/: The Meeting :\

It's the moment when tanjiro meets the pillars for the 1st time.The POV will mostly be with Mui.

The moment when master arrived.
Hello my children.
I hope you're doing good Master.
Thank you for asking Shinazugawa.
Ahem. Does everyone know about the little boy that's named Tanjiro with his demon sister. Are they present?
Good. I got letteres from the retired water pillar Sakanji Urokodaki. The letters said that the little girl never devoured a human. So please everyone accept her.
As I heard master say that I thought how would a demon survive without feasting on humans ? But short after the flaming guy would speak again.
I'm incredibly sorry master but I have to disagree with your statement !
And why is that dear Rengoku ?
The little girl is a demon ! She might not have eaten any human until now but she might eat a human one day !
That is a good reason Rengoku. But she also might never eat any humans.
Excuse me master but I'll enter!
After the guy with scars finished talking he took a weird looking box up to the place where master was.
He would open the box and the demon girl would come out.
She's pretty. I would think Wait why did i think that ? The girl would stand up looking furious at the scar man. He would cut his arm and show it to the demon girl teasing her. After a while the demon would reject the blood.
What ?!
Now do you believe that this demon is on our side Dear Shinazugawa ?
Y-Yes master...
Good. Now please Shinobu take the young kamado's with you.
Yes master. Would say the purple girl with a butterfly haori.
Can I go with you ...?
Why of course.
All 4 of us then went to the butterfly thing.
Here is your bed Tanjiro. And for you Nezuko... Im sorry there is no more beds. Where would you like to sleep.
I would just be staring at them talking.
The demon girl would start talking but because of the bamboo on her mouth it sounded like sounds more than words.
Hmm mhhph ppmhh ! Would say the demon girl.
Would you like to sleep in your box?
The demon girl would shake her head with a frown.
Then where would you like to sleep ?
She would point to the guy with earrings.
With your brother?
Mhm ! The demon girl would say while nodding.
Alright anyone hungry ?
Mine and the earrings dudes' stomach would start making noises.
That's a yes if I saw or heard one.
The butterfly lady would go somewhere.
I would sit on the bed where the earrings kid was sitting.
He would notice me and introduce himself.
Hi. Im Tanjiro and this is my little sister Nezuko and you are ?
Muichiro ...
Muichiro-san want to hang out after we eat ?
Aren't you meant to rest ...?
Resting can wait. Isn't a friend more important ?
Friend ...?
Yes friend. Also how old are you.
I would just look at him not remembering how old i am.
Alright... I guess you forgot. Well im 15 and Nezuko is 13 almost 14.
I hope I didnt mess the age up.
Nezuko ....
She would look at me while i was looking at her.
She would pat my head.
I think Nezuko trusts you.
Trusts ...? I would look at him with confussion.
Yes trusts. She feels safe being around you.
Oh ....
She would stop petting my head and look at me happy. I smiled.
You got a sweet smile Muichiro-san.
Really ...?
Yes ! Hed say with a big smile. I stopped smiling
Please call me muichiro....
Okay. Sorry Muichiro.
The butterfly lady would come with some food.
Here you 2 go.
Also zenitsu and inosuke are in a different part. Since I forgot to make them :)
I would start eating while Nezuko would be staring at both of us.
Tanjiro would finish the food while i still had some left. I ate the food and went back to my house.
When i entered my house i went to my room and went to sleep.
Sorry if this one is short but it was late and i was tired.
Words : 699
