Mariocart Pt1

icythot(shoto): yumi and nat come over we're playing mariocart

boyelsa(natsuo): you want us to come to the villans hideout or the other place?

burntchickennuggie(dabi): villans hideout

icythot: he was asking me asshole

burntchickennuggie: too bad 

pinky(mina): yOu kNoW wHeRe tHe viLLaNs hiDeOuT iS?

icythot: uhhh wasn't it obvious? well yea i know. if not i can't visit my lonely older brother dabi

burntchickennuggie: i have hawks you know

icythot: ANYWAYS where did you think i stayed during the weekends? my 'father's' house?

miniallmight(deku): well yea

bakuhoe(bakugo): i actually thought that

icythot: oh nonononono


yea i finished another chapter

anyways if you are reading my other story i might be writing again soon

thanks for reading
