Episode VIII: The Hunt


Arriving at Bona's office building, it was a lot bigger in person than in the pictures, I recon the entrance and as expected it was guarded by men in black suits.

The only way through the main entrance is by showing your employee ID and you'd have to go through a bag search for any weapons or contraband.

Seeing that the front door was a no-go, I switched on detective vision to scan for ventilation shafts large enough to crawl through or perhaps unguarded doors.

However, Bona has every corner of the building locked up, surveillance cameras, and armed guards patrolling the sectors, It'll be nearly impossible to go in by stealth without a bang.

"Seems you're stuck..." I heard a strange voice pointed out and I drew out my pistol at the strange red hooded figure.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"There's no need for violence, I'm an ally, Batman sent me here to assist you in bringing down Bona and her entire company. Call me, Red Hood," He introduced himself and I nodded.

"You're the one who sent me that anonymous letter," I mentioned and he chuckled.

"Heh, you're a lot smarter than expected, good, but this is only the first step to securing Tawagata," He replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Batman believes that Bona has been working with the Tawagata Justice League and has connections to Hoseok's campaign and his criminal schemes. Look, I know you want her dead but for the sake of the city, we need her alive." He explained and I deeply sighed.

"Alright, fine. But the question is, how are we gonna get in?" I asked.

"How else? We gotta shoot our way inside, will eliminate the guards at the entrance from here, and I'll go into the security office from there, I'll have control of the building's power and cameras." He explained and I nodded.

Following his lead, we take out our sniper rifles, take aim at the guards watching out on the streets and once the coast was cleared we neutralized them.

After that, we jumped down onto the street and quickly head through the doors to the lobby area.

Everyone was shocked at our announced visit especially since we were both armed and wearing masks.

"Watch and learn," He instructed.

Unlike Batman, Red Hood does use lethal fighting tactics from time to time as he shoots the security guards dead and I did the same.

Once the room was cleared, we split up as Red Hood goes to the security room to gain control of the security system and power.

Taking the fire exit staircase, I walk up to the second floor of the building, activating detective vision there was a group of armed guards waiting for me.

Obviously, charging in head-on is suicide so I'll need to be smart and careful about my moves, I climbed into a ventilation shaft that leads to the ceiling above them.

When Red Hood informed me that he secured the office, I told him to shut off the power to the whole building.

"Huh?! Where are the lights?!" One of the guards asked as he frantically pointed his weapon in different directions.

"Shit! I have little to no visual, I can barely see my hands or anything!" One of the guards panicked.

Dropping down from the ceiling, I grab a hold of one of the guards and covered his mouth to mask my position before snapping his neck.

"Carl! Carl, where are you?! Answer me, damnit!" One of them ordered.

In just a blink of an eye, I take another one out and knocked him cold before hanging him from the ceiling using the grappling gun.

When the guards went to check out what was going on, they were terrified to see their comrade out cold and hanging upside down.

"W-What the hell?! Who could've done this?!" A guard nervously asked as he examined the body.

"Forget about him, there's nothing we can do! We have to look out for ourselves!" One of their comrades pointed out.

With only three of them left when they foolishly huddled in one group making them vulnerable, and I dropped down in the middle making them lose balance.

Swiftly, I drew my duel pistols and shot them in the head, with the floor cleared, I go up the staircase to the next floor.

"Hey, Red Eyes, I hacked into their coms, patching you in now," Red Hood informed me.

"M-Ms. Kim, we haven't heard back from the guards at the entrance nor the first and second floor, we should evacuate immediately!" I heard Bona's secretary suggest.

"Never! I will not simply flee because of some petty thugs, send every unit to kill them!" Bona replied.

"Ms. Kim, I thought nobody would know about our meeting!" I heard Wayne's mole mentioned.

"Have nothing to fear, my friend, I sent every security personnel to eliminate the scum who dares trespass!" She assured and I chuckled.

Tsk. Does she think sending all of her security personnel to kill me is going to save her? Pathetic. She has no idea who's she dealing with... At least not yet.

As I continue to the upper floors more guards tried to stop me from getting to their boss but they were all amateur shots so I easily defeated them.

"You're almost there, go up to the next flight of stairs and you'll be at the door of that witch's nest." Red Hood informed me.

"Copy that," I replied.

Going up the flight of stairs, I spotted what seemed to be a sentry gun emplacement but that is not going to be enough to stop me.

Taking out my hacking device, I secured a connection to the sentry gun and temporarily blinded its visual feed.

Quickly I go right behind the sentry gun, take off the panel protecting its main circuit, and forcefully ripped it out putting it out of commission.

Drawing out my duel pistols and a smoke grenade, I kicked the door and threw the smoke grenade causing the guards to cough from inhaling the smoke.

Swiftly, I killed them all, but out of nowhere, I was ambushed by a skilled ninja, taking a good look I instantly knew who she was.

"Lady Shiva..." I said before drawing out my duel katanas.

"And you must be the Shadow that every hero and criminal in Tawagata has been talking about so much. Hope you can live up to your reputation," She replied and I grinned behind my mask.

"I should be saying the same to you," I said and she charged toward me.

I'm not going to lie she was the toughest opponent I've ever fought as she's the world's deadliest assassin and fighter.

But with the combination of training, I've just learned from Red Hood, Nightwing, Batman, and even Robin, she was in for a hell of a fight.

Using all of my training and knowledge of close combat and firefights, I swiftly drew out my pistol and managed to shoot her chest causing her to drop her katanas.

"You fought well, Lady Shiva, but you are no match for me," I said before kicking her out of the window sending her falling to the streets.

With her and the security guards out of the way, I kicked the door down and instantly take out the guards leaving the Wayne Tech representative, Bona and her secretary helpless.

"Got nowhere to run, Bona..." I pointed out as I pointed my pistol at her.

The secretary and representative tried to flee but I shot them dead, I shoved her desk aside and kicked her in the stomach causing her to fall on the floor.

I grabbed her by the neck, walked up to the window, and fired a shot to shatter the window allowing the howl of the wind to be heard outside.

"P-Please don't kill me!" She begged.

"Tell me, what are Hoseok and the Tawagata Justice League's plans for the city?! Or else I'll let you fall 250 feet to your death!" I demanded.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about! I swear!" She lied and I leaned her closer to the edge.

"Last chance, Bona! What are your connections to the Tawagata Justice League and what is Hoseok planning?!" I threatened and I can see the fear in her eyes.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Fine, I'll tell you! Hoseok is merely just a puppet for the high Justice League council so that way they can control the city. I only provided them with funds in exchange to rid of my competition, Wayne Tech! I have no idea what they're actually planning for the city but I could care less so I didn't ask questions! I swear, that's all I know!" She explained and I grinned before throwing her onto the ground away from the broken window frame.

"That wasn't so hard now was it?" I sarcastically asked before chuckling.

"W-Who are you?" She nervously asked.

"You really have no idea, huh? Kim Jiyeon," I replied.

"What do you mean?" She asked and I chuckled.

"Does the son of the Shin family, sound familiar to you? It should because you're the one who killed them in cold blood." I answered before pointing my pistol at her head.

"Y-Yes, because they owe me a debt, Shin Y/N's father owed me for betraying me! For exposing my criminal deeds to the police and the media but with my charms and cunning techniques, I managed to get back up from that, but as for Y/N, I'm still searching for his whereabouts." She explained.

"Hehe, that won't be necessary anymore... Kim Jiyeon," I mentioned as I take off my mask.

At first, Bona was confused probably because of how grown and mature I'd become since we last met but when she took a good look at my facial features she was lost for words.

"What's the matter lost for words? I've expected more coming from a cold-blooded bitch who only thinks of herself. I'd shoot you dead on the spot but I have a better idea." I said as I smirked.

"Haha, you think killing me will bring your parents back...?" She asked before evilly laughing and I shook my head.

"No, I cannot change what happened to the past but I can shape the future, starting with you, speaking of which, you might wanna check your companies stocks," I answered and she raised an eyebrow.

Pulling out her phone from her pocket, she looked at her company's stocks and was baffled to see all her stocks being bought out by yours truly... Bruce Wayne.

Bona was again speechless as all of her life's work went down the drain before her eyes, makes me wonder if giving her a quick death with a bullet to her head would've been more merciful than having her suffer from losing her entire life and company and let's forget to mention rotting in a cell for the rest of her life.

"Are you bloody happy now?! My entire effort and company are gone!" She angrily asked before sobbing.

"The fact that you will no longer be able to harm others, I'd say I'm satisfied enough that you will soon be rotting in a cell," I answered and she softly chuckled.

"I supposed that's fair enough..." She replied.

Red Hood comes into the office, he informed me that we should leave the Tawagata Police Department to handle the rest as she was no longer a major threat.

Agreeing with him that we should vacate the building before we get caught, we used our line launchers to smash through the windows and onto the neighboring roof.

"So, did you get any information from her?" He asked.

"Yep, turned out Batman's theory was right on the mark, turns out Hoseok is nothing but a lapdog to Taeyeon, IU, and Sumni. She merely just provided funding to them in exchange to get eliminating Bruce Wayne and Wayne Tech. However, whatever Taeyeon is planning is unknown at the moment." I explained and he nodded.

"Got it. I'll tell Batman everything, until then, see ya around," He said his goodbyes before grappling from building to building.

Looking down from the roof, a whole squad of police officers and SWAT operators arrived on the scene.

Of course, they encountered no hostiles as all the guards are either dead or knocked out cold, and they placed handcuffs on Bona and threw her inside the backseat of their patrol car.

Although it's satisfying that I've avenged my parent's death, the situation at hand isn't over, and stopping Bona was only the start of something bigger.

With no money being provided, this will grab the attention of Taeyeon and the others, and they'll definitely put a huge bounty on my head for this.


Author's POV

With the arrests of Kim Jiyeon the wealthiest and most successful woman in the city airing on every news channel, everyone was stunned that she was finally caught red-handed for the multiple corrupted schemes she committed.

"Huh... So Bona has finally slipped, didn't she?" Nayeon commented as she takes a sip of coffee.

"Indeed but it sucks for us because now how are we supposed to get money for the big endgame?" Jeongyeon questioned.

"That's beyond me, but I can guess that Taeyeon is going to be furious about the news," Gaeul guessed and they agreed.

Suddenly the hall doors busted open revealing a furious Taeyeon along with Sumni and IU, who is rather disturbed about the recent news.

"May we have your attention, please? I know we took a big loss losing Bona but a woman with wealth a man can dream of makes her arrogant which is a weakness that these vigilantes took advantage of. She thought she was untouchable, invincible, and more powerful than any man, that is only a delusion. We'd figured she'd snap someday but we got everything we needed from her and Bruce Wayne nor the Justice League won't be an issue to our big plans for this city." Taeyeon announced to all of the knights.

"If you're wondering what the plan is... You'll have to be patient and play your roles and everything will soon come together. Until then, keep an eye out for any traitors in our ranks." Somni ordered and they left the hall.


To Be Continued...

Author: Watsup readers, hoped you guys enjoyed the story so far! If you did, please leave a vote and comment if you can as it would be greatly appreciated :)
