Chapter 12

"You're a terrible bowler!" Stiles exclaimed.
"I know! I'm such an idiot!" Scott agreed.

"You're only figuring that out now?" Blake asked.

"It was like I was watching a car accident. First it turns to a four people date and after that comes that phrase from nowhere!" Stiles explained.
"Hanging out," Scott trailed off.

"You don't hang out with hot girls, okay? It's like death. If you're hanging out, you might want to be the gay best friend. You and Danny could start hanging out," Stiles announced.

"What's wrong with hanging out with hot girls?" Blake asked him, raising her eyebrow. "You're hanging out with me aren't you?"

"Yeah, but..." Stiles struggled. "Let's just make it easy."
Blake stared at him waiting for an answer.

"You are not hot," Stiles admitted. "You're just... Scott's sister."
"Twin sister," Scott corrected.

"I'm just Scott's twin sister?" Blake repeated. "What about the time when...." Blake struggled to think of something.
Stiles waited expectantly.

"That time when..."

Stiles and Scott stared at her. Scott's eyes widened as if he remembered something.

"Can I borrow your car tomorrow night?" he asked.
Blake sighed. "Mom's taking my keys because of curfew."
Scott groaned.

"Can we get back to the more important matter at hand?" Stiles interrupted.
Scott and Blake nodded.

"How did all of this happen?" Scott asked. "I maybe even killed a guy, or maybe I didn't."

"I don't think Danny likes me very much," Stiles declared.
"Why would he?" I questioned. "You are just Stiles."

"I asked Allison on a date and know we're hanging out," Scott stated.
"Monkeys hang out," Blake answered.

"Am I attracted to gay guys?" Stiles asked himself.

"Depends how attractive the gay guy is," Blake replied.

"I made it to first line and the captain of the team wants to destroy me and now, now I'm gonna be late for work!" Scott declared as he rushed off.
"Wait, Scott! You didn't... Am I attractive to gay guys?" Stiles shouted. "You didn't answer my question."

"So, shall I spread the news that you're gay?" Blake grinned.

Stiles stared at her. "Shall?" he questioned. "Who uses the word shall?"

"Me," Blake shrugged.

"And Shakespeare," Stiles added. "Shakespeare uses words like that."

Blake sat on her bed, doodling on the homework that she finished a few hours ago, when her phone started ringing.

She reached over to the bedside locker and grabbed her phone. It was Alec. He moved here a few years ago and was probably Blake's only friend beside Scott and Stiles.

"Wow," Blake gasped. "My only friends are boys."

Blake hasn't spoken to him in days though. The only reason she hasn't spoken to him was because of the whole Scott being a werewolf thing.
Blake gladly answered her phone.

"Who is this?" Blake asked innocently.

"Oh, come on, Blake McCall. Am I really that much of a stranger just because we haven't spoken in three days." He asked jokingly.

"A lot can happen in three days," Blake sighed.

"I believe we can catch up over ice-cream," Alec suggested.
"You know how much I love ice-cream," Blake answered.
"So, will I pick you up in five minutes?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'll see you then," Blake said before hanging up.
She stood up and grabbed her boots. She threw them on before grabbing her jacket and phone.

She waited downstairs for Alec. After five minutes, she heard someone beep their horn and she immediately knew who it was. After realising that no one else was home, she locked the door and  joined Alec in his car.
"Long time no see," Alec grinned.

"Just so you know, I wasn't ignoring you," Blake explained. "I was just ... busy."
"How are you?" Alec asked.

"I'm good."
"No, you're not," he corrected. "We haven't spoken in days."
"So?" Blake shrugged.

"We talk every day, Blake. Why the sudden change?" he asked.
Blake looked up at him.

"I don't know, Alec," Blake sighed. "I really don't know."
"Maybe you can tell me," Alec said. "Come on."

Alec got out of the car and Blake copied. He held the door to the ice-cream parlour open for her and then walked in behind her.

"Get the corner," Alec ordered. Blake didn't need to be told twice. Every time they came here (which was quite often) they always sat in the corner. Blake sat down at the small, round table and waited for Alec.

After a few minutes of waiting, Alec finally arrived at the table. He set two tubs of ice-cream down on the table and pushed one towards Blake.
"Vanilla," Alec smiled sitting down. "Boring."

"Let me guess?" Blake said, gesturing towards his ice-cream. "Bubblegum and marshmallows?"

He nodded. "Like always."

Blake picked up the pink plastic spoon and brought the spoon to her mouth. It was crazy how much she loved ice-cream.

"So," Alec said, looking up at Blake. "What's up?"
"The sky," she answered, trying to avoid the subject as much as possible.
"Seriously, you aren't ... you," Alec explained.

"Of course I'm me, Alec," Blake laughed.
Alec grabbed her hand.

"Blake," he said, his voice getting serious. "Talk."
Blake sighed. "It's about Scott."

"What about Scott?" He asked.
"He's just been acting different these last couple of days," Blake answered truthfully.

"It's probably nothing, Blake," he stated. "He'll be back to normal before you know it."

He let go of her hand and went back to his ice-cream.
"But I know he won't be back to normal," Blake declared.
"How do you know that?" He questioned.

"Because," she replied. Alec grabbed both of her hands this time.
"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Blake nodded. "I know. But this, I can't tell you this, Alec."
He looked at her and nodded. "Just know that I'm here if you want to talk."
"You'll be here, in the ice-cream parlour?" Blake teased, trying to make the situation less awkward.

"You know what I mean, Blake," he laughed, removing his hands from hers.
After a minute of silence and eating ice-cream, Alec spoke up.
"Want to help me study again?"

Blake nodded eagerly. "Yeah, I love helping you study."
"Good, because I am definitely failing History," he grinned.

"Come over tomorrow," Blake suggested. "My mom spends most of her time at work anyway so she won't mind."
"Sounds good," he nodded.

Suddenly, Blake heard her phone go off.
She pulled out her phone from her pocket and watched as Scott's name flashed on the screen.

"It's from Scott," Blake said reading the message he sent her. "I have to go. I locked him out of the house."

"Only you would do that," Alec grinned. "Come on, I'll give you a ride home."
"You gave me a ride here, so you kind of have to give me a ride home," Blake declared.

"Whatever, just get in the car," he smiled, pushing her out the door.
She got in the car and drove Alec drove her home.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" Blake asked, confirming their plans to study.
"I'll see you then, Blake," Alec answered.

Blake noticed a figure sitting on the ground outside the front door. She hadn't realised how dark it had gotten.

"Why are you on the ground, Scott?" Blake smirked.
"Because someone locked the door and forgot to put the keys under the flower pot again!" Scott groaned.

"Check again," Blake grinned. Scott searched under the plant pot as Blake pulled out the key to the house, a big grin plastered on her face.
Blake unlocked the door just as Scott stood back up. He looked at her like he was ready to murder her.

"You coming in or not?" Blake asked walking inside.

And Alec was finally introduced! What are your thoughts on him?
