
I woke up in to a bright light.

Where am I?

I was in a plain gray room sitting.

Where the heck am I?

This looks like an..

No, this can't be!

Why the fuck am I in an interrogation room?!

I quickly looked around me and found Dabi beside me on another chair. We were not cuffed and I stood up and went to him. Slowly shacking him awake.

Me: Wake up!

He was still out cold. So, I decided to go to the two-sided mirror and knock.

I hope someone is there and will come in!

Cause I sure want some answers!

As soon as I knocked, the door to the room opened. For me it was clear that he was a detective.

Me: Hello, Sir!

Detective: Ah hello.

I followed him to the table and sat back down. He took the chair across me and sat down there.

Detective: I only have some quick questions about the incident in the mall.

Me: Ok, I will try to answer them as best as I could.

Detective: That would help and I would like to inform you that lying won't help you at all. I possess a truth telling quirk and know immediately when someone is doing so.

So this is the famous truth telling detective Tsukauchi...

I need to be careful how I phrase my sentences!

Me: Ok.

Detective: Why were you two in the mall?

Me: We were there to celebrate my little sisters' birthday...

Remember what just happened some tears escaped my eyes and began rolling down.

Me: Oh gosch! Is she ok? Did you find her?

Detective: I am sorry to say that but we unfortunately found the remains of her in the costume shop where the villain was detained.


It only came out as a whisper and I could feel the reality hitting me hard. I felt the pain in my heart.

She is gone...


Why her?

Couldn't it be me?

She was still so young!

She didn't deserved it!

If only I had taken her with us....

If only that pile of thrash never came intervened....

I felt the sadness morph into anger and then into burning rage. I wanted to see that hero, no every hero fall. They didn't help her and only detained us. We could have gotten her out of there.

If only they never caught us...

If they never had brought us outside.....

If they had just let us go and get her out....

She would have survived!

Detective: Can you tell us how many villains where there?

I didn't wanted to answer him anymore. Why should I? They never did anything good to us. So why should I help them.

Detective: I know this very hard for you and your brother but we need to know if someone escaped us.

Why are you asking me that?

There were countless other people there!

And then I realized it. We both were the only survivor from that incident.

Me: Wh-What hap-happened?

Detective: As soon as we got you kids outside, the building was blown up. We had some survivors but they unfortunately didn't make it.

Me: And the heroes?

Detective: Most of them luckily didn't sustain any major injuries.

Me: I see.

How could they!

They left countless civilians die in there!

These are no heroes, they are villains in disguise.

I could hear the detective asking me some more question but I couldn't bring myself to tell him any further information. The pure fact that that bitch burned down a mall or let the villains do that and getting out nearly unscathed was to much for me. I was furious.

The heroes failed us!

They don't deserve to be alive!

This society doesn't need them!

Not even paying attention to the detective or how he went out of the room, I was brought back to my senses by someone tapping my shoulder it was Dabi. He finally awoke.

Before he could say anything or ask me anything, I jumped into his hand and cried my eyes out.

Me: She is gone!

Dabi: It's ok....

Me: No, it's not! He killed her! He killed them!

Dabi: Them?

I backed up and looked up at him.

Me: Everyone beside us in the mall died!

I saw him freeze by hearing my words and then his flames erupted. He was as angry as I was and both of us were ready to go out and kill that pile of trash and every other hero that detained us.

Then all of the sudden a mist like portal appeared and a man stepped though. He was also completely covered in mist too.

Mist guy: My name is Kurogiri and my Master has send me to pick you up.

Me and Dabi looked at each other. We didn't care who this was, what was important is that he looked like a villain and we knew that he wasn't a part of the police department staff members or he would have used the door and no hero would make such an entrance.

Knowing this we nodded at him and went with him. Once we stepped through the portal, we were meat with a guy. He had pale and really dry skin.

???: Finally, it was about time for you to bring me these NPC's!


Excuse me?!

I am no NPC!

Not wanting to be a villain of any low level, I stood up for us!

Me: Who do you call NPC, you NPC!

I opened my wings and let them complete open. They were in their full glory. I was threatening him and I was sure to let him feel it. My eye color changed and I knew that they would, since I used a special part of my quirk. I could intimidate anyone that looked into my golden eyes.

???: We will see about this. AND for your information I am an end boss!

Me: All right, what do I have to do for you to recognize my strength?

He was now smiling from ear to ear. I have awoken his interest. However, I didn't care about it, at all! All I wanted was to make a point to let them know that no one is picking a fight with me and go unscathed. I had the feeling I needed to show them my true strength!

???: Beat one of my Masters creations.

Me: Is that all?

???: Yes!

Me: Show it to me!

Kurogiri then made a portal and the crispy guy made a motion to follow him. We both did. We ended up in some kind of abandoned warehouse and there in the middle of it was a monster.

So I need to beat this thing?

Dabi: Let me do this!

???: Hahahah very well but let me tell you one thing. This boss in front of you was made to even withstand All Might!

Dabi: It might withstand his pure strength but nothing can get in the way of my flames!

He walked in front of me and charged at the creature, his hand made contact with the monsters chest and in an instant the whole monster was covered in flames. I was so sure that he was done but my feathers told me otherwise. I could feel some kind of movement and in the next moment I quickly flew across the warehouse and picked Dabi up and got us out of the way.

The punch that creature delivered could have killed him easily. It made a crater where he was standing only seconds ago.

No one and I MEAN NO ONE is hurting my family!

The moment that creature attacked my family he sealed it's fate!

Once I made sure Dabi was out of range, I came flying back at the creature with and extreme speed. While I was flying, I made sure that the tip of my feathers graced the creature, making some deep cut wounds. To my surprise he immediately healed up.

Regeneration and Superstrength?!

I began circling the creature. While I was doing that I was scanning him from the top to the bottom and I could tell that he couldn't follow my movements. I was simply too fast for him.

All right then let's see how you like being beheaded!

I came flying from hi back and cut though his neck like it was some kind of jelly. His head immediately fell down and the creature was beaten. I flew up to the stranger and only stopped 2 meters before him. Thanks to my sudden stop, I made an enormous wind come right at him.

He looked impressed and I was happy that nothing happened to either of us.

???: I like her, where did you found such a titan?!

Kurogiri: Master told me to pick them up from the police department.

???: What's your name?

I am no angel!

Not even a fallen one!

A Phoenix is high and mighty but I am not such a thing!

I lost everyone and now I will be a bird of prey!

I will be a hunter!

I will be.....

Me: Vulture!

???: I am Tomura Shigaraki! Hey you mini boss over there what should I call you?

Dabi: I go by Dabi.

Shiggy: Welcome to the LOV Vulture, Dabi!
