"I'm so ugly, that's okay, cause so are you."

I had got my motorbike out of the garage as the police didn't see the problem and I thanked them, I drove home and threw on my Ghost costume.

I had managed to pinpoint most of Batman's key locations whilst I was inactive so I knew where him and Gordon met, I drove over at a swift speed then grappled to the top of the building for them to both turn and look at me.

Gordon looked confused and concerned at the same time whilst Batman had a straight face like always, I unhook my grapple and look at the batsignal light and noticed how jagged it was.

Well, they were new so I couldn't really say I was expecting better so I turned to look back at the duo in front of me.

"I leave for awhile and the Mayor gets murdered, you got bad luck or something?" I speak.

The pair were silent which made this awkward so I leaned against one of the buildings supports, Batman was clearly analysing every move I made.

"You forgot about the attack on Y/N, you missed that one too." Batman replies.

Oh yeah, I had to wait to recover for awhile.

"Regardless, do we have any clues?" I question.

Gordon raises a brow and turns to look at Batman as of to ask if they should bring me with them, I turned to watch the heavy pour of them rain to let them have their moment.

It was weird being Ghost again but I felt as if I had to return, the death of the Mayor meant they would need an extra hand.

"Ghost, I need you to look at something." Gorson speaks.

I turn to see him stood next to Mr and see a letter in his hand, the writing was slightly cursive and had 'Y/N' written on it.

"We found it on the crime scene, it was hidden on the Mayor's body so we found it before we left meaning we didn't give it to them." Gordon admits.

Atleast he was being honest, atleast I get to read it at the same time as them I guess.

I opened the letter and there was only a small piece of paper in it causing me to be confused, I unfolded it to see the same cursive writing.

"Fear he who hides behind one."

Hm, interesting.

I turn the piece of paper to show Gordon and Batman who look more confused than me, I read it once more and looked at Batman causing the answer to click for me.

"A mask." I answer.

Did Riddler know I'm Ghost?
No, that's impossible.


We arrived at the Mayor's garage and stepped inside, there was an empty spot for where my bike was earlier.

Batman and I parked our bikes as Gordon parked his car causing us to stand together in silence whilst waiting for him, I didn't want to start looking around as it would be obvious I've been here before and that would raise red flags.

Instead, I remained stood still whilst looking around the garage whilst Batman stood staring at something then watched me.

God, this was awkward.

Gordon finally arrived and we started looking for something but what it was was uncertain, it wasn't long until Batman found something so I stepped over.

There was some garden scissors or something like that stabbed into one of the tyres of a specific car, it was the one my father had gifted him but I shook that off and jumped into the car.

There was a USB in there so I grabbed it and passed it to Batman who used a UV light or something on it, the Mayor's thumb was attached to it too which nearly made me gag.

After that,we plugged it into Gordon's laptop for it to ask for a password or something so I put the thumb on the thumbprint which unlocked it.

Images of the Mayor and some random girl outside of the iceberg lounge and they didn't seem to be friends either, I looked away from the photos to try and igorne the fact that he was a cheater but it wasn't long until I heard Gordon's laptop going crazy.

The USB had a virus on it causing the photos to be sent to all the news reporters in Gotham, Gordon was cursing and panicking whilst Batman and I stood watching.

It was clear that we had found all that we could so I jumped onto my motorbike causing both their heads to turn at me, I wanted to get this done ASAP so I revved my engine.

"Where are you going?" Batman asked.

I flicked my headlights on.

"I'm going to find your man." I answer.

My motorbike suddenly took off and I started driving towards the iceberg lounge and parked my motorbike and stood where the Mayor was spotted, people became on edge seeing me whilst others took photos whilst I was staring at the building directly opposite of the iceberg lounge.

I was using the AI in my suit to help me assume the position of the photographer from the photos due to them being at the same angle, once I knew I marched towards the building.

My cape danced behind me as the rain only grew more heavy, Batman parked beside my motorbike and saw me walking towards the flats but turned to the lounge instead.
