A plain disaster!

Today was the day the others were about to get through with my plan and I hopped that everything will go smooth. We were all in the LOV base by the counter and I was reviewing the plan again with them. There was no place for a slip up.

Me: So are we good? Did everyone understand their jobs?

Shiggy: Yes, Titan! It's a brilliant plan!

Dabi: You can count on us!

Toga: I will stabby stabby everyone that comes in my way and not stay by their side to have more fun with them but go to that room.

Me: Yep!

Kurogiri: I will watch over them!

Me: Actually can you teleport me to the closest and highest building? I would like to watch over you guys.

Kurogiri: Sure can Shi.

Shiggy: Kurogiri, stay by her side at all cost! Don't let the heroes get to her!

Kurogiri: I understand!

Me: I don't need a bodyguard.

Dabi: Yes you do!

Toga: He is right you need one!

Shiggy: Titan, we know how strong you are but you are still recovering and he is here to make sure that no one is coming even close to you.

Me: Fine, guys.

We quickly hugged each other before Kurogiri first teleported Shiggy out and then the rest before coming back to me and then we both went to the rooftop, where I could observe everything.

Once we were on the roof, I went to the edge and sat down with my wings spread open. I loved the feeling of air that I got so high up. It felt refreshing and it did relieve the small pain that I had from the broken wing.

Kuroiri was standing beside me.

Me: I sure hope nothing will go wrong.

Kurogiri: Yeah.

Me: Look step one is a success! Kurogiri, you should teleport Dabi and Toga where they belong now.

Kurogiri: On it!

I watched Shiggy lead the group inside of the other base from the other group and this is when all things went horribly wrong. For some reason both groups began working together and began circling Shiggy.

Me: Kurogiri send a Nomu to Shiggy please!

Shiggy: Yes, let them experience a mini end boss!

I watched a nomu come out close to Shiggy and him directing it while laughing.

Well at least one has some fun here!

Then I heard the communication between Toga, Dabi and Kurogiri. This was bad, the situation was completely bad and I needed to do something.

Dabi: I am at the room and there is nothing here and there are 15 people blocking my exit. I put my fire in between us but it won't take them for long to get to me. They have someone with a water quirk.

Me: Kurogiri get him out!

Kurogiri: I am on it!

Toga: I am also at the room where I belong and here is nothing. Vul I am also trapped what should I do?

Me: Kurogiri can you get Dabi to Toga and help her out?

Dabi: Roger that!

Toga: Ahm I need help right now!

Me: Kurogiri can you handle them? Get them out as fast as possible!

I watched Shiggy fight and I was relieved to see that he could handle himself pretty well with that nomu at his side against 40 peoplpe.

???: What cha doing there birdy?

I did not just hear the chickens voice?!

I quickly turned around and there I saw Hawks standing behind me 2 meters away from me.

What the hell?!

Why is he here?

Me: Oh just watching over the night sky!

Hawks: Aha... How did you come up here?

Me: That is not important, is it?!

Hawks: Yes it is! Your wings are bloody!!! What happened to you?

Me: You and your heroes happened!

Then I heard Shiggy's voice over the earbud I had on. It was not only him; they all needed some time to escape.

Shiggy: How dare these NPC team up on me and kill a nomu. Why are there some good damn hero here?!

Dabi: Damn it! Kurogiri get us out!

Toga: Yep this is way to hot! You overdid it Dabs!

Kurogiri: I am getting us out!

Me: Well it was nice seeing you here!

With that, I jumped down. I knew that I couldn't fly well in my state but I needed to go there and help Shiggy. I needed to buy them some time. While I was dropping, I activated my earbud.

Me: Hawks is on my tail! Shiggy I am buying you some time! Kurogiri get them all out of the building and back to the base! Do not come for me! I repeat do not come for me! Leave me behind!

Shiggy: Titan?!

Dabi: Shi!!

Toga: Vul?!

Kurogiri: I am not going to do that!

Me: You must or else they will get us all!

Shiggy: You heard our titan!

Dabi: But?!

Shiggy: We will get you back!

Me: Don't worry about me now!

Dabi: Take care for now!

Me: I will, please be careful as well all of you!

I began falling very quickly and I slowly opened my wings. There was no way I could make sharp turns now or even be faster than Hawk, there was simply no way for that. My wings were caring me and it was bloody painful to say the least. I would have screamed in pain if I could but I simply couldn't and I wouldn't allow it.

Hawks quickly caught up and even with my injured wing and the feathers that were sheading, I was still fast enough for him to have some trouble catching up.

Hawks: You are in no place to fly around birdy!

Me: Who are you to tell me what to do?!

Hawks: A hero that wants to give you a second chance!

Before I could even come close to Shiggy my wing gave up on me and I needed to land on the next roof. Hawks came right to my side and caught me from failing my crash-landing.

Hawks: You look terrible!

Me: I could say the same for you chicken!

I was breathing very heavy by now. The pain got to me and it was unbearable. I never flew while my feathers are shedding. Normally the process doesn't hurt me at all but now it did and the pain was killing me.

The moment he let go of me, I collapse to my knees and I was still breathing very heavily. He came to my side and kneeled in front of me.

Hawks: Vulture, are you okay?

Me: Do I look like I am okay?!

Was all I could say between my gritted teeth's. I could tell that he was inspecting me my wings and then I felt his touch and it hurt. It was a burning sensation and I screamed in pain. He quickly stopped touching my very sensitive wings.

Me: Don't..... touch..... them... again!

I could hear all my team mates worries over the earbud.

Shiggy: Titan?!

Dabi: Shi?!

Toga: Vul?!

Kurogiri: Shizuka?!

I looked up at Hawks and I was glaring at him before tucking my wings back in. This time it was a slow process and it hurt a lot again. I bit my lower lip in order to not scream again but I didn't need him to touch them again.

Hawks: I am sorry...

Then I slowly stood up.

Me: Why are you here, chicken?!

Hawks: As I said, I want to offer you a second chance.

Me: And I told you, I don't need one!

With that, I went passed him and began dashing toward the next roof and jumped towards it. My back was covered in blood that much I could tell. I had a split second where he was not close to me where I activated the earbud and began talking to the LOV.

Me: I am okay. Kurogiri, did you get them all out?

Kurogiri: No, I still need to get to Shigaraki.

Me: Then do it quick! Shiggy can you hold on?!

Shiggy: I am an end boss of course I can!

Me: Good!

I managed to run and jump from house to house until Hawks decided enough is enough and picked me up.

Me: Hey!

Hawks: You are in no state to fight at all, birdy!

Me: And what you gonna do?!

The moment I asked him that I released my wings very quickly and managed to cut him. I couldn't see where but I felt some blood dripping down and it also could have been my own blood but I felt that the feathers I still had touched and cut through something. Not only that but I heard Hawks hiss and let me go.

I was now in a free fall until I saw a kid walking on the street very close to the fight scene and then I saw a car coming from the fight scene speeding up right at the little girl. I knew that the people in this car were gang members that were trying to escape the scene.

Me: NO!

I quickly closed my wings and reopened them in the nick of time and made a sharp turn while also gaining the speed I used to fly in. Not gonna lie but I felt like I was losing strength and all I wanted to do was getting that girl out of the way.

Come on!


She is too young to die!

She doesn't deserve this!

I felt the speed I was picking up each minute and before I knew it, I was right at the girl's side, picking her up and swooping her off the ground. Then I covered us both in my bloody wings and crash-landed in the next alley. I was still somewhat conscious and let the girl go.

Me: Are you okay?

Little Girl: Dark Phoenix!!!

Me: Yep but more importantly are you okay? You are not hurt are you?!

She quickly backed away from me and gave me some space to stand up. The moment I did I tucked my wings back in. However, thanks to the impact to the wall of the building, I had a concussion and I could see some black dots. It was only a matter of time until I blacked out.

Little Girl: No, I am okay but you are!

Me: It's okay. Where is your family?

Little Girl: In the shop right on the corner.

Me: Then go to them, I am sure they are very worried about you.

The girl nodded to me and began running out of the alley, that's when I let myself drop down on my knees.

Hawks: Vulture?!!!

Then Hawks came down to me right beside me. All I could do was look up and remove the mask I had on. It was getting hard to breath with that thing on. That was not the only thing. I began coughing up some blood and I knew that I was in a shitty state to say the least.

Hawks: Why?!

Me: Why what?

Hawks: Your wing is clearly broken, your are loosing your feathers and you are clearly in pain. These are no conditions to fly and yet you speed up and saved that girl. You even got injured even more in order to save her life! I want to know why?!

Me: She didn't deserve to die! Is this not enough of a reason?

Hawks: That's what heroes do but not villains!

Me: Tell me what makes a hero a hero and a villain a villain?

This was the last thing I said before collapsing completely and blacking out.

Hawks: Birdy?!

Hawks: Vulture?!

Hawks: SHIT! KID wake up!!!
