|Stop The Tears|

Katsuki Bakugou woke up with a start, a scream erupting from his mouth. Fresh tears ran down his face as his body shook and his breathing quickened. He groaned loudly and gripped at his hair. The door to his room opened to reveal a man with brown bed head and his glasses on sideways. "Katsuki??" His voice slurred. He fell asleep working again.

The man walked over to him and sat on the bed, sliding off a little. Katsuki let out a dry laugh and helped the other onto the bed. The blond fixed his glasses and smiled lightly at the other, his smile started to fade as his father rubbed his own eyes. "I'm sorry.." The boy whispered, looking down at his hands. The older frowned.

"For what?"

"For waking you up. You haven't slept since we moved and I keep-" The man hugged the boy, bringing a hand to the blond hair and putting another on his son's hand.

"Now listen to me Katsuki Bakugou," His kissed the boys head. "The move was fine, I have just enough help with designs. Yes, I have been staying up late but Todoroki is here to help me get to bed. Tomorrow the dorms should be fixed, Shoto will be there to help you, ok?" Kissing his head again, Katsuki nodded and they both layed down in the bed. "Alright, it's time for bed." Katsuki wrapped his arms around his father, making him smile and do the same.

"G'night dad.."

"Goodnight, Katsuki."

The next morning, Fuyumi went to wake up Katsuki for school, only to be met with the most wholesome scene. Masaru's glasses layed atop of his head, one arm above his head and one wrapped around the blond boy, who was laying on his chest. "Oh my..god." She quickly took out her phone and started to take picture. "Show him not to take my concealer without asking."

She squinted her eyes and fixed her thin glasses, closing the door and walking back to the living room where her two little brothers sat and her father sat in the kitchen. She sat on the couch with Shoto as she scrolled through her phone.

"Where's Bakugou?" Natsuo asked his sister. She looked up, a grin came to her lips.

"Which one?" Enji asked as he entered the room. "The one with brown hair or the one with blond hair?" Shoto rolled his eyes.

"Use their names you Boomer."

"Fine. Masaru or Katsuki?" He looked at Shoto with an annoyed look. "Happy?"

"Sure, you two getting together yet?"


Coffee went everywhere and the family erupted into laughter. After they calmed down and Enji cleaned up the coffee they heard footsteps from down one of the halls. Looking they see the two males with bed head and one without his glasses.

"Good mornin.." The brunette yawned. Everyone stared, Fuyumi smiled and waved while Natsuo gave a ‘hello’ to the two. Katsuki made his way to the couch and sat down, rubbing his face. Shoto took this as an opportunity and hugged the boy. The blond leaned back into the other and yawned. "Awe..cute." Masaru said grinning. "Wait..why're you all blurry??" Katsuki facepalmed.

"Don't..get with him. For the love of All Might." The blond groaned. Everyone started laughing again while the brunette stood there confused.

"Seriously..where did I-"

30 Minutes Later

"Oh! I found them!"

Hello everyone!!

Yes, this is short. Do I care? Absolutely NOT!

What'd you think?

Also, take a guess as to where the glasses were. :)

Thanks for reading!❤

Remember! Stay safe!♥🌸
