Chapter 7: The Birth of Orion Eclipse

Before the beginning of the war, and before Orion Pax became the new warrior known as Optimus Prime, Megatron leads his army to battle and eliminate any who had opposed him or who dare to challenge him. Firestar watched from the Nemesis' surveillance cameras in seeing their entire home planet in a battle of chaos and despair, but in turn, Firestar wished that the lives of many Cybertronions were never to be taken away by her husband, Megatron as it made her sadden of this fate since Megatron left the council building when trying to share his vision with even Orion Pax to help Cybertron's cause and prevent horrible events of its future. But during the night when all seemed to have calmed down, for now, Firestar would help to heal the wounds and scars seen onto Megatron, she knew she was a doctor before in Kaon but had become a better doctor now in training the new medic known as Knockout with his partner and conjunx-to-be Breakdown.

While in healing his battle scars and wounds, Megatron soon began to notice a kind of sad look on Firestar's face in wishing for something dear to care for...maybe, like a child to love and raise for their future of the Decepticon throne. After some time of healing up from his battle, Megatron soon decided to go with Firestar to pay a visit to one of the creators who gave Cybertronians life, Vector Sigma.

It took a couple of hours in the night, but in the time that the pair found where Vector Sigma was kept, Megatron soon saw Firestar at first a bit in surprise to see Vector Sigma for the first time, but the pair could soon hear a voice in speaking to them, asking why they have come to see it. Firestar soon began to introduce herself and Megatron to Vector Sigma and in having a request to ask: to have a baby Cybertronian to give love, care, support and to teach them of how to be a good leader to their kind someday in the future.

Vector Sigma, in being silent at first, began to inform the two flyers that it will accept their request, however, there was one thing to do first. In first to have the pair have both their CNA in the mix to create a life for their firstborn child, but to adjust some new functions into the Decepticons to allow the process to be sure. As the two soon look to another, they both walked close to Vector Sigma to accept what it told them before a bright light began to shine onto them. As the light later dimmed down, the two opened their eyes to notice nothing changed, or so they thought. However, they both thank Vector Sigma and returned to the Nemesis.

After returning to the ship, Megatron and Firestar were now in their courters and into locking their door for the night. Megatron knew that the war was not what Firestar wished to have, but after everything that happened, Megatron wished to make things right. So he made his promise to Firestar that no matter what happened, he will always protect her and to have their freedom for the future be a safer one than what they are in now. The pair soon smile at each other and began to make love, but after a few kisses and stroking touches onto one another, Megatron sudden began to feel himself to be heating up, that's when he realized what Vector Sigma meant about some new functions it gives the pair during their meeting. As Firestar asked if Megatron was alright, Megatron soon answers that he is alright, but to now see what Vector Sigma meant. As it left Firestar confused at first, she then began to feel Megatron lay her down on their birth to them once again kiss again but with Megatron to move his tongue around in Firestar's mouth, moaning in pleasure.

Firestar finally understood this behavior as she felt the heat begin on her too. And as the two begin the first stage of making love, they were moaning and enjoying these new functions of their bodies. Even as they then reached the second stage, for it was a kind of Cybertronion version of how humans have sex, Megatron began to then lick Firestar's neck, making her quiver to the touch while lowering Megatron's hand to open Firestar's interfacing panel. And one doing the same of opening his own, his hardened spike soon slowly enters into Firestar after moving one or two of his clawed fingers in her and began to hold her tight while starting to thrust slowly into her since it felt tight inside Firestar.

It took a few whole minutes as Megatron was then getting close to release. And in keeping their voices down, Megatron kisses Firestar's lips once more in then finally releasing himself into her, and with the pair sparked and in having their CNA in mixed together. After a few hours and in having themselves cleaned up, the two fell asleep in their birth together as Firestar was held close to Megatron. However, by the time morning came, Firestar was suddenly feeling sick, and with herself to try to cool down her temperate, she went to go have herself check her entire body to see what was wrong...but what she later discovered was a total surprise.

Megatron later awoke to go and retrieve Energon for himself and Firestar to drink but he noticed that Firestar was not in their birth, but to be in the next room in hearing sickly moaning. In putting the Energon down to check on Firestar, he soon saw her sitting on the ground beside a mirror. As Megatron asked Firestar if she was alright, and in hopes, she wasn't hurt. Firestar shook her head to then smile and allow Megatron to sit with her. The femme soon began to tell Megatron of what has happened to her and to then place both their hands gently on her lower part of her tank, as in truth for the pair for Firestar was carrying a baby sparkling. Megatron's optics widen in surprise before he smiles at the good news with tears forming in his optics. The two then held each other close to be soon-to-be parents to their child, but they will have to keep the secret from the others on the Nemesis until Megatron will be certain of it.

As the months pass by, some of the Decepticons notice the changing of Firestar and began to wonder what was going on with her tank of it getting bigger and rounder, but those such as Shockwave, Knockout, Breakdown, Soundwave, and Starscream had kept the secret safe when after they saw Firestar once 3 months carrying her sparkling.

They were told that if Firestar was to end up in any behavior changes, they need to help her at any cost and for Knockout to help the femme doctor with her child, he and Breakdown vowed to help keep a close eye on her if something like what Megatron said happened, even during the war since she never left the Nemesis. And whenever Megatron sees his queen, Megatron would have a warm smile on his face in thinking of the future for him and their child. He would even speak to the sparkling whenever he and Firestar were always alone in their courters, and in feeling the sparkling moving from time to time, it made Megatron and Firestar very happy and proud.

By the time the final month came after five months later passed, Shockwave and Knockout were called to the bridge to escort Firestar to Knockout's med bay in case she is to be due any day or time while Megatron has gone off to the battlefield with Breakdown, Soundwave, and Starscream. But Megatron said to Firestar and the others he will only go to meet up with Dreadwing and Skyquake and find some supplies and Energon for the entire ship and the crew and will return soon. Once the leader took his leave with the crew he took with him, Knockout and Shockwave returned to the med bay with Firestar as she was in rubbing her swollen tank of feeling her sparkling slowly moving their little hands and feet. However while waiting in the final hours for Megatron to return to the ship, Firestar began to feel the baby move itself once more in knowing it was almost time, so she asked Knockout to prepare the medical birth for her and got Shockwave to check in with Megatron.

As the two did as Firestar requested, she then began to carefully lay herself on the birth and in rubbing her swollen tank as she began to sing a lullaby to her baby to help it sleep and to be ready for the time of Firestar's labor. In the time Megatron, Breakdown, Dreadwing, Skyquake, Soundwave, and Starscream returned for what they were searching for, they saw Shockwave informing Megatron about Firestar in the med bay prepaid for the birthing of their child.

But just as he and his group placed everything down, and for the Decepticon leader to go to the med bay with Shockwave, they both heard a scream of pain coming from the med bay. The two hurried and entered the med bay in seeing Firestar now in labor, Knockout began to help Firestar to position herself after removing her interfacing panel completely as she leaked wet fluid. Megatron ran to the side of his queen and comforted her after closing and locking the med bay doors behind, in having Firestar to feel grateful to see him in time, despite her now in pain. In a few minutes, close to an hour, everything was set and Shockwave and Knockout were in helping Firestar to deliver the heir child while Megatron held her hands to see her begin deep breathing and push hard after three breaths. It took a couple of times of breathing and pushing in the next 5 hours, a sound of loud crying from an infant child was then heard as Firestar finally was in relief.

Megatron saw Knockout and Shockwave cleaning the baby sparkling and letting them in doing their thing to even check it's health...they soon look to Megatron with two pieces of good news. The baby was perfectly healthy and strong like their carrier and that it was a mech sparkling, to say it, a baby boy Cybertronian. Megatron and Firestar soon smile at each other in then watched Knockout cleaning the baby in giving him his first bath to wash off the fluid that covers him. And after covering him up with a cloth-like blanket to keep the baby warm, Knockout gave the baby to the tired but strong Firestar after informing Megatron to gather the others for the good news and to clean the floors in his med bay.

Shockwave decided to remain behind and ask what they will name the baby as he also had blue optics like his carrier and look similar to Firestar and Megatron. Megatron soon gave a good thought of it before looking to his and Firestar's baby soon dawned on him what they shall name their son: Orion Eclipse. And there was a reason why, Orion was the first name of Megatron's friend and brother Orion Pax while the baby's last name was in knowing to name him after Megatron's carrier, Lunar Eclipse. Firestar thought the name was perfect and agreed with Megatron to then see their son look up to them with his first smile and cute sounds. Megatron knew that in his spark and Firestar's spark, he was very grateful to welcome their son to this world and to let him become the next ruler for the Decepticons of the future of Cybertron.
