Chapter 4


Reread the Derfflinger scene in chapter 2 there has been a major edit. Also it's been pointed out to me that sometimes an edit won't appear on the app. I'm not entirely sure how to fix that.

Jaune holds disappointment for those who turned their back on him, not anger. He won't be beating them cause they were idiots that would make him no better than the people he fought against. After all, he's a teacher now and has an image to uphold. Now does that mean New Class VII will hold back when they badmouth him? ¯\_()_/¯ Who knows? After all, Ash is in that class.

While Jaune lead his class down the ramp he noticed their landing had drawn a rather large crowd. It seemed they had arrived just after classes let out for the day. There were many faces he didn't recognize likely first through third years. He noticed a few notable individuals like CRDL and his old team led by Jane Arc but he saw RWBY was either running late or up to some wacky adventure again. Too bad he didn't have time to speak with reconnect at the moment.

"Instructor? Where are we now?" Juna asked looking at all the gawking students.

"This is Beacon Academy the place we will be using as a home base when not on the Courageous," Jaune explained.

"Is this not the place you went to before joining Thors?" Altina asked.

"Really?" Juna was surprised some of those people watching looked to be Jaunes age and they wore school uniforms.

"I'm not surprised you know that. But yes I did spend a few months here it's one of the reasons Prince Olivert asked us to come with him." Jaune informed them.

"Huh, what you some kind of dropout then teach?" Ash smirked.

"Hey, Ash that's uncalled for!" Juna went to defend her teacher.

"Indeed likely something happened that forced him to leave maybe a family emergency?" Kurt sided with Juna.

"Oh, maybe it's something scandalous! Maybe Instructor Jaune got a girl pregnant and was forced home away from his one true love." Musse gushed.

"I highly doubt that." Altina rebuked Musse's suggestion. "Though even the intelligence division never found out why Instructor Jaune returned."

"Hmm, I'd say the closet would be a tie between Ash and Kurt. Unfortunately, we don't have any more time to talk about this Olivert is likely on his way and well you know him." Jaune said after some thought. Afterward, he went to the other instructors and reported to Principle Le Guin. "Class VII is all accounted for Ma'am."

"Good and just in time the prince should be exiting any minute now that we've cleared the area of any threats." Aurelia nodded toward the students. Jaune took another look and finally saw Team RWBY. He also thought he felt a familiar presence in the crowd

"Jaune./Fearless Leader!/J-Jaune." Three voices caught his attention He looked ad saw an equally stunned Lie Ren, Nora Valkyrie, and Ruby Rose. He was never on bad terms with those three but wasn't on the best. They just refused to partake in the name-calling. He figured that Ruby was going to Ozpin for advice on what to do the day he quit. He just thought he was doing her a favor by telling her that he was leaving but nowadays he just saw it as another attempt to run away from who he was. All he could do was give a small noncommittal wave in their direction as smoke started rolling down the ramp. All those who knew Olivert gave a sigh as the sound of a lute could be heard getting closer but it wasn't from the ship it was from the... CROWD. Prince Olivert strolled out of a crowd of stunned students wearing Crows jacket as he cleared his voice and started to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

To say a lot of the female students of Beacon were awwed by the declaration of love through song was an understatement. Scherazard was led down the Ramp by Crow in Oliverts bard's jacket. Crow looked so pleased their little switch had tricked everyone. Jaune was certain Crow had picked the song for Olivert to sing as the prince seemed to favor Amber Amour when making an entrance. Those two seemed to be making a big show of it while Schera seemed to grow more irritated as they dragged it out until she had enough. She yanked Oliverts lute from his hands and handed it to Crow while dragging the prince back into the ship.

"Really Crow don't you think that was a bit much?" Towa sighed as Crow got to them.

"He wanted to make an entrance. So we devised one hell of an entrance." Crow shrugged as if it was just another day for him.

"Makes sense in a weird way I guess. So are you going to return the jacket?" Jaune asked.

"He said I could keep it. It sure makes me look the part of a dashing rogue doesn't it?" Crow struck a goofy pose.


"When will he grow up?" Cedric hid his face in his hands.

"I thought it was ok. Overly flashy but songs not half bad." Shirley shrugged. "Are you really going to pretend you aren't happy to see him princy? I remember your reaction when we learned he had survived that bomb."

"Just because I'm happy he's doing fine doesn't mean I'm happy he's here. What are we going to do now." Cedric looked towards Shirley.

"Simple we continue your training. If I was a betting gal I'd say Olivert will try to get some of those branch students in the ring at some point. What do you say to a rematch with the Vander boy?" Shirley grinned.


Ruby watched as Jaune and the others in white left with the man who was singing. A part of her wanted to reach out and say sorry or anything for that matter but she couldn't seem to speak. The other fourth years seemed to form groups to discuss what they saw. Some were talking about the song and its singer wondering if he was single while others guessed he was in some kind of relationship with that white-haired woman. While others were talking about Jaune.

"There's no way that guy was Arc. That dweeb couldn't even hold a sword. HA HA HA." Cardin's harsh laughter could be heard all around.

"Yeah, your right! That loser is probably dead in some ditch!" One of his teammates agreed.

"Hey he was talking to those prissy brats in those fancy uniforms maybe they know something." Another of his teammates pointed out.

"Well, they are screwed." Ruby jumped back only to notice Jane standing beside her.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked. The conversation caught her team's attention.

"Come on don't tell me you don't feel it even after four years here. Just look at those students more closely. They are not to be taken lightly." Jane explained.

"Your overthinking things again Jane. Hell look at the little girl over there there's no way she's that strong." Yang pointed at a girl with white hair.

"If we went by that logic Yang, Ruby would be the weakest one here." Weiss pointed out.

"Hey, what does that mean!?" Ruby felt insulted.

"Hey look Cardins about to start talking." Yang was hoping to see some action.


"Well, that was something." Juna was stunned by the performance they had just watched.

"I thought it was cute." Musse giggled.

"That doesn't mean much coming from the girl who kept trying to seduce our dense-as-a-rock teacher." Ash pointed out.

"I'm surprised Crow and the Prince devised that plan in such a short amount of time." Kurt agreed with Juna.

"Someone is coming." Altina interrupted them. The other members of Class VII turned to see four arrogant-looking boys walking up to them.

"Hey, Newbies." Juna figured that was the leader of the group.

"Oh great he's one of those. Hmph don't worry I've got this." Ash walked forward. "What do you want?"

"Wooh watch out for this one he's feisty." The brown-haired idiot laughed. He placed his arm on Ashs' shoulder while eyeing some of the others. "We just want to know about that blonde fellow you were talking to."

Ash glanced at the arm, "Why do you want to know about Instructor Schwarzer?"

"Schwarzer huh? Oh, no reason he just reminded us of this blonde loser who snuck his way into school before we taught him a lesson. Know what I mean?" The other three boys joined in when the brown-haired boy started laughing.

"Taught him a lesson huh? Heh." Ash let out an unamused laugh. "Yeah, I know what you mean." He removed the boy's arm and slowly started adding pressure. "Big man at school huh? Think you can do whatever you want because you're bigger than them?"

"AGH! What the hell man? Let go!" The brown-haired boy struggled in Ash's grip.

"I will after I tell you something," Ash added more pressure. "I've hundreds of guys like you and there's always been one thing that stays the same." Ash got closer to the boy. "They all end up being cowards. All bark no bite. So let me make this clear." Finally, a field around the boy broke. "If you try anything while I'm here, I'll show you true fear." He pushed the boy into his friends. "Sorry, I have no idea who you're talking about but I'd take your buddy to the nurses because he doesn't look so good." With one final look, the others dragged their brown-haired friend away.

"What was that about Ash?" Kurt questioned his classmate.

"I think I know why the instructor left this dump. If that's what passes for a student I doubt he'd stay long." Ash shrugged. "Anyway, I think I'm going to find a place to read see ya later."
