

"And what were you doing last night, Elkie?" Oh, no! Hiiro alert!

I turn as my face heats up and I swallow hard. How am I supposed to get out of this one? Is he about to smite me where I stand for having a good time with a Bugster and human last night? Is that even illegal? Is a person allowed to freely bang a Bugster in this day and age? 

"You look like you're about to get killed," Kiriya comments and my eyes go to him, going wide. "What? You want me to shut up right now don't you?" That would be nice, honestly.

"She was having a good time last night," Hiiro tells him, not even looking his way. "Too good of a time it seems. I see that you're covering up your neck. Did they go at it hard?"

"She had a threesome? Why wasn't I invited?" Kiriya looks away, smirking slightly. "I am the life of the party." He is the life of the party for sure. I agree with him on that one. 

"Hey, what is going on down here?" Parad's voice asks and I turn my head towards him as he stares at all of us innocently. He's in for a world of hurt now isn't he?

Hiiro moves over to him and pushes him against the wall, holding him by his shirt. "Who said that you could do that kind of thing with her? What if you give her your virus by doing such a thing?"

"Chill. We were safe." Parad is somewhat right about that. We could have done more to be safe, but it is all good. "Why are you so pissed off over it? Did you want to touch her too?"

Kiriya moves over to Hiiro and pulls him back. "Hey, we need him to stay alive and not die by your hands! We're going to be saving the world with his help, okay? Emu needs him to be alive for his virus."

"Damn straight he does!" Parad puts a hand on his neck and rubs it. "Did you have to be so rough with me? Elkie wanted me in bed with her. I did nothing wrong." 

"He didn't do anything wrong, Hiiro. I'm the one who wanted him to be with me and Emu last night. He didn't do anything to Emu though." He had zero interest in banging him, which kind of sucks. I would have gladly watched that for free, but I'm a pervert so my opinion doesn't really matter here.

"Don't fight each other, please. Not in front of me." I don't want to deal with fighting this early in the morning. "Where is Kuroto at?"

"Kuroto?" Hiiro turns to me. "Why are you curious about him and his lunatic self?" 

I look down. "I want to speak to him as soon as possible is all. I want to get to know about something that Kiriya might not be able to tell me. You know, about things and how they are. Kiriya isn't as smart as he is." Kiriya is smart, but he's no boy genius.

"I am right here. I heard a rumor that you had a sexy time with two people last night. I hope it was good for you both," Kuroto says and I look over as he smirks slightly. "So, what is it that you're curious about?"

"What do I need to do to make this place okay?" I get closer to him and lean forward. "You know, to make it stop doing what it is doing?"

He leans down a bit. "Sacrifice of sorts. That is my guess."

A sacrifice of sorts? What in the world would that be? What would need to be sacrificed in order to make this place end up alright?

"Does your father know?" I ask, keeping my voice low.

"No, he has no clue. I won't tell anyone about it either. He doesn't deserve to know with how he has treated me," Kuroto responds, his eyes going to Parad. "How was he towards you? I thought I told you two not to be together."

"We aren't together. It was strictly for fun," I say, sighing a bit. "Kuroto, thank you for giving me some sort of idea of what to do in the future. I know it is all thoughts and theories about what will happen, but that doesn't matter. Any information about it is good information to me." At least right now it is.

It was a good time for all of us, but it wasn't like something that is always going to happen. I don't mind having a moment or two with Parad and Emu in the bedroom. The thing is though is that I only want to be with Emu for the rest of my life. I can have sex with whoever I want, but it'll never compare to anything I've done with Emu.

"Did you use protection?" Kuroto asks, voice still low. "Just curious."

"Parad, yes. Emu...uh...debatable." I'm sure I won't get pregnant so we're good. "I can't remember much about that moment with him. I remember it with Parad for sure." I got caught up in what I was feeling for Emu that I forgot to say anything about condoms.

"You should try to make sure that you're not pregnant when you leave. I would hate for you to explain that one to your family." You're telling me, Kuroto. 

I clear my throat. "So, what is going on today, boys?"

"I am going to go and play video games or stare at the sky on top of the hospital. Are you going to join me up there?" Parad is going up there?

"She's staying down here away from you," Hiiro states. "I need her for a bit anyway. You can go up there alone or have Poppy meet you up there. Be careful though. Cronus is out there somewhere."

"Ah, that's right isn't it? I guess I'll have to stay down here then," Parad says, sighing a bit. "Bummer, really. Elkie, I am staying down here after all it seems." Of course he is and as he should.

"Do you really need to stay down here, Bugster?" Hiiro asks him. "Can't you just go and do something you Bugsters normally do?"

"You don't complain about Poppy being here. Should she go and do something us Bugsters should be doing?" Parad counters. "Do you want us to infect people? Is that what you're implying with that, Hiiro?"

"I do not want you infecting anyone with Poppy. It is bad enough you started this awful game."

"My hand slipped. Kidding." Parad is clearly just messing with him now. "I am truly sorry for what I did. I am going to work on fixing things in order to pay everyone back. I sinned. I get that."

"You clearly didn't pay for your sins last night." Hiiro coming in with that clutch play. How is Parad going to top that?

Parad chuckles. "I was off the clock last night. I'm on the clock now, so let me pay for it now." Not as clutch, but good enough.

"Can you two quit arguing with each other?" Kiriya asks. "We should be focusing on handling the current situation out there. How are we going to stop you-know-who?"

"What is he? An evil wizard from Harry Potter?" I roll my eyes. "We can speak his name. He's going to go down when he is supposed to. How is he going to go down?" Why couldn't I have watched the entire show before coming here?

"What is going on here?" Emu's voice asks us and I look over at him as he places down a box. "Hiiro, your father has cake coming down here soon. How about you go and help him bring it here so we can all share it? It is the good stuff." Why is he acting like a good shipment of drugs just arrived here?

"I will go and help him out. Kuroto, Kiriya, and Bugster Boy, don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. I'm watching you are secretly." Hiiro turns and heads towards Emu, going towards the exit of the place. 

"Thanks for dropping by, Emu," Parad says, softly. "What brings you here right now?"

"I doubt you guys even noticed I was gone with all those comments flying out from Hiiro's mouth. I don't know why he's so protective over Elkie, but he just is. I'm afraid if I marry her, he'll show up at the wedding and make sure I do not during it or afterwards to upset her." 

"Hiiro is like a big bro to her," Parad comments. "I wish I could have a big brother."

"You have me." Emu is right on that one. "Elkie, did Hiiro bother you too much?"

I shake my head. "No, he didn't bother me too much. He did bother Parad a ton. Isn't that so, Parad?"

"Yeah, he's so bothered me! I actually enjoyed all his comments about our relationship. He knows nothing about us. He's just jealous we're getting laid while he's unable to." 

It isn't like it is Hiiro's fault he can't get laid. The only person he wants to sleep with is gone. She's dead and gone and he's probably going to have to work hard to bring her back to life. Is it even possible to bring back the dead?

"Well, if no one is going to bother Elkie, I'm going to," Kuroto states. "I will have Kiriya with me when talking to her."

"As long as he's with you, there is no objection from me. Kiriya, keep your eyes on him and make sure he doesn't harm her." Emu's eyes look me over. "No one is going to harm her. If they do, I will make them suffer by reprogramming them to be a NPC."

"That's a little harsh isn't it?" He can't do that, right? Is that even possible?

"Do you want to find out if I can do that or not? If not, don't test me. Elkie, don't worry too much about it." His lips curve upwards into a sweet smile. "I love you."

"I love you too, Emu." I guess I can hang with the boys. "Oh, can you see what Jennie is up to? I want to hang out with her as well."

"She's probably with Taiga and that other girl. What's her name again? Nico, right?" Parad doesn't remember her name? 

"My name is Nico!" There she is! "I don't even know why I bothered to come here! Nothing is even going on down here?"

I look at her as she appears behind Emu. "Hey, Nico!" I exclaim, greeting her. "Don't shove him out the way. You can shove Parad though. He did bully you in a video game competition."

"I did do that, but I don't need to be bullied for it. All is fair in love and video games." Parad, not helping here.

Nico sighs heavily. "Whatever. I don't have time to deal with him and his stupidity right now. Elkie, your buddy told me she'll be down here soon. I bet you were wondering what she was up to. So predictable."

"Am I really that predictable at times?" I don't understand how I am, but okay. "I am going to go with Kuroto and Kiriya, so let her know."

"With that creep?" Nico points at Kuroto. "He's so scary!" She steps back and her eyes go wide as she keeps her eyes on Kuroto, probably feeling like a ghost is haunting her.

I turn to Kuroto. "Is he really scary?" I think he is kind of like a giant teddy bear. Soft and easy to crush.

Kuroto looks away, looking a bit annoyed. "Can we go and do our own thing now, Elkie? I don't have time to waste."

"Yeah, we don't have much time to waste. Things could get worse at any given moment. Just because we haven't felt the world shake yet doesn't mean it won't happen. It is always quiet before things go to shit," Kiriya says, agreeing with Kuroto.

"Yeah, let's go." I nod. 

We don't have too much time to waste. Who knows when the world will get worse and what will happen. 

A/n: I am still working on the update for Kamen Rider Trouble, so please look forward to it. I'm working hard on it and trying to get it right before posting it. I know it is taking a lot of time to get it out, but I don't want to have a chapter that I didn't work hard enough on out. I try to put my all into all my stories to get a good story to you all.

What do you think will happen in the future chapters of this story? Of course, we'll see stuff that isn't good happening to this world. But will it be like before? How are they going to fix it? I guess you're going to have to read on to find out.

Thank you for reading and please look forward to the future chapters of this story. I will be posting a chapter of Memory Void soon (it has some chapters already typed up. I might even post a chapter of Destiny's Promise as well). Thanks again and love you all! <3
