Mami X Reader (Madoka Magica)

To her you were gorgeous. The way you could battle with ease. You took on any opponent with no hesitation. You always looked calm. To her, you were someone she could look up to for support. It never bothered her that you were a year younger than her. No matter what to her, you were something like an angel. So to see you like this, beaten down and broken, it broke her. This wasn't you and whoever or whatever did this to you was going to pay. However, for now, she would have to push her anger aside and hold you. 

"I'm a failure" You cried out into her arms. Your hands clutched the cardigan she had been wearing that evening. The leaves had started to turn a bronze to indicate the oncoming winter. Outside had been particularly cold that evening. So the moment you had knocked on her door only wearing a skirt and a light jacket she quickly invited you in. You were cold to the touch. She pulled you closer to her body to try and give you some of the warmth she held.

"No, you're not," She told you. She placed her head on top of yours and began to stroke your hair. It was soft. It always was. "You're an amazing person. You've gotten so many accomplishments in this month alone. How many awards have you won? You're a top student and an amazing soldier on the battlefield" She reassured you in a motherly tone. One she did often. "And most of all" She hummed "You're an amazing girlfriend," She said as she held your face in her hands. She placed a gentle kiss to your lips. You were so soft. Sometimes she worried that if she was too fast, or rough she would injure you. 

"Thank you..."  Your voice was quiet. If it wasn't for her feeling your lips move on her own she wouldn't have thought that you had said anything.

"anything for you," She said as she ran her hands through your hair. She felt you place your head on her shoulder as you lazily wrapped your arms around her torso. You accepted her kind gesture. "I love you so much" She muttered to you.

"I love you more" You chimed back. A small game the two of you would sometimes play. Something that only the two of you shared. She let out a giggle as she heard you say those teasing words.

"I doubt that." She said before placing a kiss along your collarbone. "Unless you plan to challenge me?" She teased. You rolled you eyes.

"I never lose," You say as you moved to look at her in the eyes. "You suck at Super Smash Bro's," You said "But I'm in" You quickly move across the room to the TV where she had her game system. You held up a remote. "Are you ready to get your ass handed to you?" You asked teasingly. She rolled her eyes at your teasing manner. Although it was true she was no good at games. To be honest she didn't even like them all that much but seeing you so happy and eager again made her heart swell with joy. 
