|We Are Here|

Bakugou Katsuki made his way to class 1-A. Once he had gotten to the door, the night before replayed in his head.

Katsuki was sitting and watching TV, like normal, when a knock came to the door of his home. His parents said they'd be back, after visiting a family friend, and he just sat and waited for them. It was eleven at night. ’dang, didn't see the time.’ he stood up and walked over to his door to open it. Once he did, he didn't expect to see pro hero Endeavor but, not in his hero costume.

Behind the man was, what seemed like, a short female and a taller male. He tilted his head to the side and raised an eyebrow.

"The he—"

"I'm so sorry Bakugou." Enji spoke as he put his head down. The other two behind him did the same, only confusing the boy more.

"The heck are you on about?" He asked crossing his arms. Enji explained what had happened to his parents. About the accident, who was there, and how it happened. Katsuki broke down in the man's arms, something he rarely did, and stayed at the Todoroki's for the night.

Katsuki shook his head and opened the class door. Everyone seemed so— happy. The boy walked into the classroom and tried to hold his head high. But it was just so hard. When he reached his seat he automatically put his head down on the table. Midoriya was sitting in front of him and talking with someone about All Might knows what when Aizawa rushed in with Hizashi behind him. The two made their way to the ash blonde. Once they did he was pulled from his seat, when he went to protest the two hugged him tightly. Midoriya, and most of the class, stared confused. The two put the boy on his feet.

"Endeavor told us what happened, how are you holding up kid?" Hizashi asked the boy in a monotoned voice. (A/N: in my au it's a little different, like, Katsuki's parents die when he's 8 :p) Katsuki looked down at the ground as the tears rolled down his face.

"I'm ok, I stayed with the Todoroki's last night. Endeavor said I'd be put in the dorms with everyone else this go around and that if I needed anything to just call him or one of the pro hero's." The boy said wiping his tears. Shoto seemed to catch on and a frown found it's way to his face. His father didn't say anything about Katsuki staying that the house. At the end of the school day Katsuki, Hizashi, Aizawa and the Todoroki family helped him pack. The Midoriya's said that they'd watch over the house. Izuku wasn't big on it but Ochaco would get on his ass if he didn't help his childhood friend.

As Katsuki and Fyumi packed up his room the female caught on to how silent he was. She sighed lightly and walked over to him. The white haired girl took the box in his hands, making him look at her, and set it down on the floor. The sat down beside him with her legs crosses a small smile upon her lips.

"When my mother was sent to the hospital, we hated my father for it, we hated him when Touya had gone missing. But we know that he already blamed himself for what had happened to the two. They were his world." She was speaking softly when Shoto walked past. He listened as she talked and decided to walk in. The two looked at the boy as he sat down.

"Father blamed himself for many things that wasn't his fault. Even when we said that it was ok and that we had forgiven him, it didn't change the fact that he hadn't forgiven himself." His voice was different this time, for what Katsuki could hear. It was soft and had more feeling to it. "Even know, you may not see it, but he blames himself for your parents. And we have noticed that you're blaming yourself as we speak. You shouldn't have to do that to yourself." Fyumi had left the room for the boys to be left alone.

They sat in a comfortable silence before Shoto spoke again.

"Katsuki, don't blame yourself for the death of your parents." The two made eye contact with one another and a smile formed on Shoto's face. "If you ever need to talk, just know, I Am Here." Katsuki's face lit up and tears dwelled in his eyes as he hugged the bicolored boy. The two embraced one another and stayed that way. The two didn't want to move. They refused to do so. But had to when Hawks walked in with a grin on his face.

"Ok you to, you can be all lovey dovey when we're finished." The two split apart and blush ran across their faces. The man rolled his eyes and helped the two with the boxes in Katsuki's room.


It was a month later when Aizawa and Hizashi took official custody of Katsuki, but it was worth it. The boy was happy to have a family again. It was still hard though. They hadn't been there when he said his first words, his first steps where taken or any of that. Or, so he thought. When the group of students was in the dorms the tv turned on to show pictures and videos of Katsuki. The boy was a blushing madness and Midoriya laughed.

Shinsou grinned and started to speak.

"Found these in Aizawa's room. Saw the way you were acting and decided to show you something." He grinned as Shoto went to speak.

"Suki, we know what you're going through," The boy spoke as everything calmed down. "Some of have lost something during our life. Weather friends or family. It's ok. Why?" He asked as the class looked at the ash blonde and Shoto went to kiss his lips.

