Zachary Stuart

(A/N This picture has nothing to do with the chapter, but I love it! Oh Superboy.)

   "So this was the house of Justin's friend. Bats you're too intimidating! Let a kid handle this!" KF said, but when Batman shot him a bat-glare Wally sighed and backed away from the door. "Just an idea!" Batman knocked in the door and a young woman opened it, but gasped to see three superheroes and two sidekicks. "Why hello, Mr. Batman! (Haha, I didn't know what else she should have said to him!) what brings you to these parts?"

"May I speak with your son Miss..."

"Stuart. Miss Stuart, and of course! Zachary!" She called.

"Yes, mother?" Zach yelled back from his bed room.

"We have some guests!" Miss Stuart smiled. "I will go bake a batch of cookies if that's what you would like!"

"Yes ma'am!" Wally nodded, but got a smack from his mentor and another bat-glare. "Yes please?" Barry sighed and shrugged. "As Rob would say, stay whelmed!"


Dick sighed as he slipped into Cadmus. It was a huge building. "Apprentice, you know what you must retrieve?"

"Yes master," the twelve year old nodded. A pleased noise came from Slade. "You want me to retrieve the wound serum and a..." the twelve year old looked at his list. "A tracker and rehabilitation collar? What for?"

"For you, lad! You don't think I would just let you out of the house without anything to punish you or find you with, do you?" Deathstroke growled. Dick let out a shuddering breath of air. What did he expect from Slade? Treats? Praise? Dick didn't want to belong to this man, but he did. He would never let him go, branded him like a bull and worst yet, beat him till he was barely, just barely breathing, but he was doing this for Barbara and Wally. He was doing this for Bruce.


"Justin was always a little different. Never just wanted to relax and sit around. We would go out for hours at a time and play games outdoors, camp under the stars or play a game of basketball, but the year he turned fourteen and we went to high school he met some new kids, fell in with the wrong crowd and...well, we stopped talking after that! I missed him, but he wasn't the same. He joined a gang this year. Not a bad, prancing gang. They didn't do graffiti or tepee. They just went out all night. I assumed they started drinking, but a few months ago just before graduation of senior year, he and his group dissapeared," Zach looked as if he had as much grief as Mr and Mrs. Peterson.

"And do you know anything about where he used to hang out at or who he hung out with?" Batman asked.

"One question for you. Why do you need this information?" Zach asked.

Batman pulled out a picture of Dick. "Dick Grayson, ward of Bruce Wayne has been missing for several weeks and your friend was the last person who saw him."

"Oh...I apologize. All I know is that he used to stay at an abandoned apartment and when he wasn't there he always hung around Bernie Malcone. I'm sorry!" Zach said.

"No, actually you have been more of a help than even you realize," Batman stated. Speedy and Kid Flash grinned when Miss Stuart brought in a dozen cookies. They looked up pleadingly at Batman. (Well Wally did anyways.)

Flash sighed. "One."
