
     Lydia's party was in full swing, Libby's playlist thrumming through every speaker the Martin's owned.

Winnie held a punch glass as she danced with Jake by the pool, the liquid inside still untouched by her. She couldn't help but laugh, enjoying her time even though the moon hung like a taunting trigger.

"Win," Libby called over the music, "Allison wants you." She took the brunette's shoulders, spinning her around.

Momentarily lost, Winnie soon spotted the Argent holding up the phone she couldn't keep on her. Immediately she thought of Isaac. She ducked out of the mob of dancers, quickly getting to Allison.

"It's Lahey," Allison told her as she handed the ringing phone over.

Winne slid her thumb across the screen, putting her cell to her ear. "Isaac?"

"Hey," he calmly replied in greeting, "how's the party?"

"It's alright," said Winnie as she moved into the house further away from the noise. "How are you? It's your first shift, shouldn't you be focused on being calm instead of talking to me?"

"Kind of works hand in hand," he told her. "Derek's about to lock me up but I wanted to talk to you first."

"Shmooshing your way to the top," remarked Winnie with a laugh. "Clever."

Isaac chuckled on the other end of the line, "Something like that." He hesitated a moment, "Can I see you in the morning?"

Winnie smiled, leaning against the staircase. "Maybe."

"That's all I get?" asked Isaac with a laugh, "A maybe?"

"Yes, that's all you get," Winnie replied. "It's just enough to keep you interested."

"Oh, I'm plenty interested."

"Jesus," spat Erica in the background of the call, "get a room or get off the phone."

"Let's go Isaac," Derek said not a second after Erica.

"Tomorrow morning?" Isaac questioned again with hope in his voice.

Winnie smiled, idly holding her punch glass. "Maybe." She put down her phone when the call ended, her lips still curved upwards as she took a sip of the punch. Her nose scrunched a little at the taste, unsure of what it was. "Needs vodka," she mumbled to herself before heading for the kitchen.

Outside by the pool while Winnie searched for vodka, Stiles was getting tired of Allison and Scott stealing longing looks at each other.

Leaned against the giant pillar with a glass in hand, Stiles finally had to say it. "Are you gonna apologize to Allison or what?"

Scott's face flooded with confusion, "Why should I apologize?"

"Because you're the guy," Stiles flatly said. "It's what we do."

Scott briefly looked over to Allison, "But I didn't do anything wrong."

"Then you should definitely apologize," Jake said while holding up a hand in admittance to eavesdropping. He put a hand on Scott's shoulder, standing between the dynamic duo. "See, anytime a guy thinks he hasn't done anything wrong, it means he's definitely done something wrong."

Stiles pointed to Jake while looking at Scott, "He gets it."

Scott gazed down at the pool, "I'm not apologizing."

"Is that the full moon talking, buddy?" questioned Stiles almost condescendingly.

The beta nodded, already aware Jake knew about the secrets of Beacon Hills. "Probably. Why do you two care, anyway?"

"Because, Scott," Stiles stressed, "something's gotta go right here. I mean, we're getting out asses royally kicked, if you haven't noticed. People are dying. I got my dad fired. You're gonna be held back in school. I'm in love with a nut job. Winnie's been drawing crazy things that are, in fact, our imminent and horrible future. And if on top of all of that, I gotta watch you lose Allison to a stalker like Matt, I'm gonna stab myself in the face."

Although wincing at the end picture, Jake respected the message.

Scott quickly stood up, his eyes wide as he looked across the pool. "Don't stab yourself in the face."

"Why not?" questioned Stiles.

"Because Jackson's here."

Jake's eyes shot open, he and the others watching the buff figure in plaid walk into the party. "Lizard dude Jackson?"

"That's the one," Stiles murmured as they all kept their eyes on the preppy Whittemore.

Lydia turned over her shoulder, walking up to Jackson with a soft smile as she handed him a drink. "Glad you could make it." She backed off, going back to the punch bowl.

Jackson met gazes with the alarmed trio staring at him, his expression rather deadly. He raised the glass to his lips, taking a big sip without wavering.

At the punch bowl, Lydia mindlessly ladle out the concoction from the fountain into glasses. She smiled to herself as she did so, scooping through the punch decorated with flowers.

Pretty purple flowers

Wolfsbane for all.

¥ ¥ ¥

Howls echoed through the abandoned train station that the wolves had taken shelter in. The walls of the derailed car shook with vicious growling from Erica and Boyd.

Both betas were already chained up at the opposite end of the train car, screaming their way through their first shift.

Isaac sat down in a seat within the car, Derek meeting him with the restraints to keep him down. He gritted his teeth, pain and bloodlust coursing through his body. "How do you not feel this?"

Derek was kneeled in the aisle, chaining his beta down. "I feel every second of it."

"Then how do you control it?" Isaac asked as his arms were secured to the arm rests.

"Find an anchor," Derek told him. "Something meaningful to you. Bind yourself to it. Keep the human side in control."

Isaac leaned his head back on a metal beam, trying to force his impulse and anger down and down and down. "What is it for you?"

Derek hesitated to answer, securing Isaac to keep him from breaking free. "Anger. But it doesn't have to be that for everybody."

Isaac had to keep breathing deeply, "You mean Scott?"

"Yeah," Derek halfly replied. He tugged on the latches, making sure they were secure. "Alright, that should do it."

Isaac's blood flooded with sudden rage, yanking his arm.

The panel the chains were locked to ripped off the back of the bench in front of him.

Derek raised his eyes to Isaac, catching a wild glimpse in his own. He turned his head, finding both Erica and Boyd with claws and fangs staring him down.

The moon had reached its peak.

The entire sub car seemed to suffer an earthquake, screams of pain and unwelcome shifts.

Nails bore into Erica's skull, her mouth echoed with blood as her fangs forced their way down from her gums.

Boyd thrashed in pain, fangs bared and his ears growing to an inhuman length.

Isaac arched his back as he gritted his teeth, sharp claws pushing their way forcefully through his skin. He couldn't think of anything but the pain; the need to kill, the want to kill.

Derek stood outside of the train car, his phone to his ear. "Scott, can you call me back? I'm probably gonna need some help." He quickly ended the message, turning over his shoulder towards the quaking car. He took in a deep breath, "Definitely gonna need some help."

Derek sprang his claws, stepping onto the train.

Isaac's animosity lurched over him, his eyes searing gold as he tried to break out of his seat. His attention flooded to his alpha, growling as rage littered his limbs.

Derek walked through, dodging Isaac as the beta lunged for him.

Boyd barked viciously, Erica roaring menacingly.

The blonde used all she had, ripping off the halo of nails and busting her chains. She dropped the halo on the ground, slashing at Derek.

Derek shoved Erica out of the way, his head whipping to the side as Isaac broke free and jumped out the window. "Isaac!"

Boyd leapt onto Derek's back, growling as he threw him to the ground with brute force.

Erica and Boyd jumped down to the floor, slashing at their alpha with all the rage in the world.

Boyd yanked Derek up by his shoulders, shoving him back.

Derek threw an elbow into Erica's face, taking both betas down by slamming his head against Boyd's forcefully. He punched Boyd again, making sure he'd go down. Derek quickly walked back and grabbed Erica's wrists. He quickly chained her back up, not catching Boyd jump as Isaac came back onto the sub car.

Isaac slammed Boyd down against the bench he'd been tied to, growling as he held him down.

Derek stared with alarmed eyes at Isaac, only more when Isaac nodded in assurance that he was in control of himself.

He'd found his anchor.

¥ ¥ ¥

Winnie stumbled through Lydia's party, unsure if it was the vodka she'd found or the weird tasting punch. She squeezed her eyes shut, her head spinning as she opened them. "I regret many things."

The world thundered around her, quaking her existence.


The brunette turned over shoulder dizzily, her heartbeat suddenly picking up. "No," she softly said as she took a hazy step back.

A figure framing the looks of the Jones twins and that of their parents, the tall boy stood across from Winnie.

Someone only she could see.

Pete walked through the hall, taking a step back as he spotted his sister in a empty stairwell. "Winnie?" He came up next to her, peering into the blank gaze in her eyes. "Winn-" He lurched forward, his twin snatching his hand.

Waves pounded against Pete's vision, pulling him in.

A dark haired 19 year old faced the twins, an unreadable look on his face.

Pete's face flooded with horror, "That's...that's not possible."

Winnie held Pete's hand tightly, unable to move her ocean blue eyes from a mirage of a Jones. "Jasper, you know I didn't mean for it to happen." Tears brimmed in her eyes, sliding down rosy cheeks.

Jasper Jones stared back at his younger siblings, flecks of paint tinting not only his exposed arms but his flannel as well. "No, you just let it happen. That's all you do, Winowna. You let things happen. Terrible, horrible things. Monsterous things. Yet you let them come even when you see them from miles away."

"I didn't know what it meant," Winnie whimpered as her eyes glittered with tears. "I didn't - I didn't know."

Jasper swept up to her, an inch away from her face. He lowered his voice, leaning in net to her ear. "Yes you did."

Winnie screamed, the weight of the world latching on her all at once. She fell against Pete, her brother snapping out of it just in time to catch her.

"Winnie?" Pete held Winnie's waist, her body limp against him. He swore, ducking down and picking her up in a cradle. He blinked a few times, Jasper still hazily in his vision. "Hang in there, Win."

"I...I didn't know," Winnie murmured against her brother's chest with tears lining her closed eyes.

"I know you didn't," Pete told her as he carried her into the sitting room. He laid her out on the sofa, kneeling next to her. "Winnie? I don't know what happened so you need to tell me how to help you."

Winnie could barely open her eyes, tears still slipping down the sides of her face. "He looked so real."

"Hey, hey," Pete quieted his sister. He took her hand, squeezing it in his. "It wasn't. I'm real, okay? You can feel me. That wasn't real. Jasper would never say those things to you."

Winnie stared at the ceiling, her voice haunting. "Because he isn't alive to say them."

Pete used his knuckles to wipe away the dampness on Winnie's face. "Jasper loved you. He would never blame you for what happened. What did he used to tell you when you didn't understand your shining?" He turned her chin when she couldn't respond. "What would he say? I don't shine and even I know his motto."

"You can't stop what you paint," Winnie said through a strain. "And you can't paint what you can stop."

"He did what you could do, Win. Always take his word, even now." Pete held Winnie's hand, still crouched next to her. "You can't blame yourself for him dying. He would never want that."

Winnie softened, "Then that means something else is wrong."

Pete furrowed his eyebrows, helping his sister sit up. "What do you mean?"

"Why did I see anything at all?" she asked as she sniffed. "That's not what I do. That's...that's not how it happens."

"You're right," Pete agreed after a moment of thought.

Winnie's neck strained, an odd twitch in her soul. "Get me a pen."

Pete jumped up, quickly scanning the room for anything. "Uh...ah!" He snatched up a notebook and a purple pen, shoving it into his sister's grip.

Winnie took the notebook, uncapping the pen with her teeth before dropping it to the paper harshly. She could barely catch her breath, etching violet details into the lined paper.

Pete narrowed his eyes, unable to decipher his sister's drawing.

Scott skidded into the doorway, painting with sweat on his brow. "Lydia's - she's gone."

Winnie looked up from her drawing, finding the werewolf with horrified eyes. "I know what she did, and I know why."

Stiles practically fell into the room, Jake and Libby with him. "There's wolfsbane in the punch."

Winnie held up the notebook to her audience, a malicious man smiling on the page. "She's gonna bring him back."

Libby's eyes widened, "Who the hell is that?"

"It's Peter Hale."
