Unforeseen Changes

Note: Hey babes <3 

This chapter was requested by a reader on another site who wanted to see Anna getting her first bra (with Dean, of course). 

She's eleven in this one.

Unforeseen Changes

Anna kicked her shoes off, ignoring the way they landed smack in the middle of the entryway to the kitchen. "Sammy!" she hollered at the top of her lungs and walked rhythmically across the wooden floor in her socks. "Food's here! Hurry up before Dean eats it all!"

"Anna, it's not a big apartment," Sam said as he stepped out of the master bedroom. Well, it wasn't much of a master bedroom. It just had a slightly bigger bed in it than the other room. "You don't have to shout."

Anna shrugged. "I don't mind." She turned around and skipped to the kitchen, very nearly falling on her butt when her socks made her slide along the floor. "Jeez. Apartments are dangerous compared to motels." She was so used to dirty carpet masking rotting floors that the smoothly finished wood was catching her off guard.

"I think you got that backwards, Sweetheart," Dean corrected her. He pulled styrofoam containers out of a paper bag to place them on the table. "Come get your chicken. It smells a little too good- I might steal it from you."

"No, you won't!" Anna said indignantly. She raced over to the table and knelt on the nearest chair.

Dean snorted at her and put a plate in front of her. "Might's well pretend it's homemade, right?"

Anna didn't care one way or the other. She watched him dump her dinner out of a takeout container and onto a dish and had to wonder what the point was. "I guess so."

"Dammit," Sam said behind them.

When she swiveled in her chair, hands clutching the wooden back, Anna wrinkled her nose. "Sorry," she said upon seeing what Sam had tripped on: her sneakers.

Sam waved her off and picked the shoes up. He tossed them aside, but the move wasn't careless. "What are we having?"

"Chinese," Anna said at the same time as their older brother.

Sam actually looked excited at the prospect as he sat down in the chair beside Anna's. "Sit down," he told her and patted her knee.

Anna made an annoyed sound but got off her knees and plopped her butt down. She slid her plate closer to herself and picked up a piece of General Tso's chicken with her fingers.

"Anna, that's disgusting," Sam scolded.

Anna looked innocently up at him, eyes tracking from Sam over to Dean. Dean, who was holding a piece of orange chicken between his fingers, in the process of putting it in his mouth.

"What?" he said around a mouthful of half-chewed food.

Sam looked at Dean with a face that said, Seriously?

"Where's my fortune?" Anna asked when she'd finished her first piece of chicken.

"Eat your meal first," Dean ordered.

"I just wanna read it!"

"You can read it when you finish your chicken."

"Come on!"

Dean didn't even dignify that with a response.

Anna pouted but picked up another piece of chicken with her fingers. It was sticky, and she understood why Sam thought it was gross that she wasn't using a fork. But she still sighed when he handed her a disposable fork wrapped in plastic. She didn't bother wiping her fingers on a napkin before she started trying to unwrap the fork. But her sticky fingers made it difficult.

"Can you help me?" she requested sweetly and passed the fork back to Sam.

He made a wary face whe he saw the General Tso's sauce covering the plastic. But he looked at her face and accepted the job.

About two minutes later, the plastic tines on her fork snapped when she tried to stab a piece of chicken. She made a shocked face and held the fork up for her brothers to see.

"How did you do that?" Dean asked with his mouth full.

She didn't know. But Anna tossed her fork aside and went back to using her fingers.

"Now, can I have my fortune?" she requested when her food was finally gone.

"Alright, alright." Dean reached into the bag their food had come in and pulled out a little plastic wrapped fortune cookie. "Here."

Anna's smile was bright as she tore into the wrapper and snapped the cookie in half. "You are maturing in ways no one could have foreseen," she read. Her eyes went wide, and she held the paper out to Sam. "What do you think it means?"

"It's just a fortune cookie, Anna."

"Maybe it means I should start driving."

Dean choked on his spring roll and had to take a swig of beer just so he could breathe again. "That ain't it," he assured her.

"Well, then, maybe it means I was right," she said with a wisened glint in her eyes. She crossed her arms over her chest and fixed Dean with a serious look.

"Right about what?" he asked her, drinking more of his beer. He glanced up at her as he put the rest of his spring roll in his mouth.

Anna raised her eyebrows, pressed her mouth into a thin line, and leaned her head forward as if to say. She was trying to communicate the words, You know...

But Dean clearly didn't know. He just focused on his plate and eventually glanced up at her again like he was still waiting for an answer.

"About getting a bra."

He was choking again.

"The fortune even says so!" Anna hollered over Dean's hacking and gagging. She started to worry a little bit when he wheezed, though.

Sam, for his part, was out of his chair, preparing to give their brother the heimlich maneuver.

"It does not," Dean panted suddenly, though, "say that."

"It says I'm maturing in ways no one could have foreseen!"

"It's a frickin' fortune cookie," Dean snapped impatiently. "If I'd handed you a different one, Sam would've been the one maturing in unforeseen ways."

"No, he wouldn't," Anna said. "Because Sam doesn't have boobs."

"Oh my god," Sam muttered, his cheeks growing pink. He looked purposefully away from both his siblings, absolutely mortified.

"And because you gave it to me. And that's what makes it my fortune. And it's right. I'm maturing in unforeseen ways."

"No, you ain't," Dean said with a dangerous look in his eyes and a firm head shake.

"Anna, you're an adolescent girl," Sam said gently. "Needing a... a bra wouldn't be an unforeseen change. It would be a predictable one."

"I'm a woman," Anna said firmly. She looked at Sam with hurt in her eyes. He was supposed to be the reasonable one in the family. Why couldn't he back her up?

Sam tilted his head slightly and frowned in apology. "Okay, look, fortune cookie aside..." He swallowed hard. It was obvious he knew what a risk he was taking here. "She might be right, Dean."

There was a vein popping out in Dean's forehead. Anna didn't get to see it very often. She was almost tempted to wave 'hello.' But that joke probably would've landed her in hot water right about now.

"No, she's not," Dean argued. He went to take a bite of his food, made a disturbed face, and set his egg roll back down. "Do we have to talk about this over dinner?"

"It's the fortune," Anna reminded him and picked the little slip of paper back up. "I'm maturing in unforeseen ways."

"I know what the stupid fortune says, Anna," Dean griped. He took the paper away from her and slapped it down next to his plate. "Pick a different one."

"What?!" Anna planted her hands on her hips and stood up. "That's not how fortunes work. You can't change my fortune just because you don't like it."

Dean looked at her with such a steely glare that Anna didn't dare keep arguing. She sat down and pulled a new cookie out of the bag.

There was the crunching sound when she snapped it in half and the slipping noise when she pulled the paper out of the shell of cookie. She smiled brightly before reading the fortune out loud. "No one else can tell you who you are." She smirked and raised one eyebrow at Dean.

He snatched the paper– cookie and all– out of her hand and threw it behind him. "Clearly these things are meant for adults," he said over her squawk of indignance.

"That's my fate!" Anna complained and raced across the room to pick it up.

"It's a cookie," Dean argued, his voice rising in pitch. "It's not even a good cookie."

"Alright, alright," Sam broke in, one hand raised to each of his siblings. "Alright. This has nothing to do with fortune cookies, okay? Ignore the cookies."

"I'm never buying those damn cookies again," Dean grumbled. "Look what they started."

"They didn't start anything," Sam said, accepting no more nonsense. "She's been asking you for weeks. Give her a better answer than just 'no.'"

Dean pressed his lips together and grit his teeth, looking at Sam with wide, angry eyes.

"You knew this day was coming," Sam reminded him. "We all knew it was coming."

"Yeah, but not yet," Dean snapped. "She's a little girl. She does not need a frickin'- a frickin'- a frickin' thing," he said emphatically, cupping his hands under his own chest. He looked down and flinched when he noticed his own gesture. "Gah!"

"I am not a little girl!" Anna glowered. "I may not be as big as you, but I'm not a baby, Dean! You always think I'm too stupid or too little to do anything. News flash: I'm old enough to do all kinds of stuff without you. And I'm gonna get my own bra too!"

She swirled out of her chair and snatched her shoes up from the floor by the couch in the next room where Sam had tossed them.

"Anna, knock it off," Dean said. But he was being gentler now. There was no more wall of anger. "You're not goin' out by yourself, alright? I'll- I'll take you to get-" He raised his hands to either side of his head, though it was unclear whether the gesture was meant to be a surrender, or whether he was just trying to make sure he wouldn't make any more uncomfortable gestures. "To get one of... those."

"You will?" Anna asked dubiously. She raised her eyebrows in question, and she couldn't hide her suspicion.

It was hard to trust him on this when he'd just called her a little girl.

He looked like he wasn't happy with his own answer, but Dean nodded. "I'll get you a- Yes."

"It's called a bra," Anna said softly. But she smiled slyly at her brother. She really wasn't a little girl anymore.

Maybe Dean was ready to accept that.


Usually in big malls like this one, she held somebody's hand. But Anna refused to do that today. She was a woman. Shopping for woman things. No way was she going to be caught holding her brother's hand.

"You sure you don't want me to-"

"I said I would do it, and I'm gonna do it," Dean said shortly, shoving Sam away. He stared at the neon pink sign above them, though, and didn't move.

"It's in here," Anna said and sidled into the entranceway.

"Yeah, I know."

"I can-"

"Shut up, Sam." Dean seemed to put on some form of emotional armor before he finally stepped forward, put his hand on Anna's shoulder, and stepped into Victoria's Secret. "Which way?"

"I don't know," Anna admitted. She'd been excited up to this point. But standing there, surrounded by mannequins of hourglass figures covered in lingerie, she wasn't sure she knew left from right anymore. Her confidence drained away. "I never been here before."

"I frickin' hope you haven't been here before," Dean mumbled. He made a confused face and looked up, trying to find aisle numbers or something. But it wasn't organized like a Walmart or Target.

"Should we just walk until it looks like it's my size?"

Dean looked mortified. "I think we have to ask somebody," he suggested instead. "And by we, I mean you."

Anna looked up in horror. "Why me? Why not you?"

"It's your thing, isn't it?" Dean gave her a gentle nudge toward the nearest employee. "I'm sure they talk to little girls all the time."

Anna's hurt was already showing on her face when Dean realized his mistake.

"I'm sure they talk to... pre-pu– to wom– to maturing– to... to girls? All the time?"

She didn't feel any better for all her brother's effort, but Anna took pity on him and walked toward the employee. "Hi," she said nervously.

The thirty-something woman with dreadlocks and a septum piercing smiled at her. "Hi, Sweetie. What can I help you with?"

"Um..." Anna swallowed. "It's my first time here... and... I don't know where to start."

"Are you looking for a bra?" the woman asked her.

Anna nodded frantically. "I don't have a mom or anything. I just have my brothers. And... and they don't know what to do either."

"Don't worry, Sweetie. We'll get you fixed up. Is that your brother over there lookin' like a fish out of water?"

Anna sighed. "That's him."

The lady snorted and waved Dean over. "Won't take too long," she promised when he reached them. "You're looking for a training bra," she said as they walked through the store toward the back. "Now, we can get you measured, or you can guess at your size. But it's more likely to fit you right if you let me measure you."

"I guess," Anna agreed, hurrying to keep up with the lady's longer legs.

Dean was being especially quiet. A glance his way, though, told her that he just didn't seem to know what to say. Which made sense. This wasn't exactly his area of expertise.

The measurement thing was a little awkward, to say the least. Anna didn't know where to put her arms. She kinda just half-raised them and hoped they weren't in the way. She bounced on her feet as the lady wrapped the tape-measurer around her chest, and the poor woman had to ask her to hold still. So, that was embarrassing.

Finally, though, she'd been given a size.

"Right over there," the saleswoman said and pointed toward the back wall, "is where you'll find the training bras. "You probably only need a couple to start with, okay?"

Anna nodded shyly.

"Anything else I can help you folks with?"

She shook her head.

"No, thanks," Dean said tightly.

Anna led the way toward the wall at the back, grabbed the first one she saw in her size, and headed for the counter. Her stomach was positively churning, and she just wanted to get out of this stupid place. She wished she'd never asked for a bra at all.

"Hey, hang on a minute," Dean said from behind her.

Anna turned around and bounced impatiently on her heels. "What? I got one."

"She said to get a couple."

Anna marched back over to the wall, grabbed another bra that was identical to the first one, and started toward the registers again. She put the bras down on the counter and bit her lip. She hid behind Dean the whole time they were checking out, and few words were exchanged throughout the process.

"I think we should go to Walmart next time," Anna said once they were safely in the car.

Dean nodded, still seeming a little lost for words. But as Sam patted his shoulder, he said, "I think you should quit growin' up."


Back at the apartment, Anna raced to the bedroom and locked the door. She needed some privacy so she could try on one of her new bras.

She kicked her shoes off and didn't care when they went under the bed. She pulled her shirt off and ripped the cardboard package of her bra open. It was kinda hard to put on. It was just a pull on one, no hooks or crossing straps or anything. But it got all twisted around when she slid it over her head, and her arms got sore in the process of trying to untwist it.

Once it was all smoothed out, Anna looked in the mirror.

"Wow," she said softly and turned to see the side view. She looked so mature. Just like her fortune cookie had promised.

She grabbed her t-shirt off the bed and pulled it over her head again.

She pulled it tight to her stomach so she could see the definition of her chest. "Wow," she said again.

It was official. Anna wasn't a little girl anymore.

La Fin
