GHB X Reader (Homestuck)

You had known the Grand High Blood for a while now. You had first met him when he was just a little troll toddler. You were a slave and at that moment you were ordered to work in the garden. While you were pulling the weeds from the garden you heard someone walking in the grass towards you. You had turned to look at whoever it was, but once you had noticed that it was the high blood you quickly bowed, and then returned to your work. You had been told not to talking to him at all. Of course he just had to sit down an state at you. You were pretty scared to say the least. He just sat there and stared at you. Once you had finished your job you had once again bowed at him before leaving the garden.

The next time you saw him was when you were in your teens. You had grown but he had grown a lot more. He was quite taller then you. You and him made eye contact in the hallways while you were doing chores but other then that you stayed clear of him, but of course as luck would have it he requested you to his chambers. So with shaky hands you knocked on the door.

"I am here..." You said and he mumbled a reply and you opened the door. "You requested me...?" You mumbled and he stood before you.

"You're a real motherfucking mystery. You never fucking talk to me." He said. You stood there just staring up at him. "Are you mother fucking scared of me?" He asked. You stared at him confused. "Well? Are you going to answer?"

"I'm a slave" You answered calmly. "I'm also not allowed to talk to you. I'll get in trouble. Now is there anything you need or am I free to leave" He laughed.

"I'm permitting you to fucking speak to me because I want you too. Anyone who has a mother fucking problem with it can deal with me." He said with confidence. You laughed lightly, and the two of you engaged in a conversation.

Now you had grown but not as much as the Grant High Blood. He was huge! And on top of that he was really strong! He was able to pick you up with his hands with ease. It was amazing.

"(Name) the Grand High Blood wishes to see you" A woman said as she stood before you. You smiled and nodded.

"Thank you so much. I'll be on my way" you hummed as you skipped towards the High Blood's room. As soon as you were at the large doors you threw them open.

"Hey motherfucker" His voice boomed across the room. You laughed and ran across the room and jumped into his arms. He caught you and hugged you.

"What do you need?" You asked. He didn't say anything at first he only kept quiet thinking about what to say.

"I want you to be mother fucking mine" He said. You looked at him beaming.

"I'd love to!" You said as you held onto him. He smiled and hugged you back.
