Part 24


Hey y'all welcome to part 24! Enjoy!






3rd person POV

"So, Dabi, are you planning on leaving the lov and becoming a hero?"

Everyone went silent, waiting for him to respond.

Dabi/Touyas POV

The question caught me off guard, and I wasn't sure how to respond so I simply answered, "I don't know, maybe? I mean, I don't even know if the lov is going to try to rescue me again," I looked down, hoping that they would keep trying but knowing that they wouldn't risk it.

3rd person POV

The room became eerily quiet, no one knowing what to say next. Finally Dabi, sick of just sitting there, continued to eat, and slowly the rest of the family continued as well.

After eating, Eraserhead came to bring Dabi back to his dorm. When they got there Eraserhead spoke, "Ochako stopped by earlier to drop off your homework, she left it on your bed."

Dabi/Touyas POV

Eraserhead left, locking me in my room. A stack of papers was set neatly on my bed, I flipped through them, scanning to see if there was anything I hadn't already learned. At the bottom of a page in the center of the stack three dots were set in the shape of a triangle. I froze, not sure if I was imagining things. I looked closely and I saw a page number, 12 written in the center of the triangle. I quickly flipped to page 12 and noticed that one simple word had been underlined, soon.

I smiled to myself, they hadn't left me after all.


Q: What's the phone app you use the most?

A: Tiktok

Tell me your answers in the comments!

Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed part 24 and i'll see you in part 25!

