8 | Wen Ning

Lan Wangji suddenly jolted and sit up straight from his sleep, accidently made Wei Wuxian woke up too by his side. It was almost 5 AM.

"Huh... Lan Zhan?" he said as he rubbed his eyes while sitting up.

"I forgot to tell Xiongzhang about today's event yesterday," he replied as he got up, held behind the other's head using his right hand while wrapping around the other's shoulders using his left arm with all gentle gave a soft kiss on his forehead as it was like a husband was about to go work, waving his hand as a goodbye to the wife.

Wei Wuxian only slowly dozed off by the sandalwood scent as his head was on Lan Wangji's chest, the sound of the heartbeat was clear as it remained in calm state.





Oh! Da Ge's left arm-" he mentally facepalmed at the way he addressed the corpse of Nie Mingjue's dismembered left arm, finally full awoke as he held onto Lan Wangji's arms and looked up to face him.

"Mn, I will inform Xiongzhang about it and not letting others enter Mingshi. Xiongzhang will continue his mission afterwards," he explained their plan as he helped Wei Wuxian to get up.

"Oh! Good plan. Wait, Jin Ling... Maybe we will try our best to prevent him going to that place at Qinghe. If he is actually with the Jiang siblings or somewhere else, then move on," he continued their plan's discussion.


"Psst. Hey, Lan Zhan. We haven't seen him. I feel like we are way too early. Should I use 'Wei Wuxian' to trigger him like the last time at that town?" Wei Wuxian wrapped his arm around while walking in Qinghe. They were in the middle of the forest to find that place before Jin Ling.

"Mn. Will protect Wei Ying from Fairy-"

"Aiyaaa, I could I forgot the dog," Wei Wuxian cut him off and groaned, continued while facing his face in front of him, "Please protect this poor husband from that dog."

"Mn. Will protect Wei Ying from dogs," Lan Wangji held his hands firmly, gave him his beautiful handsome smile which favored by him.

"Lan Zhan ah Lan Zhan. My poor heart... leave this poor heart alone," he dramatically faking his faint, leant back against Lan Wangji with one forearm against his forehead.

He just accepted it and securely wrapped his arms around his waist, gave a smooch behind his neck. Wei Wuxian giggled at it as response.

They finally made up their plan. Wei Wuxian decided to call Wen Ning first to pull out the needle that on him. Wen Ning was dumbfounded that he finally found Wei Wuxian again and didn't know how long he has been unconscious.

Lan Wangji let him to trust Wen Ning about theirselves so he explained everything about the time traveling and the plan. Wen Ning was stunned by them after knowing about the actual them. After he understood everything, especially the plan, he immediately went to that place to prevent Jin Ling from entering if that kid was actually in Qinghe.

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian arrived at the town in Qinghe, decided to use the same way to trigger Jin Ling. Lan Wangji actually could be at that place, prevented Jin Ling from entering but since Wei Wuxian was afraid of dogs, they decided to let Wen Ning to take place.

"Rouge and powder, high quality and cheap!"

"Young master, would you like to have a look?"

"Young master, are these for your wife at home?"

"Yes, these are for his wife. Psst, Lan Zhan, buy for me."

"Mn, will do."


"Thank you for the purchase, young master. Here are three free copies of Yiling Laozu!"


"WEI WUXIAN was a man famous for his good looks. Just what is this that you've drawn?!"

"If you haven't seen the actual person, then don't draw anything. You're gonna mislead the younger generation."

"What are you doing? As if you've seen Wei Wuxian himself-"

WHOOSH! Jin Ling finally made his appearance.

"Why do you guys need to be noisy as it was just all about Yiling Laozu?" Jin Ling said as he slowly unsheathed his sword.

Wei Wuxian whipped his head to the right and found the kid had slightly darkened his face but rather in annoyance instead of anger. Lan Wangji mentally took noted about this from behind. They noticed that Jin Ling rather not in bad mood but only annoyed, unlike the last time.

"Oh? So you are the one who mentioned Yiling Laozu, huh? Just a friendly reminder that he was already passed away a decade ago and there is totally 100% chance no way that you have seen him. Stop harassing people already and also stop spitting nonsense on everyone too," Jin Ling scolded him but there was still no one answered.

The couple was suprised that Jin Ling actually had a respect for Wei Wuxian. The Jin Ling they knew was initially loathed Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning for killing his parents. They could guessed that those Jiangs were actually had a great parent figures for him but still had short tempered from his uncle Jiang Cheng.

Jin Ling clicked his tongue, got more annoying as Wei Wuxian still not left from here yet so he decided to blow a whistle to call his dog Fairy.

Wei Wuxian knew what was coming so he ran towards behid Lan Wangji, wrapped his arms around his waist. He knew that this husband of his will protected him from that dog.

Fairy immediately showed up but Jin Ling didn't expected Lan Wangji was here. He saw that Wei Wuxian was hiding behind him in frighten, only got more annoyed by it. He took this chance to run away from there.


"Wen Ning..? Are you here-"




A/N: Cliffhanger and I got one more week for exam, help me.

(996 words)
