Episode VI: Gotham Field Mission


Resuming my training from yesterday, Batman and I head out to Gotham City for field training and to help quell the criminals in the most crime-ridden city in the country.

Throughout my field training, I managed to take out and beat the living daylights out of many gangs, mobs, and your typical thugs.

However, so far, there were no signs of the main villains, the Riddler, Two-Face, Penguin, Poison Ivy, or what everyone fears the most... The Joker.

Many of his goons were everywhere in the city causing mayhem and chaos in the streets and of course, they were no match for us.

Taking out the last thug in the gang, I take a moment to catch my breath as we've been at it for at least more than four hours.

"Crime doesn't rest, you must keep going no matter what if you want to keep this city safe," Batman mentioned and I nodded.

"Right," I replied and we grappled onto a nearby rooftop to get to higher ground.

Scouting out for criminal activity, all seems to be clear, I activate and use the Seeker mask to zoom in and scan for criminals.

Suddenly, we heard an explosion coming from the Gotham National Bank, immediately, we rushed toward the area to find out what was going on.

Once we arrived at the scene, we spotted a gang of armed robbers wielding assault rifles, but they had a gang leader.

"Such a shame... Someone is going to have fix this. But the good news is that we're rich boys!" Two-Face appeared and the gang cheered.

A man with a deformed face on one end and the other in perfect condition, the twisted personality of good and evil, and one of the most dangerous criminal mobs in the country... Two-Face.

"We have to stop them," I pointed out.

"Indeed, but with all the firepower, rushing in will be suicide, will have to be smart about our moves," Batman explained and I nodded.

Splitting up, I grappled onto the rooftop next to me to get at a better angle of Two-Face as Batman goes for Two-Face.

Loading stun bullets into the magazine to not kill the criminals, I take aim at the guards, and in a blink of an eye, I pull the trigger and knock out both thugs.

"HUH?! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!" Two-Face panicked as the gang raised their weapons.

He turns around and sees Batman standing in front of him looking menacingly but Two-Face isn't scared one bit as he faced him many times before.

"Ah, Batman, am I pleased to see you? Not." Two-Face greeted him as he pointed his duel revolvers at him.

"Heads or tails?" He asked and he shook his head.

"Just flip the coin..." Batman answered.

"Fine, heads then!" He replied before flipping the coin in the air.

Catching the coin he places it on his arm revealing to be a scarred tail making Two-Face evilly chuckle.

"Such a shame, Batman, it's tails. Men, kill him!" He ordered and his goons opened fire on Batman.

Thankfully, Batman leaps into the air and takes out the goons one by one leaving Two-Face frustrated at his minion's failure to eliminate him.

"Ugh, useless buffoons! Guess I have to do everything myself!" He angrily said before raising his revolvers.

Just when he was about to pull the trigger, I put him to sleep firing a non-lethal electric dart and shocking him causing him to collapse onto the stairs.

Batman soon joins me back on the rooftop as GCPD arrives on the scene to arrest the criminals and Two-Face will again be thrown into Arkham Asylum.

Continuing patrolling around the city, I can't help but worry about Tawagata as the city's condition is just as worse as here in Gotham.

But I had to keep my head in the game otherwise I'll never be able to save the city from destroying itself.

In the skies, we spotted the famous bat signal meaning that there was huge trouble going on in that area.

"Looks like we're going to be busy tonight, rookie, you're fine with getting no sleep tonight?" He asked and I nodded.

"Of course, Batman," I answered.

Heading toward the area, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, it took us no time to arrive at the scene to find graffiti marks everywhere.

Examining the graffiti art, the color was light green and shaped like a question mark and I can only guess it's the Riddler behind all of this.

Spotting a sobbing family, I interrogated them to find out what had happened to them, and they explained that the Riddler has kidnapped their two children and held them, hostage.

Thanking them for the information, I promised that will rescue them and bring them back, I joined Batman at what looked like the front entrance based on the numerous arrows pointing toward the metal door.

"Remember, the Riddler will have hidden traps all over the place so it's best to watch your step he's obsessed with riddles and puzzles." He warned.

"Got it," I replied.

Entering the chamber of death traps, we analyzed the area for any sort of hidden traps on the ground, walls, and ceiling.

Suddenly, I spotted what appeared to be a wire trap connected to a military-grade grenade, taking out my cutters, I snapped the wire thus disarming the trap.

"Ohhhh~. Good eye there, newbie!" We heard Riddler compliment on the intercom.

"Show yourself, Riddler!" Batman demanded.

"Nu-uh, I'm not going to reveal my handsome face just yet... First, you must correctly answer my riddles!" The Riddler instructed.

"Hmph. Try me." I challenged the Riddler and Batman protested.

"Oh, so the rookie wants the challenge me, eh? Interesting. Alright, I've got one... It can be cruel, poetic, or blind. But when it's denied, it's violence you may find." The Riddler said and I began to contemplate the answer to his riddle.

"Justice," I answered.

"Hohoho, figured it so quickly did you?" The Riddler asked.

"Got any more? Because we're coming to save those hostages!" I yelled out loud so the Riddler could hear me.

"Woah, hold your horses now... What does a liar do when he's dead?" The Riddler asked and I instantly knew the answer.

"He lies still" I quickly answered.

"Amazing! Batman must've trained you well, no doubt about that! Fine, I guess I can let you have the hostages now." The Riddler replied as he opened the doorway for us.

Walking through the doorway, we found the two children tied up to chairs with their mouths covered by duct tape.

Normally, we'd charge in and free them but knowing the Riddler, it isn't always that simple, we scanned the room for any booby traps and of course, we spotted multiple security lasers all over the room.

If we accidentally or somehow tripped one laser, the alarm will go off and that means more goons will arrive.

Fortunately, I managed to locate the security terminal that will allow me to shut down the security system.

"You shut down the security system, I'll rescue the children," Batman explained and I nodded.

Using the advanced acrobatics techniques that I learned from Nightwing, I swoop past the lasers with no problem.

Jumping onto the platform, I get on the terminal, plugged in a USB allowing me to hack into it, I pull out my bat watch to shut down the whole system.

Once I was finished, the lasers disappeared, Batman rescued the children, and I jumped back down to join him.

Just as we thought it was over, a group of Riddler's thugs showed up, some were armed with baseball bats, knives, or even stun sticks.

"You two hide, will deal with them," Batman instructed and the two kids hide in a corner away from harm's way.

"I am always around but unseen. I am often avoided but never outrun. I could find you at the end of the road or even the next corner. What am I?" The Riddler asked and I sighed.

"Death..." I answered.

"Hehe, good, because I believe that death has finally found the two of you!" The Riddler replied before maniacally laughing.

Unfortunately for him, he was more than wrong, we're able to take on a whole battalion of thugs if we wanted to and we can eat a group of thugs for breakfast.

In just no time, one by one, we take out the thugs and beat them to oblivion leaving the Riddler baffled.

"U-Unbelievable, this isn't supposed to happen!" The Riddler panicked.

Using x-ray vision, I managed to spot the Riddler in a hidden room, I sprayed explosive gel on the wall and blew up the wall.

"Gah! What the?! How did you two find me?!" The Riddler asked and I stunned him using my pistol.

Batman picks up Riddler's unconscious body while I escort the two kids outside of the chamber. 

Once we were outside, we were greeted by the family and the GCPD, the parents were grateful and happy to see that their offsprings are safe from harm's way.

Meanwhile, the officers arrested the Riddler and put him inside the back of their van before transporting him to Arkham Asylum for proper help. 

That marks the second supervillain dealt with tonight, and there are hundreds more to go through. 

Just as we thought this situation here was resolved, we both heard sadistic laughter coming from the distance. 

"Oh no... I recognize that laughter from a mile away..." I said as we kept on guard. 

"Everyone get down!" Batman warned and we all ducked to avoid getting injured from the explosions. 

Appearing out of the smoke and rubble, stepped a menacing clown figure with a psychotic smile. 

Everyone knows this clown isn't here just to entertain kids at their birthday parties. But to blow Gotham to oblivion. 

"Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! For tonight's show, we have Bats and... Oh, I see you've brought a new friend! I don't think we've made an acquaintance!" The Joker announced and I scoffed. 

"How about we start with your surrender, Joker?" I asked and he laughed in response. 

"Ohoho! That's quite funny! Never!" He replied. 

Immediately, we were surrounded by Joker's gang who are all wearing face paint to make themselves look like the Joker himself. 

Cracking my fingers and knuckles readying myself to beat some ass, we jumped in and took them all despite being heavily outnumbered. 

After defeating all of the Joker's goons, his jaw dropped in astonishment but he regained his composure. 

"Ahem. Woho! Not too shabby for a rookie hero! But can you handle Mister Hammer~?!" The Joker wondered. 

Busting through the brick wall came out a tall, muscular, with one arm holding a giant sledgehammer heavy enough to splatter my brain and guts, and he had a mean grin on his face. 

"Oh boy..." I said to myself. 

Mister Hammer swung his sledgehammer toward us but we managed to dodge it because his attack was too slow. 

"I have an idea, you use your rifle to tranquilize him, while I distract him. Got it?" He explained and I nodded. 

"Got it," I replied. 

Grappling onto the higher ground on the rooftop, I slung out my rifle, loaded a dart inside my rifle, and take careful aim at the monstrosity. 

Batman continues dodging Mister Hammer's attacks as the Joker chuckled and enjoys the death-defying scene. 

Once I got a line of sight on his head, I didn't hesitate to pull the trigger and landed the dart on the giant's neck causing him to wince as he takes out the dart. 

"Gah! W-What's happening...?" He asked before collapsing into the street unconscious. 

"Oh, come on! Is that seriously, the best you can offer?! I expected more!" The Joker said in disappointment. 

"Sorry to ruin your fun, Joker, but playtime is over!" Batman replied before throwing a Batarang toward his foot. 

The Batarang lands a direct hit causing Joker to fall over and land face-first into the street knocking him out. 

"That was easier than I thought," I commented. 

"Oh, believe me, this is only a taste of what he can do, I've seen him cause a lot more devastation than you can imagine," He replied. 

"You should go back home, I can handle the rest from here, you've earned it," He instructed and I thanked him. 

Using the bat computer to summon my jet, I jump into the cockpit and fly back to my island near Tawagata. 

The flight was about five minutes as I was going at the speed of sound, I flew over the city and look down to see it was in chaos. 

Sadly, there's nothing I can do about it for now as the Rebellion isn't ready to take back the city. 

"What is the password?" The bat computer asked. 

"Velma sucks," I answered. 

"Access granted. Initializing bat computer sequence," The bat computer replied. 


To Be Continued...

Author: Watsup readers, hoped you guys enjoyed the story so far! If you did, please leave a vote and comment if you can as it would be greatly appreciated :)
