
Hawks POV:

The LOV was an organization that was getting bigger every minute and it was a threat to the hero commission. They send me to go undercover and be an active member of them while also leaking information to the heroes.

It was my first day meeting all the members. Shigaraki Tomura, the head of the LOV called me to get to the beach at a rather unusual hour. For a villain, however, this time made sense.

I do wonder why they wanted me to come to this location...

Since I was undercover, I let my feathers be painted pitch black. It was a color that would easily go off with water since I needed to appear with red wings in the public.

The hero commission made it also easy for me and gave me a villain alias and a costume to go by. As a villain I used the name Falcon and as a hero I would be Hawks.

It is a wonder that no one made the connections so fat!

I came to the exact time they told me to come and saw them come to me through a warp portal.

So, they have a guy with an teleportation quirk...

Better find out their weaknesses!

I then saw my contact man Dabi. He was the only person I had ever contact with in the past couple of months. He was also the person that got me in.

Me: Hey what's up?

Dabi: I told you he would be here!

Toga: I wonder where Vul is...

Vul? Another member?

That can't be right. From what I know there are only 4 people in the LOV well more like 5 with that warp guy.

I knew about Toga. She was one of our top wanted lists. She together with Dabi, Shigaraki and Vulture. That bird of prey was a mystery to me. I knew that that person was fast but their speed is ridiculous! I once tried to keep up with that person but I failed. Can you believe that the number 3 and the fastest hero failed to catch up to a bird!

I not only took that personal but also as a challenge to capture Vulture!

Shigaraki: I am sure that titan is here somewhere like always.

A titan?

Who are you talking about?

Maybe someone with an enlagen quirk or super strength?

So basically, I am being watched?!

There is no way that that is possible!

I would have felt anyone in my surroundings with my feathers. There is no one here besides us!

Me: Who are we waiting for?

Dabi: Oh you will see and I am sure she will like you!

A girl?

Who is that?

Why don't we have any information about another girl in the LOV?!

Were the information wrong or just incomplete?!

Then all of the sudden I was grabbed and thrown right into the ocean.


The paint!

There hovering slightly above the water some feet's away way was Vulture.


Vulture: What is that chicken doing here?

Toga: Vul, relax he is on our side!

I needed to get out of the water before the paint was coming off.


That's VUL?!

Dabi: Shi, he won't hurt us, I checked him thoroughly!


Is that part of your real name?

Vulture: Then tell me Dabi, are you fucking blind?

Toga: You are being mean Vul!

She flew over to them and I quickly got out of the water joining them. I was glad that the paint didn't came off.

Vulture: No, I am not! That's Hawks right there!

Well, congrats on recognizing me!

Can't say that to the others!

Shigaraki: We know.

Wait what?

If you knew that, then why am I still here?

Are you guys stupid?

Vulture: Then why? He is a fucking hero?!

At least someone has some brains.

Shigaraki: We now have a spy in their midst

Vulture: If anything, he is a spy in our midst!

So very true!

Me: You don't know that birdy! Maybe I am sick of being a hero!

Vulture: Sure chicken, and I am sick of being a villain!

Me: I am not a chicken!

Vulture: Oh, sorry my bad, rooster!

Me: WHA-

Dabi: Enough Vul! He goes by the name of Falcon.

Vulture: I don't care what he is called! If he is here than I am out!

Toga: But Vul!!! We need you!

Vulture: Mhm...

With that she took off in an incredible speed.

Dabi: *Sigh* This will be problematic!

Me: How come?

Shigaraki: If the titan doesn't approve of you then so won't we!

With that he turned around and a portal appeared and he left.

Me: So, what now?

Dabi: If you really want to join us then you need to find a way and change her mind.

Me: Some advice?

Dabi: Figure that out on your own. Just be honest with her!

Toga: Hmm, maybe she would like some new knifes?!

Dabi: No, that's only you. Besides that she doesn't need them.

She doesn't need knifes... Are her feathers sharp like mine?

Me: How do I find her?

Toga: Oh, you don't she finds you! That's how she found Dabi anyways.

Dabi: You might want to keep an eye out in the darkness. She is always out there somewhere.

Me: So, you don't know either.

Toga: We don't need too!

Me: huh?

Toga: She is our big sis! She knows when we are in danger and she is always there for us.

Me: Ohh.

Dabi: Well, good look Falcon!

With that both of them left me alone.

Me: *Sigh* What a night!

I need some chicken right now!

With that I began flying to my favorite restaurant in order to get some good chicken. As I was flying there something caught my eyes. It was a kid on a roof and on second glance I saw that the child was on the edge of the building, there was no railing nothing that could hinder him from jumping.

What the- No kid! Not on my watch!

The moment I realized what was going on, something black and golden came from the opposite direction from where I was standing. It came in fast.


I was flying at full speed towards the kid. This child was already in free fall and I realized that I would be too slow.

Damn it!


Then the black and golden thing caught the child and landed safely in a park near by. I followed it from a safe distance. The moment it landed the gold disappeared and I realized who's feathers that are.


I saw the girl put the little kid down and hugging him. Getting a little closer I could hear the child sobbing and crying. Then the next word that came out of his mouth surprised me the most.

Kid: Thanks Phoenix! I am sorry I troubled you!

Vulture: Don't be! I know life isn't easy and I want you to remember that quirkless doesn't mean useless at all. Listen I want you to go to that building you just tried to commit and lay there watching the stars and think about our conversation whenever you feel like you can't take it anymore! I will come to you when I see you there! You are never alone, remember that!

Is that the reason why there are more kids laying down on abandoned roof buildings?

Kid: Thanks, Dark Phoenix!

With that the kid turned around and began leaving her side but not with one last turn and waving her a goodbye.

Vulture: You can come out now Hawks.

I couldn't believe it. A villain just saved a kid and if she really was dark phoenix, the very own dark phoenix that only existed in rumors then that would mean that she wasn't a villain by heart at all.


What happened to you?

I still didn't know how old she was or her name or even her face.

Why are you a villain?

And more important how did you know that I was here?!

Me: Ah you got me!

Vulture: You couldn't have saved him, no matter how fast you would have been. Even if you have caught that kid, he wouldn't have believed any single word of yours and only tried it again on another day.... Society is really messed up!

Me: Why did you save him?

Vulture: Because I know how it feels like to be an outcast. I know how they feel. I've been there and I was lucky I managed to pull myself out of it. These kids don't have any hope left in the heroes but they deserve someone that is willing to help them!

Me: Why you?

Vulture: I don't know... I just feel like I need to do something about it.

Me: ...

Vulture: ...

Me: You want some chicken? I was about to go and grab some, wanna come with me?

Vulture: No thanks, the night is still young and there are kids out there looking for a ray of hope up in the sky.

With that I watched her take off. As she flew off one of her smaller feathers fell slowly down to earth. I picked it up and it still had a golden shimmer to it.

Who are you really?

The villain Vulture or the hero like person Dark Phoenix?
