Chapter Fourteen

Hi. Here is a new chapter for you! I am trying to finish this story before the school year starts. That's my goal. That's all I have to say.....on with the chapter!

Dick's POV

As we walk through the door into the next room, I think we're all pretty surprised as what it looks like. It's the Justice League's HQ, the Watchtower. "Why the hell is the next barrier the Watchtower?" Jason asks. Tim shrugs and begins to look around. "Be careful. I have a feeling I know who we're going to have to fight..." I say.

Jason frowns, "The freaking Justice League. Great. This was such a good idea..."

"I'm assuming that things will happen like last time. A door will appear and then the Justice League will appear to block our path. All we have to do is to defeat them," Tim says.

"That's not such an easy task, Timmy. We struggled with Catwoman and Talia. The only reason we were able to win was because there were three of us and only two of them. The League will have us outnumbered," I say.

"Are we just going to stand here and wait for them to pop up? Shouldn't we think of a plan of attack?" Jason exclaims.

I nod my head, "That's a good idea. I think we should look for possible spots where we can reconvene in case things get a bit rough. I suggest the air vents. Even though this isn't the real Watchtower, it's built like the actual one, I know the layout fairly well."

"We may be able to use our knowledge of the League and this base to our advantage," Tim says.

Jason nods my head, "It could be the only thing that would give us an upper hand in this fight. Why is the next barrier the JL anyway? The old man hates the League. He doesn't even trust them."

"That's exactly why it's the next barrier. Each barrier is built differently to pertain to a certain issue Bruce has. The last one was the fact that he doesn't allow himself to love. This one, I think, has to do with the fact that he doesn't trust anyone and doesn't want to have friendships," Tim explains.

"Calling them issues is a bit harsh, don't you think," I say.

Jason scoffs, "What would you rather call them? Bruce has some issues. It's hard to deny it now that we're in his mind and you can see all of his problems."

"He's our dad, Jason. You shouldn't be saying he has issues..." I say.

Jason rolls his eyes, "Yeah, he's my dad. All kids badmouth their parents behind their backs. At least once, don't act like you don't do it." I open my mouth to say something and then close it again. There may have been a time in my life where I cursed out Bruce. I was upset after he took away the Robin mantle from me, can you blame me. I'm sure I'm not the only person who's been pissed at their parent before. Jason smirks, "Nothing to say, huh Goldie. Seems like you do talk about the old man behind his back. Who could've thought, little ole Dickie...."

I glare at him, "Shut up."

"Hey, guys. I just realized that maybe it isn't a door. I mean it wouldn't make much sense for a random door to appear somewhere in the Watchtower. There's a chance that it's a Zeta Tube," Tim says looking at something.

"What gives you that idea?" I ask.

Tim points in the direction he's looking, "That was a pretty big indicator..."

"Well, shit," Jason says, "If we don't make it out alive, I want you to know that I never loved either of you." I ignore what Jason is saying and focus on the task at hand. While we were thinking of a plan, a Zeta Tube appeared with the Justice League guarding it. "On the upside, at least it is only the founding members of the League," I say.

Jason points his gun at the group, "Yup. Lucky us. We only have to deal with a speedster, a Kryptonian, an Amazonian warrior, an Atlantean, and a member of the Green Lantern Corp."

"I'll deal with Flash..." Tim says.

"Aquaman's mine," Jason says, "You can handle the rest of them, right Dick."

"Wait, you want me to deal with the rest of them!" I exclaim. Neither of them seem to hear what I had said. They both charge at the League. I sigh and do the same. I grimace as I dodge Superman's laser and Green Lantern's blasts. I block Wonder Woman's sword using my escrima sticks. I wince as I feel my arms begin to be encased in ice. Next thing I know I'm stuck in a bright green bubble. I kick and slam into it, trying to break it. I hear a gunshot go off and the bubble cracks open. "You're welcome!" Jason yells out as he fires at Aquaman again. I nod my head only to get slammed into the wall by Wonder Woman. I groan in pain and slam my still frozen arms onto her head. The ice cracks off of my arms and Wonder Woman staggers back. She seems disorientated for only a second, before she is charging at me once again. I hear Tim yell out in pain. I look over and see that Superman has gone over to assist Flash. Tim was stuck in a tornado created by a certain speedster and being shot at by Supey's eye-lasers. I duck as Wonder Woman slashes her sword at my neck. This gives her the chance to connect her knee with my chin. I groan and stagger backwards. I rub my jaw for a second before quickly charging at Wonder Woman. She takes this moment to wrap her lasso around me. I struggle to get free, which is useless cause it's the freaking lasso of truth. She swings her lasso and I fly through the air. I hit Jason and Tim before being thrown into a corner. We all groan in pain. Green Lantern creates a cage to enclose us, it's like we're zoo animals. "Really, good job Dick-face," Jason says rubbing his head.

"Hey, you weren't doing much better," I say pointing at Jason's jacket, which now has rips in it from Aquaman's trident.

Jason rolls his eyes, "At least, I didn't get us caught." The League continues to guard the Zeta Tube and they glance at us every so often.

"Stop. Please. We can use this to our advantage. We can come up with a plan," Tim says.

I nod, "Good idea. Maybe we can start with untying me." Tim begins to untie me, when he finishes he throws the lasso into the corner of the cage. I whisper, "To get out of this cage, we'll just have to attack Green Lantern again. Think you can shoot him, Jay?"

Jason nods his head, "You should be lucky I pack a lot of extra ammo..."

"Before we break out, can we come up with a way to take the League down? We're not doing so well. Any ideas?" Tim says. I frown and think for a moment. Something finally pops into my head, I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner. "I've got an idea. Bruce never trusted the League. He created a file that could be used to take down the League in case they ever turned rouge. I may have come across that file and read it. We can use that against them. The only thing is that we need some tech to help us out. I'm sure that Bruce hid this tech somewhere in the Watchtower. We just have to find it," I explain.

"We have to be quick. The second we get out we need to run for it. Search everywhere. Hide in the shadows. We need to split up, though. It's not a wise idea, but we have too," Tim says.

"Stay on comms. When one of us finds the tech we'll meet up," I say. Tim and Jason nod their heads. Jason points his gun at Green Lantern's neck. "Hey, who knows? We may get lucky. Maybe I'll kill GL with this shot...." Jason mutters as he fires his gun. Green Lantern groans as the bullet meets its mark. He collapses onto the floor and the cage dissipates. "Go!" I exclaim as we all scatter in random directions. The League split up and begin to chase after us. I already had a clear idea where I would be searching first. I glance over my shoulder and see Aquaman chasing after me. I take a sharp left and turn to face him. I throw a smoke bomb in his face and take off once more. Aquaman coughs as the smoke spreads. I continue to run until I reach my destination. I quickly input the pass code and enter the room. The door seals shut behind me. I look around the room searching for the tech. I'm in Bruce's personal room within the Watchtower. If I were Bruce, where would I hide technology to take down the League? I walk over to the bookshelf and grab a book titled Tower of Babel. I hear a faint hissing noise. I turn around, the wall has begun to open up. I walk over to it and peer inside. I smirk, taking down the League should be a piece of cake. "Hey, guys. I found it. Meet me in Bruce's private room," I say. In a matter of minutes, Jason and Tim had arrived. "The League are searching for us. I believe that Green Lantern is down from that bullet. It's a good thing that the League are all split up. We can take them down one by one without any of the members noticing," Tim says.

"I guess we won't need this than, since GL is out of the equation," I say putting back the piece of tech.

"What was that supposed to do anyway?" Jason asks.

I reply, "Give him a post-hypnotic suggestion."

"," Jason says, "Explain how we're going to take down the rest of the League."

I nod, "Alright so for Wonder Woman we're going to have to inject this nanite into her ear. It'll have her trapped in a virtual reality, where she will battle an enemy equal to her in all aspects, until she tires herself out. For Aquaman, we have this altered form of fear toxin. The point is to make him aquaphobic, so he doesn't enter water. Flash is going to be down for the count, thanks to this vibra-bullet. When it strikes the back of his neck, he'll experience seizures at light speed. Last, but not least, the Big Blue Boy scout. Bruce created this artificial Kryptonite that is supposed to cause intense pain and overwhelm his super senses."

"Alright. I think we each take down one member. Then, we meet back up to take out Superman," Jason says, "He's the one I'm most worried about."

"I agree with Jason," Tim picks up the nanite gun, "I'll deal with Wonder Woman."

Jason smirks and grabs the vibra-bullet, "I got Flash."

"I'll get working on taking down Aquaman," I say grabbing the canister of fear gas and the kryptonite. I quickly slip on a mask, which Bruce had hidden within the wall. "Let's go," I say while unlocking the door. We all look at one another before taking off in different directions. I keep my eye out for the King of Atlantis. I finally spot him and he notices me as well. I quickly open the canister and let the gas spill onto the floor. Aquaman charges at me, but breathes in the gas at the same time. I dodge before he can land a hit on me and wait for the gas to kick in. Suddenly, Aquaman grips his head and staggers back. It's working, just the way Bruce had planned. Luckily, we were near the showers. I kicked Aquaman into the room. I turn on one shower head in the far corner. He moves as far away from it as possible. I smirk and make my way out of the showers. "Aquaman is dealt with. You guys ready to deal with Superman?" I say through the comms.

"Wonder Woman is down. Let's meet by the Zeta Tube, I have a feeling Superman is the one guarding it," Tim says.

Jason laughs, "Flash didn't see it coming. See you at the Zeta." I start running to the Zeta Tubes, hopefully we all arrive at the same time. Or at least I get there first, after all I had the kryptonite. When I arrive, I see Tim and Jason dodging Superman's lasers. I hurry over to them and take out the kryptonite. "We'll distract him, so that you can get close," Tim says. I nod and wait before Superman's focus is on them. When it is, I rush over with the kryptonite. The effects begin almost immediately. Superman groans in pain and falls to the floor. I sigh and wipe sweat from my forehead. "C'mon Dickwad. No time to admire our work. We have a job to do, remember," Jason states. He and Tim are standing by the Zeta Tube waiting for me. I walk over to them and the Tube activates. We aren't in the best of shape, but we had to continue. I ignore my aching muscles and open wounds. I walk through the Zeta Tube and towards the next barrier.

I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter. The ideas to take down the League aren't my own. I based it off of the information from JLA: Tower of Babel. Please vote, comment, follow me, and add this story to your library. See you all next time!!!
