saturday morning breakfast + target fun!

*Tyler, Korey, Crouton, Archer and Sparrow all enjoy breakfast together! Thank you to Rami-Is-A-Sweetheart for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree 💖*

This morning, it was sunny compared to the past night, where it had been raining heavily!

Tyler and Korey were just waking up, Korey woken up by the other man snuggling him. It was very comfortable and warm like that.

"I should go now, unless I make it seem like I came over for breakfast." Korey suggests, making Tyler think tiredly.

"That could work. You can get dressed while I make breakfast, just come downstairs quietly." Tyler agrees, getting out of bed.

Sparrow and Archer are still both asleep, since they were growing boys that loved their sleep.

Tyler and Korey both make the bed together as Crouton dances around happily. Crouton was always a very happy dog in the morning.

"Wait a minute, bud! I'll take you out!" Tyler says happily to Crouton as he pets him.

"I'll take him out when I go downstairs." Korey says with a grin at Tyler.

"Aww, thank you, baby." Tyler says as he hugs Korey tightly.

"You're welcome!" Korey says as he kisses Tyler's cheek before going into the master bathroom.

Korey quickly puts some new clothes on, brushes his teeth and brushes his hair before quietly going downstairs with Crouton.

Tyler tidies up his bedroom a little bit before checking on the boys. Tyler always checks the boys when he wakes up.

Tyler first checks Archer, since his bedroom is the closest to his bedroom. Archer doesn't have any blankets on but he always gets like this somehow during the night.

Tyler than checks on Sparrow. Sparrow is almost falling off his bed but he is still fast asleep. The way Sparrow sleeps is just how Troye sleeps, which makes Tyler chuckle.

Tyler walks downstairs and he sees Korey and Crouton sitting outfit together outside!

"Cutie pies." Tyler says to himself, thinking his brand new boyfriend and dog were adorable together.

Tyler then starts working on making some oatmeal and fruit to go on top. He then adds some cinnamon to make it special.

Korey comes inside after a bit, sitting on a chair near the kitchen island.

"Hey I'm making some oatmeal. Want some?" Tyler offers, stirring the pots of oats.

"Sure! It smells really good too! You have really turned into a cook!" Korey says playfully to Tyler, making Tyler laugh.

When Tyler and Korey both moved to California together when they were in their early twenties, Korey had to do most of the cooking because Tyler would burn pretty much everything. 

"I had to be a cook or else the twins would have starved as babies, toddlers and now! Troye could make microwave meals and I could make cereal!" Tyler says as Korey laughs loudly. 

"Oh my gosh! Parent fail!" Korey says with a smile and Tyler laughs.

"Yeah, it was! Luckily, my mom and Troye's mom taught us some toddler meal basics when they were toddlers and then by then we taught ourselves too!" Tyler says giving Korey a bowl of oatmeal.

"And you didn't burn the house down like that one time you almost burned our apartment down by making a pizza?" Korey says playfully to Tyler and they both laugh.

"Oh stop! To be fair we were drunk!" Tyler says as he laughs and so does Korey. 

"True! We were very drunk that night." Korey says as he giggles, reminiscing on good times.

"And obviously Troye and I have done something right with our cooking skills, both boys are tall for their age." Tyler says with some playful sass.

"I feel like everytime I see them they are bigger! And this is really good!" Korey says as he smiles at Tyler.

"Thank you! And seriously! They both eat like men." Tyler says as he gets a quick kiss from Korey.

"I can't believe we are dating now. It feels so unreal." Korey says as he takes another bite of oatmeal.

"I know! And it feels so amazing. I haven't been this happy with someone in so long." Tyler says as he kisses Korey again and begins to make Crouton his breakfast.

Korey blushes take a few of oatmeal. He hums in delight, finding the meal so good.

Archer and Sparrow sleepily walk downstairs, a little earlier than usual on the weekend. They both see Korey at the kitchen island and are confused.

"Hi, Uncle Korey." Archer and Sparrow say in unison, rubbing the sleep from their eyes.

The twins are both on a growth spurt, which of course means being hungry a lot and lots of sleep.

"Hi, boys! Your Mom just invited me over for breakfast today." Korey says casually, hoping that the boys wouldn't catch on to the real reason.

"Here you go, boys! Good morning!" Tyler chirps and slides two bowls of oatmeal to Sparrow and Archer, who both sit next to Korey.

"Good morning, Mom!" Archer and Sparrow both say in unison happily as they yawn and try to wake up some.

Tyler smiles and pours some orange juice in two glasses for the boys, which is their favorite.

"When did you get here, Uncle Korey?" Archer asks Korey, taking a big bite of oatmeal.

"About a half an hour ago!" Korey says with a smile.

"That's too early to be alive!" Sparrow says playfully, making Tyler and Korey smile.

"Sparrow, you need to clean your room, it's a mess." Tyler says to Sparrow.

"I like a little mess because it means I'm smart." Sparrow says playfully to Tyler.

"I can't have a messy room, it makes me feel icky. I'm smart too!" Archer says to Tyler and Sparrow.

"Both of you are smart! I just want you two to know and understand organization. I know you two like different room styles." Tyler says as he sits down next to Korey and eats his oatmeal.

"Okay, Mom. I'll try to clean up more." Sparrow says with a bit of sass, but he means it.

"We have some extra storage bins if you'd like to try them! I got them for the pantry but they don't fit." Tyler says to Sparrow.  

"Yeah, I'll move things around after breakfast." Sparrow agrees nicely, which makes Tyler grin.

Archer finishes his bowl of oatmeal and put his bowl in the sink before grabbing a yogurt and some more juice from the fridge.

"Someone's a hungry boy." Tyler teases, making Archer blush in embarrassment.

Archer knows his Mom was just being playful. 

Archer hugs Tyler and Tyler hugs Archer back, playing with Archer's blonde red tinted hair.

"I like this yogurt, Mom! Where did you get it?" Archer asks Tyler.

"Trader Joe's! I'll get some more next time I go!" Tyler says with a cheeky grin.

Sparrow finishes his bowl of oatmeal and puts it in the sink next to Archer's. Sparrow then goes into the snack cabinet to grab some cookies.

"You and those cookies!" Tyler says as he giggles making Sparrow smile.

"These are my favorite! I wish we can get them here." Sparrow says enjoying the Australian cookies.

"I'm sure Lolly and Papa will send you some more!" Tyler says with a cheeky grin.

"That would be awesome! They're so yummy!" Sparrow says happily.

Sparrow hums in content, the Australian cookies had so much more flavor than American ones!

"I'm going to get going now! It was nice having breakfast with you guys! Bye!" Korey says, trying to not seem suspicious.

Korey had already brought his bag from upstairs to his car already.

"Bye, Uncle Korey!" Archer and Sparrow say together as they both go upstairs!

Sparrow goes upstairs to put some organizations bins in his room while Archer wants tp organize his closet in rainbow color order.

"Bye!" Tyler says, cleaning up the rest of the dishes.

His iPhone begins to ring and he picks it up.

"Hello?" Tyler asks, soon realizing it was Troye.

"Hello! How was your make out session with Korey?" Troye says as he chuckles at Tyler.

"Oh my gosh! Is that why the boys called you last night?" Tyler asks Troye in some embarrassment.

"Yeah! They wanted to know if it was weird or against the law if moms and uncles kissed each other." Troye says to Tyler.

"Oh gosh! Sorry about that, but anyway, what did you tell them?" Tyler asks curiously, feeling his face go pink.

"I tried to explain that you and Korey aren't actually related and that it's not gross or against the law. But I'm not sure they really got it." Troye says with a laugh.

"Yeah, but they also think any kissing is gross right now. Kids are like that." Tyler says to Troye, chuckling.

Troye leans against a counter at his hotel room, listening to Tyler talk.

"I guess they don't know any better. That's why you have to teach them." Troye mentions.

"You gotta teach them too!" Tyler says playfully to Troye, making Troye laugh.

"So you and Korey are finally an item? It took you guys how many years to figure it out you liked each other?" Troye says playfully to Tyler.

"Oh shush! And we both had feelings for each other for about a year or so." Tyler says to Troye and Troye nods as he enjoys a snack.

"Listen, I didn't want to ruin my friendship with him and he said the same exact thing. Last night, we told each other our feelings and we just made out." Tyler says to Troye.

"Oooo, It sounds like us when we got together back in the day." Troye says as he and Tyler both laugh.

"Oh gosh. Yeah! Those were wild times!" Tyler says as he and Troye laugh again.

"The boys don't know we are dating yet but they saw us kissing. I don't know how to tell them so can you please keep it a secret for a little bit? I don't want the boys' relationship with Korey to be ruined." Tyler says to Troye.

"Sure thing. I understand that it's important to keep their relationship good. These things can be confusing to little kids." Troye says to Tyler.

Tyler sighs in relief, so glad that Troye was willing to keep things a secret.

"Thanks, Troye! I really appreciate that." Tyler says calmly, smiling a bit.

Sparrow then comes downstairs, not realizing Tyler is on the phone.

"Mommy! Do you wanna see my organized bedroom?" Sparrow asks excitedly, wanting Tyler to like the new cleanliness:

"Sure, bud! I can't wait to see it! Do you wanna say hi to Dad? He will be coming home Monday!" Tyler says as Sparrow face lights up and Sparrow nods.

Tyler hands Sparrow his iPhone and Sparrow begins to talk to Troye.

"Hi, Dad!" Sparrow says happily to Troye.

"Hey, squirt! What's up?" Troye says to Sparrow.

"Nothing! I was just cleaning up my bedroom! Mom said it was messy!" Sparrow says as he and Tyler walk upstairs together.

"Your messiness could be clean to you! Everybody is different." Troye says to Sparrow.

"I know! That's what I said! But Mom said I need to be organized!" Sparrow says to Troye.

"Yeah, organization is important! And you lose a lot of stuff." Troye says playfully, making Sparrow laugh.

"Yeah, I do! You are right!" Sparrow says with a giggle.

"How was baseball practice last night?" Troye asks Sparrow, wanting to know what he missed last night.

"Good! Our team is for sure going to the championships this year!" Sparrow says with confidence.

"I hope so, squirt!" Troye says happily.

"Yeah, me too! Hey Dad, can you ask Lolly and Pop to send more of those cookies? We all really like them!" Sparrow says to Troye.

"Yes, I'll tell them! Lolly and Pop want to fly to visit all of us very soon! I think Uncle Steele, Auntie Liav, Auntie Sage and Uncle Tyde will come too! They all want to get vaccinated first." Troye says causing Sparrow to get very excited.

"Mom! Dad said that Lolly, Pop, Uncle Steele, Auntie Liav, Auntie Sage and Uncle Tyde are going to fly to visit us soon! They just have to get that shot!" Sparrow says to Tyler.

"That sounds great! And your bedroom looks very organized, Sparrow! I'm proud of you!" Tyler says, making Sparrow smile.

"When is Lolly, Pop, Uncle Steele, Auntie Liav, Auntie Sage and Uncle Tyde coming?" Archer says as he walks over to Sparrow's bedroom. 

"Soon! Dad just told me!" Sparrow says pointing to the phone, putting it on speaker phone to Archer can talk to Troye too.

"Hi, Dad!" Archer says happily to Troye.

"Hey, Arch! What's up?" Troye asks Archer.

"Nothing! I was organizing my closet!" Archer says with a grin.

"What is Mom making you two clean?" Troye asks Archer and Sparrow playfully.

"No! Just organizing and cleaning!" Tyler says in the background playfully.

"Yeah, just organizing!" Archer repeats with a giggle.

"Well, we have to get going, Dad! It's busy here today! Bye! Love you!" Archer and Sparrow both say in unison to Troye.

"Bye! I love you two so so much! See you two Monday!" Troye says to the boys happily.

Sparrow hands Tyler his iPhone back, with a big grin on his face. Sparrow felt very proud and confident about himself now.

Tyler puts his iPhone up to his ear to talk to Troye again.

"Well Troye, we will see you when you get home on Monday! The boys can't wait to see you!" Tyler says happily to Troye.

"Yes! I can't wait to see them too! See you guys later!" Troye says before Tyler says goodbye and hangs up.

"I have piano lessons in ten minutes, right?" Archer asks curiously, forgetting if he had them or not.

"Nope! Piano lessons got canceled this week and probably for a few weeks. Your teacher was exposed to someone with Covid and now she has it." Tyler says causing Archer to frown because he loves piano lessons.

"Does that means I'm going to get It?" Archer asks in worry.

"No, it doesn't! It just means we need keep checking for symptoms and maybe getting tested if needed!" Tyler says as he plays with Archer's hair.

"Do I have baseball today?" Sparrow asks Tyler.

"You just had baseball yesterday, silly! You have your first game next Saturday though!" Tyler says, making Sparrow smile.

"What are we going to do today?" Archer asks Tyler.

"Yeah! We are we going to do today?" Sparrow asks Tyler.

"I don't know! What do you two wanna do today?" Tyler asks Archer and Sparrow.

"What about.... going to a store? Any grocery store or toy store!" Archer asks making his brother get excited.

For the boys, even going to the store was exciting since the pandemic has still been going on.

But none of California is in the purple tier which is the worst tier, with more people getting vaccinated. So it allowed more things to open up.

Plus, with two growing boys, Tyler constantly had to buy more food!

"Do you guys wanna go to Target and see if they have any new Pokémon cards and some of the new video games that are coming out?" Tyler asks Archer and Sparrow.

"Pokémon Snap and Mario Golf are out now!" Sparrow says happily.

"And Harvest Moon One World!" Archer also says happily.

"Well, how about you two take a shower and then we can go!" Tyler says happily.

"I don't feel like taking a shower." Sparrow says as he plays with her dark brown hair.

"Me either!" Archer says as he itches his ear.

"But you two didn't take one yesterday after school and practices. You two are stinky." Tyler says playfully to the boys.

The twins think about it, deciding that they really wanted to go to Target and maybe buy some new things and games.

"Okay! We'll take a shower!" Sparrow says, before getting ready for a shower.

Archer meanwhile goes to check how much money they have in their piggy banks.

Archer soon joins his twin brother in the shower, figuring it'll go quicker if they did it at the same time.

Tyler meanwhile feeds Crouton a treat and gives him some before getting ready to go.

A few minutes later, Archer and Sparrow, are getting dressed and talk about the new Pokémon cards and new video games.

"I really want the Pokémon Snap game!" Sparrow says as he puts an Adidas t-shirt on.

"And I really want Mario Golf and Harvest Moon New World!" Archer says with a cheeky grin, looking for a shirt to wear.

Sparrow is into wear athletic brand name clothes and comfy clothes while Archer likes to dress up a little bit.

"Make sure you two put deodorant on!" Tyler says playfully.

Archer and Sparrow put a small bit of organic deodorant on as they giggle at Tyler.

Archer soon decides on a floral shirt and pairs it with some khaki shorts.

The boys get their shoes on, Sparrow putting on crocs and Archer puts his Nikes slip one shoes since he didn't like the texture of a lot of rubber shoes.

*Archer and Sparrow's outfits*

"We're ready to go, Mom!" The twins say in unison.

"All right, let's go then!" Tyler says as he grabs his wallet and the boys cheer.

The three of them each grab a mask and they go out to the car.

Sparrow and Archer sit in the backseat while Tyler gets in the drivers seat and he begins to drive to Target!

"How much money is in your piggy banks?" Tyler asks Sparrow and Archer.

"I have $67 dollars!" Sparrow says happily.

"And I have $70!" Archer says with a cheeky grin.

"How do you have more money than me?" Sparrow asks Archer a little mad his brother has more money.

"Because I do more chores!" Archer says with some sass.

"No you don't!" Sparrow says to Archer.

"Guys, chill. You only have three dollar difference! That's also more than most kids your age have." Tyler tries to assure his kids.

"Yeah, you're right." Sparrow shrugs, not feeling annoyed about it anymore.

They all soon arrive at Target, and Tyler, Archer and Sparrow all get on masks before heading inside.

"Now, stay close and don't touch what you're not gonna buy. All right?" Tyler asks, wanting his precious house to be safe.

"Okay, Mom!" Archer and Sparrow both say in unison.

Tyler, Archer and Sparrow first walk over to the small Starbucks that a lot of Targets have!

Tyler orders his favorite drink he always get while Archer and Sparrow both get their favorite frappuccinos!

"Thank you, Mom!" Archer and Sparrow both say in unison as they begin to drink their Frappuccino's.

"You're welcome! Where do you guys wanna go first?" Tyler asks Archer and Sparrow.

"The video games section!" Sparrow and Archer both say happily.

"I'm gonna buy Pokémon Snap!" Sparrow declares excitedly, taking another sip of his frappuccino.

"Sure! We can do that first!" Tyler chirps.

Five minutes later, Archer, Sparrow and Tyler are finished with their drinks and put their masks back on before heading over to the video game section.

On the way over there, Archer picks up a pack of new Pokémon cards and holds it in one hand eagerly.

"Look at this rare one you can get!" Archer says, nearly bouncing with excitement.

"Oooo! How fun, Archie!" Tyler says with a cheeky grin.

Sparrow walks around the video game aisle, looking for Pokémon Snap and finds it!

"I found it! I found it!" Sparrow says with a big smile.

"Awesome!" Tyler says with a big smile at Sparrow.

Archer then looks for the game he wants to buy, Harvest Moon: One World.

Archer has some trouble finding the game, but Sparrow points it out. The game was behind another one.

"Lool, Archeroo! Here's the game you wanted! Harvest Moon: One World!" Sparrow says helpfully, causing the his twin to smile from under his mask.

"Thanks, Spare!" Archer says, picking up the video game.

Tyler found the boys' nicknames they gave each other adorable! They were reserved only to be used by one another, no-one else.

Tyler smiles at his boys proudly. Tyler loves the close bond that twins have with each other.

"Did you two find it?" Tyler asks Archer and Sparrow happily.

"Yes!" Archer and Sparrow both say in unison to Tyler.

"Awesome!" Tyler says sipping on his drink and pushes the shopping cart over.

"Spare, I'll get you a pack of Pokémon cards like I got because you helped me find me game!" Archer says as he hugs his twin.

"Thanks Archeroo! I hope we get the rare cards!" Sparrow says happily.

"No problem! I hope we do, too!" Archer says as he puts another back of the new Pokémon cards in the shopping cart and him, Sparrow, and Tyler all head to the checkout line.

The person working there named Janice scans the things and gets curious.

"Are you two twins? Janice asks while she puts the items on the side counter since they're scanned already.

"Yeah! We are!" Archer and Sparrow say in unison to charm Janice, and they both count the correct amount of cash and hand it to her.

"Ooh, how fun! Do you guys want a bag?" Janice says and then questions.

"Yes, please!" Archer and Sparrow both say in unison with cheeky smiles.

Janice puts the items in two bags and hands them to Archer and Sparrow.

"Thank you!" Archer and Sparrow both say in unison to Janice.

"My pleasure! Have a great day!" Janice says with a cheeky smile.

"You too!" Archer, Sparrow and Tyler all say in unison to Janice.

Sparrow, Archer and Tyler all head out to the car and soon go home, where the boys play their new games!
