
Why the heck is this happening to me?!

It was way past sun down and for some reason every god damn hero was after me. Not only that but the chicken was on my tail too. I flew up into the sky way above the clouds and waited there for the chicken to come.

Me: Why the fuck are you follow me?

Hawks: Cause you are not a bad kid!

Me: You don't know me!

Hawks: I saw you save a kid, birdy.

Me: So what!

Hawks: Kid, I can see that you are not a villain by heart.

Me: I knew that you were a spy for the heroes! You never wanted to be a villain and a part of the LOV!

Hawks: I am giving you a second chance kid!


With that I let myself drop down.

Who does he think he is!

I never asked him for a second chance!

I never wanted it!

What did the hero ever do to me!

They are only a disaster!

They need to all disappear!

How did this even happen?


One week ago I saved this kid and from then on, I meet Hawks every day on my tours around. I always fly around the whole night. After saving a child from throwing their lives away, I didn't intend on just abandoned them. No, I always tell them to go to a rooftop and watch the stars if they need me. This is why I am always up the whole night. I fly around till the I see the first ray of sun comes out and then fly back to the LOV's villain lair.

It was the same day Hawks saw me rescue that kid. I was tired of flying around the whole night and went back after not finding a single soul. These days were really rare. Normally I would find 5 - 10 kid on different roofs waiting for me. All they needed is someone to listen to them and some of them are only there to give me some cookies they made as a thank you and some others were there to meet me and hug me just to make sure that I was still okay. They all knew about dark phoenix and they knew that I couldn't stay for long but I didn't care. I would take the time each of the kids needed and be there for them.

Dabi: Welcome back!

Me: Hey, Dabi.

I landed on the rooftop of the LOV building and quickly retrieved my wings. He was the one that would always be there first thing in the morning and wait for my return.

Dabi: How many tried it this time.

Me: One and Hawks saw me.

Dabi: That's not bad is it. He wants to be one of us.

Me: You seriously don't believe that shit too, do you!

Dabi: I do. I researched his past Shi and let me tell you he was forced to be a hero. I can bet with you that he hates the hero commission as much as we do.

Me: He might hate them but he loves to be one.

Dabi: You can't know that for sure. He might change.

Me: He won't! His actions speak for themselves Dabi. I am telling you he will rat us out the moment he knows that we are going to do something.

Dabi: You sure? Cause you are doing some hero work too!

Me: That's different!

Dabi: How come, Shi?

Me: These kids don't have anyone Dabs and you know that! Heroes don't care about kids that were abandoned or don't have a quirk! Just look at us! No one wanted to help Hikari!

Dabi:.... He might be different seeing his past!

Me: You wanna bet on that?

We were coming down to the bar area where everyone was.

Toga: Bet on what? Oh are beating on who of you guys is faster because Vul we know that no one is faster than you!

Shiggy: Welcome back titan.

Me: Hey Toga and I missed you too end boss.

Kurogiri: What were you talking about?

Me: If I should hunt down a chicken or not.

Shigaraki: Why not lay a trap for that wanna be weak boss!

Me: I hate where this going to go but I am in! I want to show you guys that he is dangerous and I don't want anyone of you to get hurt because of him!

Shigaraki: I understand titan! We all value your words! We trust you!

Me: Thanks, Shiggy!

I went to his side and hugged him. Even if he didn't like me calling him that, because it reminded him of a Pokémon, I still couldn't help myself but do. He did remind me of exactly that Pokémon with some glasses on. A proud and childish leader but he was like a brother and that was all it needed for me to be somewhat overprotective of the family I gained.

Dabi: What is the plan?

Shigaraki: You have something in mind Shi?

Me: I do and Kurogiri, I will need your help to get me out of the situation.

Kurogiri: Of course, Shizuka.

Me: Toga-chan, Dabs can you guys spread the words of Vulture planning to attack in one weeks' time in the night?

Toga: Everything you ask, Vul!

Dabi: On it!

Shigaraki: What are you planning?

Me: If he is on our side then he should help me escape from them and not participate in the hunt. Falcon or whatever he wants to call himself should lead them astray, shouldn't he?

Kurogiri: Very straight forward.

Me: And it's obvious! We are testing him and as already said actions speak way more than his words.

Shigaraki: Just don't get hurt!

Me: I won't! I have you guys to bail me out if something happens.

*end flashback! *

Oh right this was all my stupid plan!

Gosh dang it Shizuka!

Greatest plan ever!

I was quickly falling down and pulled up in the last minute and I could look behind me and see that Hawks learned one or two things from the past couple of meeting we had.


That dumb chicken isn't that dumb!

I then quickly began flying through the streets and turn every corner. My turns were sharp and I was still flying in very high speed. then out of nowhere something wrapped itself around my ankle and pulled me by my leg. The moment I felt it. I closed my wings and made a turn cutting the material and quickly flaying up.

Looking down at my ankle I saw that it was some kind of scarf.

Capture gear?!


Damn it!

How many are there?

First Midnight trying to get me with her mist. Of course, this didn't work! Why should that work if I could flap my wings and make it go away?

Then there was Snipe trying to hit me. Keyword trying! I was too fast for him.

Kamui Woods that was making my ways around a lot harder.

Mic and Gang Orca teamed up. One scream and the other using echoes. Both not helping at all! My ears were bleading thanks to them and I had a migraine.

At least All Might isn't here!

I was just about to make a turn when I felt something grabbing me by the left-over scarf around my foot and was catapulted right into the next building. 

Spoke too soon!

Great way to jinx yourself!

Then a fire ball hit me and it hurt. While I was catapulted away, I tapped my earpiece.

Me: Kurogiri, now!

The fireball hit my wings as I tried to protect myself and in the next moment, I was in the LOV hideout. I collapsed in an instant. I was tired and luckily my feathers were not burn but I had a broken wing thanks to All Might throwing me into a building while I was flying full speed.

Toga: Oh my gosh, VUL! Are you okay?

I quickly retrieved my wings. It hurt like hell but they would heal faster that way.

Me: I-

Dabi: I am gonna go and make chicken nuggets out of him!

Shigaraki: How dare he plan an ambush for our beloved titan?! I will make a splendid Nomu out of him.

Toga: I will skin him alive!

Kurogiri: I will pluck his every feather and make a nice pillow out of it.

Me: I am okay guys.

I was weak and couldn't stand up. The moment I tried I immediately fell back down. Everything was spinning and I knew what that meant.

Kurogiri: A concussion?

Me: Yeah....

Dabi came to my side and picked me up gently and brought me back to my room. The rest was following him.

Dabi: You stay here and rest!

Me: But what about you guys?

Shigaraki: We will make a break and wait for your return.

Me: I am sorry.

Toga: Aww don't be Shi! You are part of this family and family takes care of each other!

Dabi: Rest for now.

Me: But what about that deal?

Shigaraki: It will have to wait titan! You are more important.

Me: No, I know how important it is for the LOV! Let me plan it at least so you can proceed without me.

They all looked at each other, nodded and tackled me into a hug.

They are right!

We are a family!

We take care of each other and nothing could stop us!

Even if I might not be there to hold their back, I will still be with them. I will plan this so that they won't get caught!

For the sake of my family, I will get better soon!
