Chapter 12 - Karen

404 smiled and hug bill "thank you" 404 said as bill hug back, a few minutes they stop hugging as they looks at each other face to face 'god why is he so handsome' 404 thought as he blush blue "you ok?" bill ask "y-yeah" 404 said while looking away blushing until "i have to go now" bill said "why?" 404 ask "nightmare told me i should go to the surface for something" bill said "oh ok" 404 said as bill teleported away leaving 404 alone

*with bill*

bill was inside nightmare's castle and saw dust "oh hey dust" bill said as dust wave at him "whatcha doing?" bill ask "its nothing" dust said "but me, you, and error are going to the surface to buy some food" dust said "but why in the village?" bill ask "nightmare said to buy in the surface but its impossible to go to the surface" dust said "its not impossible" bill said "what do you mean?" dust ask "i have the power to go to the surface" bill said as dust eyes widened "but how, i can't even go to the surface, even error and ink said its impossible!?" dust said "impossible is possible, I'm overpowering than ink and error which means that im very powerful than them" bill said "your such a strange kind of sans" dust said as bill chuckle "what are you guys waiting for?" error ask "ok, ok" bill and dust said as bill hold dust and error's hand and teleported to the surface

*in the surface*

"woah, the surface is so huge!" dust shouted "i know right?" error said as bill nodded "why aren't you excited" error ask "well I've been here many times" bill said as error and dust eyes widened "what are we waiting for lets go to the store" bill said as the two nodded

*in the store brought to you by your lazy ass author*

the three are in the store buying food, the humans were a bit scared of them since there monsters and they never have seen a monster in the store before, error was buying drinks, dust was buying vegetables and fruits, and bill was buying water, bread, and food for everyone until.. "what are you doing in my place?" a karen ask "oh uhm... miss this place is for everyone and they could get things that they need" bill said "leave my place!" karen shouted "miss-" bill didn't finish his sentence by karen throwing chips and chickens in bill's face "miss!" bill shouted but karen still continued throwing things at him(idk how to act like karen ;-;) bill had enough of this "miss im calling the police!" bill said "let me speak to your manager!" the karen said as the worker went near to both of them "both of you why is there shouting" the worker ask "this person punch me!" the karen said while pointing at bill as bill's eyes widened "i didn't even do anything to you!" bill shouted "whats happening here?" dust ask as they went near to both of them "this person punch me!" the karen said "but i didn't even do anything to you!" bill said "what the hell is all the noise here?" error ask "this person is telling me that i punch her but i didn't" bill said "miss my friend bill never hurts a random person" dust said "but he did!" the karen shouted "let me speak to your manager!" the karen shouted as the worker nodded in response

*few minutes later*

"sir, we have a problem here" the worker said as the manager went near to them "what happened this time?" the manager ask "tye woman is telling that a skeleton punch her" the worker said "sir, my friend bill won't hurt anybody especially a human" dust said as bill and error nodded "but he punch me!" the karen shouted "miss calm down, we will look at the CCTV" the manager said as the karen's eyes widened and sweat in nearvousness

*few minutes later when they look at the cctv*

the police hold karen's hand while karen was shouting as the police left with karen "we are very sorry" tye manager apologize to the three skeleton "its ok, i knkw your a bit scared at meeting skeletons like us" bill said as they all nodded "thank you once again for helping us sir" dust said "your welcome" the manager said as the three payed for the things that they bought and left the store "well that was interesting" bill said as the two nodded "i never experience a karen before" bill said "me too" dust said "and me three" error said as the three laugh "lets go to nightmare before he gets worried for us" bil said as the two nodded and teleported back into nightmare's castle

((i hope you like the story))
