he didn't trust us being alone together for too long. He mentioned something about us being chaos when put together," I say, shaking my head. "We're not chaotic when together at all."

Parad chuckles. "You think so?" 

I look over at him and nod my head. "Yeah, I really do think that we're not that chaotic compared to our past selves. We've done a lot of growing up."

He nods his head in agreement, smiling warmly. "That we did. It sucked growing up, but it had to be done."

"Yeah." It did.



I turn my head as my eyes land on a person on the ground. They look like they just fell from some place, but where? The only place that is really tall here is the hospital and he certainly didn't come crashing down from all the way up there.

The person sits up, their eyes going wide as they look around this place. 

"What in the world is going on? Why am I even here?" They ask, their eyes going to me. "Elkie?"

"Walter?" What in the world is he doing here right now? Didn't he get stuck in the last world all alone without me and Jennie to be there at his side?

"Who in the world is Walter?" Parad asks me, moving over to the man's side. He holds out his hand. "Hey, let me help you up."

Walter's eyes go over to Parad and go even wider. "AH! A fictional character is talking to me! Am I on drugs or something right now? I don't remember doing any drugs. How in the world is this possible?" 

Parad snickers, looking off to the side. "You wish. I am one hundred percent real these days, buddy," he states, eyes returning to Walter as he places his hand on him. He pulls on him, lifting him up off the ground.

"You're Pa-"

"Parad. I know who I am. You are who to her?" 

"Walter is my best friend from my home world," I say, answering Parad's question for Walter. "I don't even know how he got here. He was left behind once I went through the portal back. How did you even find me?"

Walter stares at me. "You didn't see me behind you there? I went in right after you and some voice told me that I would be happier here with my friends. I thought I was in a dream world or something when that happened. Are you telling me that this is real and this is where you were all those ages ago?"

"Yeah, that is what I'm saying right now. I vanished from our world to this one. Then Jennie followed somehow by magic. It is difficult to explain, but we weren't given a choice in the matter," I tell him, trying to answer him the best I can. "Kuroto brought us in after Kiriya opened the original portal. He gained free will somehow and came to our world, which made this world real and unstable."

Walter's eyes go even wider, wider than before. "You mean to tell me that this world exists for real? Like actually became real because of some majestical magical force outside our control?"

"That is exactly what she's telling you," Parad says, answering for me. "Are you stupid or something? Goodness, even I understood it after the first time hearing the truth. Did you know she told me she was from a world where I was a King? Man, if only..." How can he be concerned about that right now when Walter is here?

"I am going to need to talk to Emu about this. This isn't supposed to be happening." I cannot believe that he is here. "Oh, you're a Bugster, Parad! Teleport to Emu and tell him to come here this instant."

Parad stares at me. "You want me to teleport to him when you can just send him a text? It is just like me and teleporting."

"Teleporting is faster than me sending him a message. Besides, he won't miss you. He probably isn't even staring at his phone right now since he's working."

"Wait...is Jennie here with you guys? Is that why she's missing in our world?" Walter really remembers that now that I'm trying to get Emu's help? 

"Yes, she's here and is married to some douche bag named Taiga. Anyways, we don't need to explain that right now. Parad, go and teleport to Emu right now." I feel so bossy right now, but I have to be. "NOW!"

Parad rolls his eyes, moving away from Walter. "You owe me for this one, Elk."

"Yeah, sure thing." I don't owe him anything really. "Go and tell him to meet me here. Also, come back when you're done doing that, alright? I need someone to keep Walter from freaking out even harder. I'm not going to be good at doing that since I'm awful at cheering up my friends." In my opinion, I suck at that these days.

"Do you want me to grab anyone else?" Parad asks me.

"Just bring the usual. Call for Taiga as well, please. Have him bring Jennie over immediately," I tell him, sighing as my head begins to pound. This is one gigantic headache for me right now. 

"Okay, I'm on it." Parad stands still as his body fades into pixels, disappearing from view.

"EH? DID HE JUST TELEPORT?" Walter screeches, looking like he's going to pass out at any given moment. I honestly don't blame him for wanting to right now because that is kind of how I felt a few times here.

"Vroom vroom~ Bike man is here!" Kiriya?

I look behind me as Kiriya gets off his motorcycle, which he had to get at some point. He removes his helmet and hangs it on the bike. He moves over to the steps and moves up them, coming quickly.

"What is going on here? You look so lost right now," Kiriya asks me.

"What are you doing here so late?" Why is he the one asking questions right now when I should be?

Kiriya's eyes go over to Walter. "Is it because of him being here? Who is he and why does he look like his entire world just got flipped upside down? And to answer your question, Elkie." He points at me, eyes returning to me as his lips curve upwards into a sly smile. "I'm working a nightshift. Jealous?"

I roll my eyes. "Hardly. Nightshifts are a pain in the ass. Anyways, Kiriya, enough about your work," I say, my head turning back to Walter. "He's my friend from my home world. He's the one who wanted to know what world I would want to go to. And you know what? He can finally see it since he's here now. How in the world did he get here?"

"Well, I don't know," Kiriya answers quickly, dropping his hand down to his side. "But I think that answer is that he wanted to see his friends. Whatever brought you back here has brought him here for a reason. It is the reason I got to your world in the first place." 

"He's been to our world?" Walter asks. "Great! Just flipping great! A fictional character went to the planet they don't exist on!"

"The correct wording there would be that I went to the world I only exist as a TV character in," Kiriya says, correcting Walter. 

"Kiriya, not helping," I state, groaning. "Parad, where in the world are you?"

"Did you miss me?" There he is! "Oh? Kiriya? What brings you here in the evening? Don't tell me...are you working late tonight? Brutal."

I look over as the Bugster turns his head, eyes going to the doors of the hospital. My eyes go over to it as Emu and Poppy come out of it, Hiiro tailing behind them with his hands in his coat pockets. They all look like this is really urgent. Well, it is really urgent.

"Is that the person who just arrived?" Hiiro asks, moving over to Walter immediately.

I turn to them and nod my head. "He's my friend from back home. Walter, this is Hiiro Kagami. He's a medical professional who is amazing at surgeries." I'm going to keep these words small for Walter to understand in his fragile state.

"And I'm Emu Hojo, her boyfriend and the love of her life. We're going to get married one day," Emu says, being soft with his words. "Oh, this is Poppy. Poppy, introduce yourself to Walter."

"Poppy is a Bugster," Hiiro states. "She works for the CR. Now, are you feeling anything like dizziness or perhaps head pain?" 

Walter stares at Hiiro, eyes wide. "Are you seriously checking me out right now?"

Hiiro nods his head, pulling his hands out his coat pockets. He holds up a light, flashing it into Walter's eyes, and I resist the urge to laugh. He's definitely concerned about possible damage from coming here from the Original World.

"His pupils are normal," Hiiro tells me. "He obviously isn't disoriented. He's just in slight shock. Give him a few minutes and he'll be back to normal. We'll get him something to drink in the CR. No one is going home tonight."


"No," Hiiro says, cutting me off.

"Does this mean we can play games with me all night long?" Poppy asks. "We can dance, right?" She's happy to be getting a little party tonight.

"We're going to be observing Walter to make sure nothing happens to us or him while he is with us. Kuroto should be available to us to discuss how this even is possible. And by the way, Taiga and your other friend are approaching," Hiiro tells me, getting up from Walter's side. How come he is able to notice things like that sometimes?

I turn as Jennie rushes up the steps, wearing a nice outfit that looks like she just came from a date. Where did she get that tight red number from? Maybe I should get that dress so I can look sexy for Emu at night in the bedroom.

"Walter!" Jennie exclaims, rushing pass me and over to our friend. I turn as she embraces him, practically knocking him over. "I came with Taiga as fast as I could! We were eating out together when we got word."

"I am the one she's going to marry," Taiga says, sounding annoyed that he's not getting any attention from Jennie right now. "Jennie, this is the friend you told me about?"

Jennie nods, her head turning to Taiga as her lips curve upwards and eyes water. "Yes! This is my friend, Walter!"

Well, I guess we're going to have a long night speaking about what to do about this situation. Hopefully, it won't bring about the destruction of this world. Also, I should look into talking to that tree. It may hold some answers for me, but I'm not sure if speaking to it is possible.

For now, I just have to figure out how to make Walter comfortable in this world. 

A/n: Sorry for the delay in getting out the chapter to you all! I was in the process of finishing it up when I injured my hand at work (it was bruised and just in pain, but nothing serious thankfully!). I was untangling something and accidentally lost my grip, causing me to smack it against something. Anyways, I'm better now and here is the chapter!

We got an entire friend gang here now! Yay! I hope we can have some more fun with all of these characters in the rest of the remaining chapters. Elkie is happy to see her friend. I mean, who wouldn't? Let's see what happens next time.

Thank you for reading and waiting for this chapter! <3 Take care everyone and see you next time!

PS: If anything doesn't flow together, it is because I changed when and where this took place. If you notice anything weird, just know I know about it and will fix it up later. I think I fixed it all, but I've been wrong before. Sorry if it bothers any of you, but I preferred it like how it is now. 
