Chapter 10

AmerieJohnson: Thank you to @BridalMagazine for placing this happy woman on the cover of your upcoming issue. It has been an absolute dream to work with your team and I am happy to be sharing some more intimate details from my wedding with you all.

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Jordan and I have not been on vacation together in quite some time so this experience has definitely been an interesting one. We are two different people who have only been able to agree on one thing; having sex.

I want to dedicate our first full day to exploring the island so we can get a gist of what there is to do before planning activities whereas Jordan wants to hire a quad bike and ride around. We are in a foreign country that we practically know nothing about and I am not trying to get trafficked. 

"You are annoying." I tell my husband as we approach the man renting out quad bikes. "We don't even know our way around this place yet you want us to go out alone."

"And you are being dramatically." Jordan nudges me, "You need to live a little."

"If we end up on the news then I will make sure that your headstone is engraved with the words, I told you so." I purse my lips at him and he waves me off.

Jordan gives me a dirty look before he begins speaking with the man who will be renting us the quad bikes. I pull out my camera to start filming our surroundings since we have really pretty view of the island but I slowly start to put it away once I notice a group of men looking in our direction.

I always have a team with me when I travel to place so I am thinking about calling my dad before Taken 4 takes place.

"We're leaving in ten." Jordan tells me once the man has been paid. "And for the record, I did get us a guide who will be giving us a tour of the island."

My heart softens at his words.


"I was never going to have us venture out without a clue of the place." Jordan pulls me into his arms. "I wanted us to experience something new and do things the non-traditional way. Doing the tour on a jeep would have been cute but we're not trying to be cute, we're here to live our best lives."

My smile grows wider as our lips briefly meet.

"I would never endanger you."

Once we have begun the tour, I am surprised to see how much I am enjoying being behind my husband as we follow the instructor. We are given a pretty in depth tour by the instructor of some of the major landmarks on the island and we are also given permission to get close to them.

I wanted to be in contained vehicle for my own safety but interacting with the locals made me realise how silly I was being. We have been treated like royalty whenever we have stopped to explore certain landmarks or even get ourselves a drink.

"This is beautiful." I comment as we stop by the beach. "I could see us settling down somewhere like here."

"Yeah." Jordan takes off his helmet so I do the same. "Sometimes true beauty comes in places that we don't expect. I'm a lucky man to have been blessed with this beautiful sight and you."


AmerieJohnson: no service

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The beach was much too beautiful to resist so I was able to convince the instructor to let us take a break for an hour and it was so worth it. I really enjoying laying out on a beach towel or chair but we didn't have anything on us so Jordan got us to do some water activities.

"Things are going to be different now that we are living together as a married couple." Jordan tells me once we have ordered our seafood platter. "We have spent so much time apart that it became easy for us to be apart."

 I nod my head in understanding.

"You were an upcoming designer, studying business at the same university that I was at." Jordan looks off into the distance. "There a few known faces attending this university so it wasn't uncommon to run into any of them but seeing you for the first time made me realise that I believed in love at first sight."

I smile warmly at his words, "Really?"

"You were the most beautiful person that I had ever encountered and we had barely spoken a word to eachother." Jordan turns to look at me as I try to stop the smile that is quickly spreading across my face. "Now you're this big movie star."

I giggle at his words, "I've only starred in one movie." 

"To the Moon and Back is the perfect love story and it's one of the most beautiful films that I have ever watched." Jordan stares right into my soul and I feel my insides stirring up. "Your name will go in history for that movie alone but I already know that when we get back, there will be hundreds of scripts waiting for you."

"Cheers to that." I smile as our glasses clink. "When I first started dong pressed for the movie, I didn't know if I wanted to stay in the industry but now..."

"You've found your new home." Jordan finishes for me and I slowly nod my head.

"My name alone is going to open more doors than we're probably ready for." I bite down on my bottom lip. "I want to make sure that we're going to ok."

Jordan has been in the acting industry since he was a child but he has mainly done television series. My fear with being in the industry is that I am going to surpass his level of fame in a short amount of time and I don't want him to feel a certain way about that.

My name has already been linked to several major awards for the one movie that I did but Jordan has not experienced that. I don't know what his goals in acting are but I know that mine is going to take me to places that he will have to work harder to get.

"I know that your name is going to be bigger than mine and I am ok with that." He reassures me with the squeeze of a hand. "You don't have to worry about me feeling jealous of your success, the love that I have for you will always overpower that. I will be at your side, cheering you on once the nominations start coming out with your name attached to the best actress category."

"Knowing that I have your support means everything to me."

Jordan gives my hand a squeeze, "Just don't get too pig headed."

"I won't." I laugh a little. "I'll still be the woman of your dreams."

"The woman of everyone's dreams." He corrects me with a laugh of his own before we take a sip of our drink. "I'm proud of you for stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new."

"It was kind of obvious that I would follow in my father's footsteps but I'm happy that I did it at my own pace." I rub my lips together. "Growing up, I never really knew what I wanted since I had a famous father who was doing it all. Sometimes when you see someone excel at everything that they do, it makes you weary of trying it because you never know if you can do it too." 

Jordan holds my hand over the table.

"Working in retail was something that I like due to the fashion side of things but I knew that it was never something that I wanted to do for the rest of my life." I feel myself beginning to tear up. "I just hope that I have made my family proud with my own journey. It may not have been the perfect start due to the privileges that I have and chose not to use but it's mine..."
