Lucius Fox

Hours later we come to the Batcave where Bats shrieking flew above 

Bruce is on the bat computer with Alfred coming down the stairs with his lunch 

Bruce was looking up the latest Riddler activities 

The first riddle read: "No matter where you go I will fallow you but the less light there is the less you'll see me. What am I?"

Bruce: A shadow. 

That lead Bruce to learn they found the first Riddler trophy and second riddle somewhere shadowy 

Alfred sets Bruce's lunch on the desk and sat at the back desk 

Alfred: If I may sir this Riddler fellow sounds intelligent. Unlike the other two masterminds you faced before. 

Bruce: That kind of arrogance will be his undoing. He'll answer for what he did to Harvey. 

Alfred: Where do we even start? 

Bruce: I found one of those question mark trophies at the wearhouse last night.  I can't make it out. Get ahold of Lucius. I think he can ID it for us. 

Alfred: Very good sir. Mr. Fox did call earlier this morning to ask: Who are you taking to the charity circus next month?

Bruce: I'll get back to him on that.  How's Selina's cat? 

Alfred: She eats like a queen. It's into milk like any cat I know. Speaking of...

Bruce: No Alfred I didn't hear from her. But I know I saw her out there when we found her cat. I just wish I knew where she was. 

Alfred: Even if she turns up....the police will likely apprehend her.

Bruce: I know Alfred. After Shrek's murder Chip skipped town. And GCPD raided her apartment and her records at Shrek Inderstries. Selina is just off the grid. 

Alfred: Sounds to me you could talk that over with that lovely Dr. Meridian you told me about it. I checked her background like you asked. She's from Metropolis and a former intern student of Dr Lesley Tonkins 

Bruce: My father's therapist? 

Alfred nods and Bruce eyes back to the computer then looked up the Catwoman case

Bruce: Where are you Selina?

We cut to that afternoon at Wayne Tower 

Where Bruce enters an office 

Greeted by a family friend and ally of Batman's mission to protect Gotham Lucius Fox (Danny Glover)

Lucius: Bruce! 

Bruce: Lucius. 

Lucius: How you been? 

Bruce: I looked worse trust me. 

Lucius: Your definitely your father's son alright.  

Bruce mildly grins adjusting his glasses

Lucius: So...what's our side project tonight?

Bruce: This. 

Bruce holds up the Riddler trophy he mentioned he found at the wearhouse 

Lucius: What's this? 

Bruce: One of the trophies from the case I'm working on. Last night the man leaving these Riddles burned Harvey's face. Now he's made it personal.  

Lucius: That's terrible. You two were thick as thieves long before Batman. This thing is nothing of my expertise but...I might know someone who can ID it.

Bruce and Fox take an elevator down the hall to a floor that holds a lab Bruce has never been to a man on a chemical project 

Lucius: Edward? 

The man Edward turned around seeing the two men approach Edward smiles putting down his pin 

Edward: Mr. Fox sir. Sorry for the mess. Another late night.  

Lucius: No worries no sleep for the wicked. Bruce this is Edward Nygma. Our analyzing researcher. Edward....well you know who is this.  

Edward: Ahh the famous Bruce Wayne. It's an honor. 

Edward and Bruce shake hands Bruce felt he had a frim grip 

Bruce: That's quite a grip you got there Ed. 

Edward: Childhood habit. Let me just say while working under Wayne Enterprises your name was on my hiring slip. Mr. Fox confirmed you hired me personally. All though we never met before but I have condolen science fairs under your personal leadership. 

Bruce: I appreciate it. But what can you tell us about this? 

Bruce shows Edward the trophy which dropped his expression to curiosity 

Bruce observed his reaction

Edward: Interesting.  Where did you get this? 

Lucius: Mr. Wayne has ties with the GCPD since he funds their precincts they know of our applied sciences and they gave it to us. And I know you're expertise on these things. Perhaps you can aluminate for us. 

Edward: Of course. It's a fragment generator that translate power in advanced technology.  

Bruce: You know what or who makes that?

Edward: Afraid who is is beyond my knowledge gentlemen. But I do know what makes it tick. It links into any advanced machine beyond our makings. Something we can learn when we enter the early 2000's. 

Lucius: That's interesting. 

Edward: I know.  Fascinating. 

Lucius: Well thank you for your time Edward. We'll leave you to it.

Edward: Drop anytime. Mr. Wayne it was an honor.  

Bruce: Likewise

Bruce and Lucius walk out leaving Edward looking at them suspicious

(What is Edward's suspicion on them? What's even his own for the way he reacted when they showed him the Trophy....?)
