

"This is such a drag," I mutter out. Emu is not being Emu right now and it sucks. It honestly really sucks right now to see it be like that. 

"Elkie, keep Emu here while I go and grab something to eat. I am needing something to eat to keep up my energy," Hiiro orders. He's just going to dump Emu onto me while he is out of it?

I look him in the eyes, glaring. "You're needing something to eat? What about me? I haven't had something to eat since this all went down!" I exclaim. I'm mad about this entire situation.

"Just do what you're told. You weren't supposed to be out earlier, but you were. You and Parad both showed up around the same time." 

"Don't go around making accusations. I just happened to be in the area at the same time as that Bugster." Not really. "Go and get something to eat. I'll handle Emu while he plays video games. He isn't going to probably do anything else anyways."

"I'll be back as soon as I can be." 


"What is it?"

"Did you check out his infection?" I look away, my heart pounding. He has to be fine, right? He isn't some weird combo of Emu and a Bugster right now, right?

"I did check it out."

I look back at him. "You did?"

"Yes, I did." He nods. "I can't see what is going on inside of him, but on the outside he is normal. The thing we use to check out the insides of the patient with the Bugster Virus is glitching out when used on him. So, I can't say anything on that."

"Oh...I see." So, whatever is going on in there is making things act up, huh? "So, it is complicated?"

"Yes." He nods again. "Anyways, I'll be right back. Don't you dare think about leaving with him."


Hiiro turns and walks towards the exit out of this place, leaving me alone with Emu. Great! How am I going to take care of Emu when he's out of it?

"Hey, Elkie!" 

I jump up and gasp. "Emu...?" 

He's right up in my face right now and it is so weird! This isn't like him to do right now. He's usually at my side and not up in my face. 

Emu looks me in the eyes, grinning cutely. "Do you want to play hide and seek with me? I know it is a bad place, but it'll be fun."

"But it isn't fun to play in this room. It is kind of bland." I am just being honest. Why is he trying to play a game with me?

"Oh, really? Okay, how about we go outside and have some fun playing hide and seek? I promise I won't run off!" He laughs, sounding as cute as he typically is. Is he really Emu or is he some twisted version of Emu that is trying to trick me?

I shake my head and step back. "We can't go outside. You know that it puts me in danger at times."

"That would ruin the game so I can see your point with that."

"You do?" He does?

He nods his head quickly, smiling still. "I do see your point. I can't have some creepy guy run off with you in the middle of a game. That would ruin the game completely and make me really upset. You know how much I love games, right?" I think I know what is going on here and it is kind of creeping me out. He's acting so much like Parad right now.

"How about you play a game on your handheld device?" I suggest. "I will watch you."

"You will? You can sit by me!" He turns and picks up his console from the table. "Come on, let's sit!"

I'm not so sure if I'm going to like this or not. I don't think I want to be stuck with him like this any longer. However, I don't have a choice. Taiga ain't going to come down here if I call him for help. He will just say it is my problem and hang up rudely.

"Is something wrong?" 

I look at Emu as he pouts. "Uh...no?" I shake my head. "Nothing is."

"I know you're not into games that much when they're like this kind, but you should enjoy me playing it. After all, I'm the best gamer in the world!" he exclaims, pointing at himself joyfully with a free hand. 

"Right..." I guess I should go and watch him game. "I'll sit by you."

He pops his butt down and pats the spot next to him, grinning still. I'm kind of creeped out right now. But this is Emu, right? I should trust him completely.

I move forward and sit down by him. "Okay, start it up."



"Elkie, are you okay?"

I open my eyes and lift up my head, yawning. What happened? Did I lose track of everything around me and have crap hit the fan?

I turn my head a bit and gasp. I fell asleep on Emu's shoulder! When did that happen? One moment I'm watching him game it up and the next moment I'm dreaming of a chocolate cake with strawberries on top. Why strawberries on top?

"Are you alright? You seem out of it."

"Oh, right!" I can't believe I just fell asleep. "No, I'm fine. I'm absolutely and one-hundred percent sure that I am fine! Are you...uh...back to being less playful and energetic?" 

"Yes, I am." He nods his head a little. "I am sorry if I bothered you with any of my actions during that. I don't know what got into me during that."

I turn my head, looking away from his face. "Ow..." I bring up my hand to my neck and rub it. Did I really have to doze off on him like that? That isn't something I should be doing with him at all. I would get it if it was Parad, but it isn't.

"Oh, did I hurt your neck by letting you sleep on me? I didn't want to disturb you for a bit, but you were like that for about an hour or two," he tells me, informing me of how long I slept like that. Did I have to sleep on him like that for that long? "Should I check on your neck?"

I look back at him. "Uh..."

"I'll be gentle with you." 

I'm not sure if it is okay or not to have him touch my neck right now. A cute guy wants to touch my neck to see if it is okay? Well, he might not even touch it. I don't even know for sure.


"Uh...sure." I nod. "Go ahead and look at it." I'm going to die from this.

He stands up and bends over a bit, chest near my face. Focus, Elkie, focus. Don't be a thirsty, man loving woman right now. 

"How many times do you sleep like that a week?" he questions. "I am curious."

"Uh...a few times depending on what I am doing. I sleep like that kind of on couches," I admit, answering his question. "I don't sleep like that on my bed though. Well...my kind of bed when I was in my main world."

"I get what you mean." He touches my neck gently, his warm hand feeling nice on my cool skin. "I think it is only painful on the inside. Just stop sleeping in an uncomfortable position and I will wake you next time you sleep on my shoulder like that." He pulls back and smiles, looking me in the eyes. Why does he have to be so close to me?

"Did Hiiro ever come back?"

"Hiiro? No." He shakes his head. "How about we forget about him and get something to eat? You're probably hungry and needing some energy." He stands up straight and holds out his hand towards me. 

"I am usually very hungry. Can we go to your house and make something delicious there? I want to try and cook for you." I want to try and get ready to make up everything to him once he figures out everything that I have said is a lie.

"You're not going anywhere with her, Intern," Hiiro says. Did he seriously just come back at this moment? "Once I know for sure if she is safe to be around you, you can go with her. Right now, however, I am unsure if you're safe to be around."

I stand up and Emu steps back, allowing me some space to stand. "Excuse me? You left me here alone with him and you think he's not safe? He did nothing to me while I fell asleep on the job!" 

"I knew that you would fail your task. Emu, pick up something to eat and share it here with her. She can go once I deem it okay for her to." 

I glare as Hiiro places down a box. He seriously left me alone with Emu's other personality for about two hours and thinks he's not safe? The nerve of this man!

"It is fine if I go with him, Hiiro. It isn't like Emu is always changing personalities randomly. It happened because of Kuroto," I state. I'm not going to get far with this, but I can try. 

Emu grabs my hand. "Elkie, ignore him. If he knew what was best for you, he would do it. Keeping someone locked up down here isn't what is best for them."

I look at Emu as he looks over at Hiiro, glaring. Wait...did he just grab my hand? But...but...

"I don't think you're understand what I'm saying, Intern. You're not safe for her to be around until I make sure you are. Once that happens, you can go out to eat with her all you want and have your little play date."

"Play date?" I scoff. Not that dating Emu is a bad thing, but I have someone at the moment. "Hiiro, watch your mouth!"

Emu releases my hand and touches my back gently. "I think I'll listen to him just this one time on this. I really don't want to put you in danger, Elk."

I shake my head. "But you're not a dangerous person." Parad is the only dangerous thing around here besides Kuroto.

"I'll get us something good to eat. Is chicken good enough?"


He smiles. "I'll be back soon."

He turns to Hiiro and glares, looking really upset. Does it really upset him to have to not eat with me at his home? I seriously hate Hiiro for ruining our fun right now.

Emu moves towards the exit, rushing away. He's going to make sure he's back faster than Hiiro was. Hiiro is like a snail sometimes, huh?

"Why did you get rid of Emu?" I look at Hiiro, pouting. He just had to get rid of the man that is my best friend here.

"I did not get rid of him. He left on his own," Hiiro replies flatly, looking away from me.

"Quit being horrible to me and be honest. Why did you get rid of him when you know he isn't a danger to me?"

"It is easier for him to bring food here than to have you cooking. I doubt you have any cooking talent in you." Hiiro looks back at me, no smile on his face. He's just so stoic. 

"Fine, I trust in what you're saying right now." I don't. He's trying to keep Emu away from me due to how he was acting and that is the only reason why he's keeping him away. He probably thinks it reminds me of Parad.

"You should eat well once you get the food he brings."

"I will."

"Did you contact your 'King' lately?" Now he's going to switch the conversation's topic again?

I shake my head. "I have zero contact with Parad."

"Make sure to stay out of contact with him." He narrows his eyes. He doesn't believe that I've been out of contact with Parad. He knows I've been off with him for sure, but he can't actually prove it.

"Even if I did waltz right up to him, he wouldn't hurt me." He's not as bad as they think he is.

"If he can hurt someone he is allies with, he could hurt you at any given moment. Don't think you know him just because you claim to have in another world," he warns. "He will betray you."

I don't think that he will. Parad isn't this cold guy they think he is. He is fun loving and sweet. He isn't as dangerous as Kuroto and never will be. He just wants attention and to be around people he can have fun with.

"If you go after him ever again, there will be consequences for you and that Bugster. Humans don't mix with Bugster and you should understand that."

"Are you threatening me right now?" I can't believe him! I really can't!

"I feel like I have to in order to get you to listen to me."

I look away. "I try to, but you're unreasonable."

"You're going to misbehave again. I know you will." Oh, he knows me pretty dang well right now. "I won't step in unless I have to. For Emu's sake, you should be careful with how you act. It could land you into trouble and put him in danger." Why would that put Emu in danger? 

I hope Emu comes back soon so I can leave this conversation.
