Seto X Reader (Kagerou Days)

  When Seto was a child he used to be teased a lot. People did not understand what he could do and because of that people saw him as something else. He was misunderstood. Kids hated him for that.

"Hey dog freak!" A young boys voice called out to Seto. Seto slowly turned around and stopped talking to a dog. He flinched when he saw the kids from before. The kids advanced and when they were close enough they began to hit him. He covered his head and tensed up. Now he knew how Marry felt. The dog beside him started to growl and viciously bark. The boys seemed to freeze for a moment before they started to terrorize the animal. Seto went to try and stop them but his attempts were futile.

That's when you stepped in. 

A basket ball slammed against the side of one of the boys faces, casing him to fall back. The ball slowly bounced back to you. You kicked the ball up and caught it.

"Leave him alone" You hissed. The group of boys looked at you.

"Oh yea? And what are you gonna do?" One of the boys sneered. You smirked and looked over at a group of young mothers.

"It'd be a shame if you did something and caught the attention of your moms huh?" You said motioning over to the group of women. The boys flinched before they scurried off. "Hey..." You walked over to the young boy. You held the ball in one hand and held your hand out for the other boy. "Are you okay?" You asked. Seto sniffed and grabbed your hand. You helped pull him up.

"Yes thank you" Seto sniffed one again and rubbed his eyes. You frowned.

"My name's (Name)" You smile at him.

"Hello (Name). My name is Seto" He looked at you with a smile. You grinned and you pulled him into a hug.

"Come on let's go play!" You chime and pull him away.

"Hey Seto" You called out to the boy as you enter the small apartment. He turned to you with a grin.

"Hey (Name)! How was work?" He asks you and you can't help but scoff.

"Some guy came in with this car that was completely trashed" You rub your forehead and sigh. "It's good to see you Seto. You make my shitty day better" You sigh before you grab the back of his neck and pull him down so you can place a peck on his lips. You let go of his neck and walk towards the bathroom. "I'm going to have a shower." You turn and send him a quick wink before disappearing into the bathroom. Seto holds the lower half of his face as he tries to hide his blush.

"She sure is a unique one huh?" Kano chimes from behind Seto.

"Yea... She sure is" Seto smiles as he looks at the bathroom door of which you entered.
