
Grammatical errors

This is just a male version of the original version.

Let's start.
In this Au you are the Crown Prince of elements
And your kingdom name is the
Mythics Esmeralda

Mythics Esmeralda is a kingdom full of wing, land, marine and magical creatures.

What you look like:

Name: Y/n Mythic Starlight

Ability: to talk to animals

Personality: Serious,kind,caring and very polite to people who is nice to him

Likes: to sing and dance

Hates: Loud noises

Plays: the flute,guitar, piano, harp and violin

Your forms:




Your hair will tend to change colours because of slight effects of the main elements used in your forms

Unique Magic:

Normal form: Mythic summoning

-Able to summon mythic creatures elemental burst

-A powerful mix of all elements in one blast


-Able to shift into animals or person but need to know what they look like

Kitsune form:

Aura burst

-Able to summon 6 power balls around you for you to comment who you want to blast with them

Unleash beast

-Able to transform into a full kitsune

Alpha's roar

-A roar that will make every animal bow to you 

Demon form:

Demonic gates

-Able to summon Hades, Cerberus and other demonic creatures to help fight for you

Demon chains

-Dark shadow chains to stop creatures or person from moving


-Able to resurrect deaths and command them

Angel form:

Halo ring

-A halo ring that can trap a person in the halo or can use as frishbee to hit others

Healing light

-Able to use high level healing magics


-Able to float things by only using a finger

Your parents P.O.V.

Mom: Are Y/n, Elijah and Alexander not awoke yet?

Queen Ophidia Mythic

Ability: To talk to animals

Personality: Nice and kind
Loves everyone equally

Dad: Hmmm,I don't know, Zeon go wake them up.

King Theo Starlight
A powerful magician

Personality: Serious and kind
very protective of you

Favourite child: Loves everyone equally but loves you more

Zeon: Yes father

Prince Zeon Mythic Starlight Eldest son of 4 siblings

Personality: Caring and serious
Very protective of you

Favourite sibling: Y/n

Zeon went to your room first

*knock knock*

Zeon: Little bro, it's time to wake up

Your bedroom

You started to wake up

Y/n: Mmm okay I'm up...

Zeon: Get ready okay, mom and dad have something for you

Y/n: Ok big brother

Zeon close the door gently and went to get your 2 older brothers

You get out of bed and get ready for the day

Your earings

Your necklace

Pick whatever shoes you like

Y/n: Done

Lillian: Mew

Y/n: Hmmm? Oh hey, Lillian

Lillain jumps into your arms and you hugged her close to you

Y/n: Let's go and see what's the news

Lillain: Mew!

You went down and see your family waiting for you

Elijah: Hey little lamb!

Prince Elijah Mythic Starlight
Second oldest of the 4 siblings

Personality: Serious and kind
Very supportive of you

Favourite sibling: Y/n

Alexander: Good morning little daisy

Alexander Mythic Starlight
Third oldest of the 4 siblings

Personality: Energetic and kind
Protective of you

Favourite sibling: Y/n


Y/n: Morning

You go to the living room and sit on the couch

Y/n: So what's the news?

Dad: Ah yes, you and Alexander are going to 2 Schools. Which are you going to choose?

Y/n: Ah, I see

Alexander: Woohoo! So exicted!

Mom: The 2 academy are Night Raven Colleage and Royal Sword Academy.

Dad: So my 2 children, which academy will you choose?

Alexander: Hmmmmmm.....What will you choose little daisy?

Y/n: Hmmm....I don't know Lillain you choose

Lillain: Mew!

Lillain choosed Night Raven Colleage

Y/n: Night Raven Colleage then

Alexander: Ah then I'll go to Royal Sword Academy

Elijah: Yay! Little Lamb is gonna be with me!

Zeon: And Alexander will be with me

Dad: Alright it's decided then!

Your father choose the respective schools you 2 have chosen

2 mirrors have appeared in the living room

Y/n: Mirrors?

Dad: These 2 mirrors came from academys to sort your dorms.

Y/n: Oh so what is big brother's dorm?

Zeon: I'm from Diasomnia dorm

Elijah: I'm from Heartslabyul dorm

Y/n: Ah I see

The darkness mirrors go infront of you while the royal mirror goes infront of Alexander

Mirror of darkness: Please state your name

Royal mirror: Please state your name

Y/n: Y/n Mythic Starlight

Alexander: Alexander Mythic Starlight

Mirror of darkness: Hmmmm
Diasomnia dorm

Royal Mirror: Hmmmm
Pomefiore Dorm

Alexander: I have Pomefiore dorm? Cool!

Y/n: Mirror of darkness, can I request something?

Mirror of darkness: And what is that, Prince?

Y/n: Can I have a private dorm instead cause I don't like loud noises

Mirror of darkness: There is a private dorm but it is shambles

Y/n: It's fine I can reconstruct it with my magic.

Mirror of darkness: Alright if that's what you wish, it's my command. And would you like to rename your dorm?

Y/n: I name it 𝓜𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓪 𝓓𝓸𝓻𝓶

Mirror of darkness: Alright my crown Prince.

Y/n: Thank you, Mirror of darkness

Alexander: Thank you, royal mirror

Pen and gem on the pen:

Dorm logo:

Alexander's uniform and magic pen

Mirror of darkness: Your welcome our crown prince

Royal Mirror: Your welcome my prince

Your 3 older siblings: Wait! CROWN PRINCE!?

Y/n: *chuckles* Ah yes, mom and dad didn't tell you that?

Zeon: I mean I'm happy you are taking the throne but aren't you too young?

Alexander: Yes I agree, and what if people want to steal away our little brother?

Elijah: C'mon guys our little brother shows great contribution when he was little. He's perfect for the throne

Dad: I agree with Elijah and after all he is more powerful than the 3 of you combine

Zeon: It was only ONE time!

Elijah: Only sometimes...

Alexander: Understandable

Mom: But you 3 will be there to him when he needs it

Zeon: Of course I'll be there to help him

Elijah: Yes anything for my little lamb

Alexander: Yes I will help little daisy

Mirror of darkness: You both will start school today

Dad: Thank you mirrors

The 2 mirrors: Your welcome our king

The 2 mirrors disappeared

Elijah: C'mon little lamb hurry up and grab your things so we can go

Y/n: Okay

Dad: Ahhhhh my sons grow up so fasttt😭

Y/n: Dad, you know we have school holidays right so we won't be there forever?

Dad: I know but still

Mom: Now now dear *while pating dad on the back*

Dad: Fine....

Y/n: Wait! am I allowed to bring Lillain with me?

Dad: Ah yes she is allowed as we got permission from the principle

Y/n: Thx dad! Did you hear that Lillain you get to come with me!

Lillain: Mew!

Dad: Haha your welcome my dear Prince

Y/n: Here, Lillain, a choker so we could match

Just imagine the gem on her choker being the same as your gem

Lillain: Mew!

Elijah: Alright, the carriage is here now, we need to get going now little lamb

Y/n: Coming!

You pick up Lillain and walked to the carriage

Dad: Oh before you 2 go

Y/n: ??

Elijah: ??

Dad: Here's your allowance for the month

Your dad gave you a black card

Card ranking:

Dad: And I already topped up your card Elijah

Y/n: Thx dad

Elijah: Thank you, father

Dad: Your welcome my 2 children

Elijah: But we really need to get going now

Y/n: Ok but first

You ran and hug your dad

Your dad hugged you back

After finish hugging you went to Elijah

Dad: Hope you have fun at school and Elijah you better protect your little brother!

Elijah: I will protect little lamb don't worry father

Elijah carried you to the carriage

Ebony Carriage: Ah so today is when your little brother comes to the academy?

Elijah: Yup

You both went into the carriage

Sometime later

Ebony Carriage: We are here your highnesses

Elijah: Ok thx

Y/n: Thank you

Lillain: Mew!

Ebony carriage: Your welcome your highnesses and little cat

Elijah carried you to the school and went to the chamber room

Principle Crowley: Hmmm...Where are the highnesses?

Elijah: We're here Crowley

Principle Crowley: Ah you are finally here and it looks like your little brother want the rundown dorms?

Elijah: Yes

Principle Crowley: Nice to meet you my crown prince

Y/n: Please refrain calling me crown Prince infront of others like Elijah and tell that to the other teachers. You can just call me, Y/n

Principle Crowley: As you wish Y/n, now let's go to your dorm

Elijah puts you down

Elijah: I'll be going to my dorm now little bro so you will be going to Crowley okay?

Y/n: Okay

You and Crowley walk to Ramshackle dorm

Y/n: So this is the dorm?

Principle Crowley: Yes it, Y/n

Y/n: Then I'll be renovating it.
Is there anyone living in that dorm?

Principle Crowley: There are a few ghosts who live there, Prince-

Y/n: *slightly glares* I said, call me Y/n

Principle Crowley: S-sorry Y/n and I'll be going now

Crowley left you and Lillain at ramshackle dorm

Y/n: Lets go in Lillain and ask the ghosts out of the house because I'm gonna renovate it

Lillain: Mew!

You both went in the rundown dorm

Y/n: Hello is anyone here?

Ghost a: A new friendddd

Ghost b: Helooooo

Ghost c: Hiiiiiii

Y/n: Nice to meet you all but can you go outside I'm going to renovate this house and my magic can hurt you

Ghost a: Ah I see

Ghost b: Alright

Ghost c: Okay

You all went outside

Y/n: Alright can one of you hold Lillain please?

Ghost a: Of course

You give Ghost a, your cat

Y/n: Alright let's do this

You take your magic pen from your shirt pocket and say a spell

Y/n: *Whispers* Renew

White sparkles around the dorm and turn into a mansion

Y/n: Now let's go inside, you 4

Ghost a: Wow this looks amazing....

Ghost b: Awesome...

Ghost c: Cool....

Lillain: Mew!

You 5 went in the living room

Y/n: This is not bad

Ghost a: This is really amazing!

Ghost b: The place looks like a palace!

Ghost c: Awesome!

Lillain: Mew!

Y/n: Your rooms are in the attic

Ghost a: Ah thx-

Ghost b: Yes very

Ghost c: Thank you

Y/n: You're  welcome :)

The ghosts went to their rooms and ghost a gave Lillain back to you

You and Lillain were about to go your new room while your door open and see a black cat with flaming ears
The end of episode 1

Word count: 1836
