35% of Events

"Dead ass. This place is actually pretty nice except the fact everyone." You look around holding a glass of coffee since it being a better reliable drink. Rosalia became this so called Alpha of everything the grand ruler the grand fucking Tyrant. Her rules were so grand that even her strength was unmatched by Wesker. Deep down inside you lie about loving him you lie saying it's more of your feelings of him being your creator. Agony knows damn well you love Wesker despite everything he put agony and you through.

But seriously! Rosalia! A little girl with half of your literally bitch slapped Wesker across a hall and had him experimented on. For all the years you have been mature and cool right now you are just so deeply freaking out. That is half your power with her! Half of Agony inside Rosalia. And Rosalia actually let Agony take over her. Agony is a manipulative creature who attempts to strengthen a host to feed off them. Agony can change your hormones and all that is genetic of you.

Agony also takes the personality of one after sometime you are no longer the same you are what the parasite wishes to be.

Looking around this so called bar there plenty of mutated beings around. Seems she used Wesker's virus and messed around with it to try and make everyone a superior being. But it's not that simple. You were experimented on. All your bones were cracked taken out, nerves were touched and messed around with. Your brain was also messed with. Everything about you was changed to suit be suited for Agony.

If a normal human being were to be infected by Agony and if agony decided to change into a giant creature that humans body would be stretched out painfully and proab explode from the mass that Agony is trying to creat. All the matter produced would just explode into that person.


And right now everyone seems to have a little bit of viruses making them all freaks. There are some normal people around. Rosalia didn't want any alcoholics around so she got rid of alcohol leaving people with coffee and tea. Primary things for this apocalyptic world that just doesn't suit your own benefits. "Everyone is a freak." You mumble softly looking into your coffee cup. "Agony?"

Agony responds in the deepest parts of your mind as if hiding.

Fucking coward!


"How much of you is in Rosalia?" Sipping your coffee Agony takes his time and responds. At times Agony can be male or female depends what it feels like doing. "She has 35% of me. And she still has 35%of me. No matter how many years pass she will remain with 35% of my mass inside her. I would never hand her the 50 of 50 if that is what you were thinking. Like I said. I enjoy you as my host and I attempt to keep you. I will not have a competitive mindless child destroy my host."

Smiling a red blush crosses your cheeks. "Awww. Agony." Covering your smile you look around for a bit and back at your cup. "Are you flirting with me? Because that's very nice and I haven't had anyone tell me anything like that. It's great to know that your parasite loves you."

Agony growls hearing the mocking tone behind your throat but it quickly shakes off the feeling of anger and decides to play along with you. "Yes. My host is very a beautiful strong woman whom I must protect." You start to chuckle hearing Agony speak this way.

"Nah but back to matters. If you are inside of her do you still have command of that 35%?"

Big realization that just came into your mind was that 35% of Agony inside a little girl, again, bitch slapped Wesker. It wasn't 50% it was 35% that is just sad as fuck.

Honestly right about now there is you then there is Rosalia and then Wesker. It's sorta funny but it still pisses you off that Rosalia thinking she can just pimp slap her father.

"I must tell you something. I do and I do not have control of my 35%. That part of me is now part of her therefore it has taken a whole new personality a different structure. I can feel the other me I know when it's close just as it knows we are here. They lack tracking skills so they will not know our direct location. I can take back the 35% of me due to it no longer being me. She has done some other things to herself. She has genetically improved herself. Though it's funny to you on her having 35% of me she still has 65% of something else. I do not know what the girl has or what she has taken. But my 35% has successfully mutated with it and become something else. I fear for our safety."

Okay! Agony just did math and elaborated on the possibility that you may no longer be the alpha but she may have become the Apex predator! Agony is scared. He is scared.

Your hand shook with the coffee inside the cup as you begin to sweat. The Iris of your eye green blinding you of the vision of so many things.

You are not terrified.

A wide smile appears on your face as you begin to feel that feeling shine through your veins.


You say.

"I am very thrilled to hear that."

Agony is flipping tables in your brains. "The fuck you mean you are thrilled! I spit on your brain sir!" He makes a spitting sound. "I now have the prideful words to call her my daughter. If she has become the Apex predator. Do you know what this means Agony?"

Agony chomps his lips like a cat that is not sure of something. "What?"

Agony asks curious but also just tired of this shit. "I have a challenge. I will have blood. A nightmare."

Agony begins to feel the way you are feeling. "This is quite pleasing to see how excited you are of this." Looking at your own reflection from the mirror shelf you see yourself shaking a bit.

"Oh how thrilled I am to know I will be battling a laboratory creation of father and mother."

Leaving the bar you open the door calmly but you are still shaking from the excitement. Looking down at the three way streets it begins to mist as you look up fixing your hoodie. "Ready to train? Agony."

The days seem to be more interesting now. "Always."

Shaking your head you start to run down the street in front of you. The walls were 18 miles away from the bar and you focused on the walls as your goal. Mutated people, creatures and people all surrounded the streets as you ran dodging them. Flipping over a woman who was picking something from the ground. Running up against the walls passing a group of soldiers and just to be playful you tap one of them on the head to have them chase you. Just a little extra to make you go.

Of course they attempted to chase you but they were just human soldiers who lost their breaths and just let you run toward the wall. "Agony!" You yell out jumping 13 feet up and digging your mutated fingers deep into the walls as you transformed to run up the wall as if it were nothing. Once more you reach the top to admire the view on how much the world has flourished in trees and grass. Then there is this place with a giant as wall and mutated creatures.

Jumping off the wall you land on the ground so deep you thought you were not going to come out. "Agony." you groan crawling out from the hole of the ground and turn on your back panting with your long tongue sticking out from the side. "Why? Why are we so FAT!" and just as if it were no big deal he responds.

"I do not know how to process this liquid you have contaminated me with."

Transforming back to your human self you lay on your back with a disbelief expression the grand panting makes it hard for you to speak but you are just so shocked by his response. "It was just milk with coffee and sugar."

Agony replies insulted. "I do not know what to do with such a complex substance of hand mixed coffee. This was hard to break down so I just transferred it into fat. This is not your typical milk. This was something else that I could not help metabolize."

Smiling you just shake your head and force yourself to stand as you push your back to pop it. "Oh boy. Survival 101 just told me I am packing some strange white substance so the best thing to do." Agony makes an annoyed sound in your head but it chuckles after some time making a sex reference. "NO! Stop!" Yout point to the ground. "You shut your parasitic mouth and say not another sexual pun!"

Agony gasps insulted. "Do not ever call me a parasite! I am The Most Advanced Virus You Will Ever Have. You over over!" Agony tres to think of someway to insult you but it really truly can't think of anything. No wait! "You untitled mother." Stopping on your tracks you think for a bit on what he just called you. "Are you saying I am not a responsible mother?" Agony breathes deeply. " Yes." Shrugging you actually agree to it. "Not really my daughter but okie dokie."

Agony remains silent from how calm you are as if there really was no bothering threat from you. All the more why Agony Loves you.
