
-70- **Warning: Cliche stuff ahead. Sorry if the cheesy stuff slays you** 

I am an official nurse now, which is kind of bittersweet. I wanted to do in the world of Ex-Aid under Emu's watchful eyes. But it is fine that I couldn't do that. I am going to make him proud and make sure he has a smile on his face on the other side.

"Here, take this," I say, holding out a gaming console to a young woman. She's definitely a few years younger than I am, so she is probably wanting to find herself in this world like I did before. 

"What is it?"

I smile. "One of my friends gave me that when I was hanging out with him. He's into gaming and I was with his best friend. However, we're away from each other right now and aren't really able to talk. So, I have no idea what is going on with us." 

"I have never seen a handheld like this really. Well, I did have a DS lite," she responds, placing her hands on the thing I'm holding out to her. "Are you sure you want me to have this? It seems like it means a lot to you."

"Yeah, I want you to have it. Maybe if you hold onto it and make a wish, it'll come true like mine has. I'm just waiting for it to come true again and I think it might if I keep believing that it will. Love is a powerful thing." I wink and pull my hands back, leaving the device in her hands. "Always believe in yourself, okay? Don't be super negative about things."

"I'll try to do that," she says, her eyes going down to the device. "Are you sure that it belongs to me?"

"It does now. Anyways, I need to get to my class. I'm a nursing student who is about to graduate," I tell her and she looks back at me, her eyes leaving the handheld device. I smile and nod my head. "Bye!"

I hope that girl is doing well right now. Perhaps she's achieving her own dreams at this time. That gaming console is a sign that anything is possible to me. It is the one thing I kept from the other world besides the love in my heart for those two boys. Well, I do have good memories of friendship now as well. I made so many friends there. 

I turn my head, staring at a park with beautiful pink flowers on the trees, and smile. That park...it has been a huge comfort for me to walk around there and just chill. I've talked to myself there a lot as well. Perhaps I should go and visit this park since I'll be working soon. I've already applied to the hospital that partnered with my college for the fast track program. 

I move over to the park as the wind blows, sending a cool breeze at me. It is a beautiful cool day out, but it isn't too cool for me to be out in this dress I'm wearing. If it were to be that cold, I would be wearing a sweater. 

I stop at one of the trees and smile at it. It has the names of multiple couples in it and it is the biggest tree in the entire park. They even have a little thing that says it is the tree of romance for most couples. Of course, I'm just giving a summary of what the little thing says about it. 

"I wish I could put my name with Emu's name," I mutter out, leaning in towards the tree and placing my hand on it. "Perhaps I should do that anyways. We're still dating aren't we? It isn't like I need his permission to do so." I doubt he considers our separation a break up. He probably sees it as just a little bump in our relationship's road.

I reach into my pocket and pull out a pocket knife, which Walter got me to protect myself while I would walk around campus. He didn't want me to get into any trouble. He told me that I needed to protect myself and not trust those around me too much. So, I willingly took it and started carrying it to protect myself.

I move the knife up to tree and push out the blade part of it. I move it against the tree's bark and put my name and a plus symbol. I then crave Emu's name into it, my lips twisting upwards. I think this looks like the perfect addition to the tree.

"I wish to see him again, Tree. Our love was pure." It really was the pure kind of love. "Thank you for allowing couples to carve names into you for years." 

"Turn around, child."

I look around, my heart racing. "What in the world...?" What is ordering me to 'turn around'?

"What you seek is behind you. Go, be with those that you love."

I turn, looking behind me like whatever is talking to me tells me, and my eyes go wide.

A portal looks back at me, glowing with some sort of white energy. That thing it is showing me...is that what I think it is? Is that Seito University Hospital? This portal is to Ex-Aid's world! But how is this possible?

"Anything is possible with you believe it. True love is one of those things that can make the impossible happen."

I turn back to the tree as I drop my knife down to the ground. "You..." I think the tree is the reason why this is happening.

"I am not the reason why this is happening. It is your love that is making this possible. I simply just grant couples eternal happiness when their hearts are pure and their love true." 

"You're not a myth than." This tree really is all about couples. "Thank you, whatever your name is. I am sorry for calling you that, but I don't know your name."

"The Tree of Eternal Love is fine with me." 

"Thank you, Tree of Eternal Love." I am seriously talking to a tree right now.

"Now go. Be happy."

"But won't the worlds get all crazy again?" 

"It will not. This isn't like before."

I nod my head and turn back to the portal, which will take me to where I want to be. "Okay, I will take it then. I don't want to risk everyone else for the sake of my happiness."

"And that is the reason why you were the only person who could close the portal before. You were the only one willingly to risk everything without question. You gave up love for the sake of the happiness of those around you. Even if it made them sad for a moment, you made them truly happy by knowing that they can live freely."

"Yeah." I guess I did. Does that mean my friend was like 'Screw other people, I love Taiga'?

"Please live in pure happiness with Emu Hojo."

"Will Parad ever find love?" This tree might know if he can find someone for himself. I don't want to hurt his heart by having him hang onto me and Emu for the rest of his life.

"He'll be fine."

"Again, thank you." It is time for me to go. "Take care of Walter for me."

"I'll look out for him."

I'm still talking to a tree. "Thanks."

I move forward, running, and smile. 

This is it. This is the time for me to return to the person I've loved for a long time now. It has been years since I've seen him, but it hasn't been so many years. Just a few. The fast track program cut down the time it takes to be a nurse, so not that long.

I enter the portal and energy hits me, just like the previous portal had before. But this energy is different. It feels warm and loving, not as burning and dangerous as the other one. This is definitely the power of love right here.

I close my eyes as the energy warms up a bit more, but not to burning levels. This feels like someone is hugging me tightly and not wanting to let me go. This is the best kind of feeling in the world. It is peaceful.

And I hope once I'm done going through all of this, I can see what the Tree told me I could see. 

A/n: Decided to have a little magic in here. Cliche, I know! But I wanted a cute reason for her to be able to head back home and what better than some legendary tree in a park? Sometimes I love a good cliche when it comes to romance stuff. Explains why I like cheesy romance movies on TV :p

Anyways, sorry for the late update! I was busy the last few days and I spent the entire day with my twin the other day watching romance movies (like cheesy TV ones). The other times were work because we had important things to do in order to get ready to be graded by some big bosses (I was off when they actually came tho since they weren't able to make it when I was working. Don't know how the grade was). 

Thank you for waiting and I hope despite the cheesy nature of her return to the other world, you still like it. We all need a little magic sometimes ;) 
