Chapter 15

"Where's Scott?" Blake asked after noticing he wasn't here. Stiles and Derek looked up at her. Stiles looked relatively happy to see her - not wanting to be left alone with Derek.

"Still in Wonderland with the Argents," Derek groaned. Blake finally noticed that Derek wasn't wearing a shirt.

She got a look at Derek's arm. The blood was turning black.
"Derek, I don't know if you've noticed," Blake began. "But you're arm's infected."

Blake learned this from her mom. She taught her everything about medication and medical treatment. She tried to teach Scott but she wasn't getting anywhere so she just gave up.

"I know it's infected. And once the infection reaches my heart, it'll kill me," Derek winced.

"'Positivity just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?" Stiles questioned.
"If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time," Derek started. "Last resort."
"Which is?" Stiles and Blake both asked.

"You're gonna cut off my arm," Derek answered looking at Stiles.
Derek had found some sort of electric blade and handed it to Stiles who looked like he was gonna faint.

"Oh my God. What if you bleed to death?" Stiles gulped.
"It'll heal if it works," Derek replied.

Stiles groaned. "Look, I don't know if I can do this."
"Why not," Derek growled.

"Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of the bone," Stiles complained. "Especially the blood!"
"You faint at the sight of blood?" Derek asked.
"No, but I might faint at the sight of a chopped-off arm!" Stiles exclaimed.
"All right! Fine, how about this?" Derek suggested. "Either you cut off my arm, or I'm gonna cut off your head."

"Okay, you know what, I'm so not buying your threats any-"

Derek grabbed Stiles by the shirt and pulled him closer. Stiles looked terrified.
"Oh my God, okay, all right. Bought. Sold. Totally. I'll do it. I'll do it," Stiles shrieked. "What? What are you doing?"

Derek turned to the side and threw up. A black substance spilled onto the floor.
"It's my body," Derek groaned. "Trying to heal itself."
"Well, it's not doing a very good job of it," Stiles remarked.
"Now. You gotta do it now," Derek ordered.
"Look, honestly, I don't think I can," Stiles admitted.
"Just do it!" Derek demanded.
"Oh my God. Okay, okay-"

"Oh my God, Stiles. Just give it to me." Blake grabbed the blade from Stiles and positioned it near Derek's arm.

"Okay, on three," Blake said. She might of seemed confident, but on the inside, she was terrified. She was gonna cut off someone's arm.


Blake clutched the handle tightly and looked at Derek.


Blake didn't know what scared her more; the fact that she was going to cut off Derek's arm, or the fact that she was willing to do it.



Blake stopped herself from bringing the blade onto Derek's flesh. She looked down at the blade to see that it was only millimetres from Derek's flesh. Blake let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

"Scott. I have never been so happy to see you," she breathed.
"What the hell are you doing?" Scott exclaimed.
"Cutting his arm off," Blake said.

"Did you get it?" Derek asked.
"What are you gonna do with it?" Scott questioned as he handed Derek the bullet he stole from the Argents.

"I'm gonna..." Derek said wearily. "I'm gonna..."
Derek collapsed onto the ground, the bullet escaping from his hand.
"No, no, no, no," Scott mumbled, rushing to grab the bullet.
Blake rushed to Derek's side as the bullet rolled into a drainage.
"Derek, Derek," Stiles yelled. "Come on, wake up. Scott, what the hell are we gonna do?"

"I don't know! I can't reach!"
"He's not waking up!" Stiles shouted.
"Come on, Derek," Blake mumbled.

"I think he's dying! I think he's dead!" Stiles announced.
"Oh my God! Don't say that!" Blake exclaimed.
"Just hold on! Come on! Oh, I got it!" Scott yelled. " I got it!
"Try punching him," Blake suggested.
Scott looked at Derek before he pulled his hand into a fist and sighed. "Please don't kill me for this."

Scott was interrupted by the sound of Stiles' fist connecting with Derek's face.
"Ow! God!" Stiles winced in pain. Derek's eyes flung open and he was on his feet in less than ten seconds.

"Give me," Derek said. Scott gave him the bullet and Derek set fire to the wolfsbane inside the bullet before crushing the dust into his wound. After a few seconds, his wound started to heal.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Stiles exclaimed. "Yes!"
"Are you okay?" Scott asked.

"Well, except for the agonising pain," Derek groaned.
"I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a sign of good health," Stiles declared.

"Okay, we saved your life, which means you're gonna leave us alone, you got that?" Scott ordered. "And if you, don't, I'm gonna go back to Allison's dad and I'm gonna tell him everyth-"

"You're gonna trust them?" Derek asked. "You think they can help you?"
"Well, why not?" Scott shrugged. "They're a lot freaking nicer than you are."
"I can show you exactly how nice they are," Derek declared.
"What do you mean?" Scott questioned.

"Come on," Derek said, as he headed for the door. "I'm gonna show you something. Or someone."

Derek walked out of the Animal Clinic as the three of them stared at each other. What just happened? A minute ago, Derek was dying. Practically almost dead. Now, he's fine and dandy. Where is he going?

Scott and Stiles left the room so Blake followed.

"I'm gonna go home. My dad's gonna start worrying," Stiles announced.
"Goodnight," Blake replied as he took off in his jeep.
"I'm driving," Derek declared as he looked at Blake.

"Who said you were getting in my car?" Blake questioned.
"I did," Derek said, glowing his eyes at her. However, she wasn't phased.
"You know, that eye thing you do," Blake began, pointing at his eyes. "Doesn't work on me."

Derek smirked. "There's a lot more where that came from."

"Would love to see it some day," Blake challenged.

"Maybe you will," Derek replied.

"Maybe I will."

"Guys," Scott interrupted. "I really don't know what's going on here but can we please go."

"Keys," Derek demanded. Blake sighed, walking over to the passenger seat and throwing the keys towards Derek who caught them gracefully.
"But I get to drive your Camaro," Blake claimed, getting in the car.
"No, you don't," Derek denied, shutting the door behind him and starting the car.

Scott got in the back and Derek began to drive Blake's car.
"You do realize that not even five minutes ago, you were spitting up black blood," Blake explained.

"Yeah, I do," Derek answered, not moving his eyes from the road.
He stopped the car and Blake suddenly remembered that she had to be somewhere.

"Dammit!" She cursed.

"What?" the two boys asked as they looked at her.
"I have a job!" She exclaimed. "I have to get to work."
Scott chuckled. "I'm surprised that you still have that job."

"I won't if you two don't hurry up and get out of my car," Blake explained.
"Come on, Scott," Derek ordered, opening the car door. "Guess it's just you and me."

Blake climbed into the driver's seat and drove towards the video rental store.

Was Blake and Derek flirting....? I think so!
