The Charity Circus

We cut to later that week where the Riddler pays a visit to....a mysterious friend where it's decorated into two split images 

Riddler: Ho ho I see what you done with this place. Heavy metal meets house in garden.

A figure stands at a window staring out in the city 

Figure: You think I care about your opinion? 

Riddler: Well I can care less how you decorate your lovely home. But I noticed you only target mob banks. You could give the Joker a run for his dirty money. If you don't mind me asking: Why mob banks? 

Figure: They were owned by the biggest crime bosses in Gotham.  Rollin Dagget. Rupert Thorn. Salvatore Meroni. Harvey tried to put them away for years but they were slippery than Penguin. Carmine Falconie he got off more than them. But fate had different plans. 

Riddler: According to you?

Figure: According to this.

The Figure holds out the same coin from his pocket

Figure: Let's see if we should move in on the charity circus tonight. 

He flips the coin catching it and grips it Black heads side up

Figure: Time to step right up. Hurry hurry. 

We cut to that evening at Gotham charitable circus donated to Gotham's children hospital funded by Bruce Wayne himself 

Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls of all ages! Welcome to the Gotham Charatable Circus donated to Gotham's children hospital. Before we begin our show let us have a round of applause to our biggest supporter: BRUCE WAYNE!

A loud applause took forward to Bruce in the audience 

With Chase as his plus one in a black dress

He nods and waves at everyone

Lucius Fox 

And Jim Gordon 

We're there to attend the show for their support 

Edward Nygma was watching it on TV at his apartment 

Edward: Interesting.  Both my bosses attended the circus and didn't invite me.  Boy will be they in for a treat.

Edward was more suspicious than before

Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen. Introducing our first event 50 feet above the floor. The masters of the sky herself: The FLYING GRAYSONS! 

A family of four performing as Arial Accordancers prepare for their performance 

With their 17 year old son Dick Grayson (Marlon Wayans)

The first to take the first swing was the father and then Dick took a breath before taking his swing leaping off flipping over and grabbing hold of his father's hands hanging off the second rail by his legs

The audience applaud and Chase turns to Bruce 

Chase: So...did you bring me here just as your plus one or is this part of our session?

Bruce: It's for charity.  

Chase: I know. Just often wondered. How many women did Gotham's eligible bachelor bring to the circus?

Bruce: You're actually the first. 

Chase: So no one that serious? 

Bruce: There were....two. A photogernalist and...and a executive assistant. 

Chase: Yours?

Bruce: No. She...was complicated.

Chase: Sounds to me you haven't met the right woman.

Bruce and Chase chuckle and just before the Flying Graysons could perform their finale....

....guns were fired causing a panic Bruce stood up 

As Chase paniced with her hand on her mouth

Goons in masks with Tommy guns appeared on the arena 

And to everyone's surprise especially Bruce's 

 They were lead by his friend Harvey who is now Two Face 

As the panic outbreak foresees Bruce and Chase look in on surprise as a figure Harvey makes his way to the center of the ring with his half burnt face after barely making it out of the Riddler's game showing hate in both eyes on each half of his newly TWO face flipping his coin

Gordon stands up shouting

Gordon: Dent?!

Two Face: DEAD. Destroyed by the explosion set off by the mysterious Riddler. You Gotham nights can call me....Two Face. Harvey Two Face.

Bruce was stunned as Chase looked at him in concerned knowing Harvey was once his friend

Two Face: I know it's quite a shock but I'm tell you all a story....what that weakling Dent learned before he was blown to hell. The Riddler told him that he was known as the White Knight that closed the cases on the Joker and Penguin. Even though they fallen by the hands of the Batman...Harvey was the real hero that took them down. And the Batman was JEALOUS! Thats why he let that riddle crazed maniac pushed Dent to fall prey to his games. And I wouldn't be surprised if he's here now among the crowd.

Bruce was now in chills seeing his former friend blame him unknowingly for the incident that turned him into this monster he is now

Bruce was tempted to get up and reason with him but Chase held him back nodding not to

Two Face: I hope you're looking at me in the eyes Batman. Are you happy now that Gotham's face of hope is now blown in two?! How do we even know...that you didn't hire the Riddler to capture me and DO THIS TO ME!

Edward was suspiciously smiling at this watching it on his tv

Two Face: Even if you didn't tell me I'm wrong that you were jealous Gotham looked up to me more than you! Come out and say it to my face! And every five seconds you don't I'll flip the coin...heads I'll let a hostage go....tails...I'll blow their damn heads off

Bruce was in a pickle he turns to Chase

Bruce: Let me go. I have to talk to him.

Chase: He'll kill you Bruce.

Bruce: He's my friend Chase. I have to try.

Two Face already flips the coin but just when he caught it...

....the Flying Grayson's swoop down kicking him down and fight off Two Face's men while their son Dick waited up High where it was safe

The commotion caught everyone's attention even Chase allowing Bruce to slip a way

On the floor Harvey barely recovered seeing the acrobatic family fighting the goons

He turns back finding his coin and crawled to it but as he grabbed it....

....Bruce grabbed him by the arm

Seeing his friend made the real Harvey speak

Harvey: Bruce?

Bruce: Harvey you're sick. Let me help you.

Harvey: You need to get away from me Bruce. I don't want him to hurt you too.

Bruce: Who?

Two Face: Me pretty boy!

Bruce flinched as Two Face punches him back

It's like Two Face was two people in a one man body

Harvey: I'm sorry Bruce!

Two Face: But you will be!

Two Face turns to the Grayson's while Dick sled down to help his parents

Harvey flips the coin...

Bad heads

Two Face snarls pointing the gun at the Grayson's who spotted him as did Dick and Bruce looked up


The gunshots brought Bruce back to the murder of his parents even seeing Dick witnessing Two Face shooting his parents....DEAD

The crowd gasped as Bruce looked in utter horror he could believe what Harvey had just done

As Gordon called in reinforcements Two Face and his remaining Goons escape out the back driving off 8n their gangster 60's car

As for young Dick he was grief stricken his parents were murdered in front of him he let out an angry yell 

Which Bruce........understands his pain from loosing his parents too

(Tragedy hits hard for Dick Grayson's new journey in the next chapter.....)
