Chapter Twenty: Dances, Partners and Classes

Chapter Twenty: Dances, Partners and Classes

“Everybody’s looking at me now, like ‘who’s that chick with rockin’ kicks?’ She’s gotta be from out of town. So hard with my girl not around me. It’s definitely not a Nashville party. Cause all I see are stilettoes, I guess I never got the memo.” I belted on the top of my lungs dancing into the dining room for breakfast.

It was currently seven in the morning, and I was currently in the best mood. Even though it was a school day, and a Monday. It might seem like I had no reason to be happy, but I was.

I ignored the looks from the guards as I danced past them. I live in the Whitehouse for almost eight years, they should be used to it by now.

“Someone is in a good mood.” Marco our head cook said to me as I took a seat in my chair, across from Thomas.

“I am in a very good mood.” I said, nodding my head, “Mom and Dad are coming home today.” 

Marco’s eyebrows knitted in confusion, “You are grounded. Why would you be happy?” He questioned.

“Because,” I spoke, swallowing the food in my mouth. “Mom is always chill about groundings, so she will talk to dad and my grounding will be over.” I said, smiling.

“It still doesn’t explain why you are in a good mood. Considering you basically snapped at your father last time.”

It was now my turn to look at him confused, “You knew about that?” I asked.

He nodded his head, drying his hands on the cloth that was perched on his shoulder. “News travels fast, around here.”

I shrugged, looking back at the eggs on my plate. It didn’t really bug me, I wasn’t one to care about what people thought about me.

When I didn’t reply to Marco, he took that as his cue to leave walking out of the dining room and back into the kitchen. Probably going to go prepare for my parents arrival.

I quickly finished off my breakfast, getting up from the table and walking out of the dining room. Thomas was awfully quiet today, all he did was stare at his breakfast. And considering he had pancakes on his plate- his favorite meal, he didn’t look very happy. I was going to question him, but I’d rather not talk to Thomas when he is in a bad mood. He tends to snap.

I walked up to my room which was still being guarded by the two guards who were there on Saturday, I don’t think they moved, they were there all weekend. I guess they took their job seriously unlike Ricky.

“Morning guys.” I said, smiling at them.

They only nodded in return, shuffling aside to let me through. I ignored there no replies, walking into my room to get ready for school.

I quickly stripped out of my pajama shorts and long sleeved shirt, grabbing undergarments from my drawers and walking into the bathroom. I didn’t really have time to take a shower, due to the fact that Ben was probably somewhere downstairs waiting for me so we could go to school.

We decided it was best for him to take me to school, since he usually just drops his mom of here around this time. And it would save Holly the gas to come and pick me up.

I quickly brushed my teeth once again, then running a brush through my hair trying to get all the knots out. My dyed brown hair was beginning to fade back to its light state. I made a mental note, to tell my mom that I needed to re dye it. We wouldn’t want anyone making any sort of connections.

Once I was done combing my hair, I threw my hair into a low pony tail. I didn’t really have time to make myself look presentable, but this would have to do for now.

I walked back into my room grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans and a white top, I quickly scanned myself in the mirror. “This would have to do.” I muttered, to myself grabbing my school bag from the chair and walking out of my room.


“For today’s lesson we will be learning how to perform in front of an audience in a different way.” My drama teacher Mrs. Moore said to the class.

We were currently in our schools theatre, there was about twenty minutes left of first period, and I was counting down the minutes.

“Many actors and actresses we know these days somehow end up on Broadway, preforming their talents through singing and dancing.” Mrs. Moore spoke, her voice booming through the theatre. 

I slouched down in my seat, I was really bored. I looked down at my nails, as I picked on the nail polish that seemed to be chipping off. I tuned out Mrs. Moore, she wasn’t a boring teacher it just that I wasn’t really a fan of getting up on stage considering I really have no unique talents.

“So today, we will be doing something a little different…” She said smiling at the class, “I know it will be a huge leap for some of us, but by the end of this you will all love it!”

I looked at Mrs. Moore, with a bored expression. I had absolutely no idea where she was going with this and I didn’t want to know.

“We will all be put in pairs, and you will have to create a dance!” Mrs. Moore said excitedly clapping her hands.

My eyes widened as I looked at the lady in shock, okay make me memorize a few lines that’s alright but you want me to dance, with people I don’t even know. That is not happening.

“Yes, Mr. Wilson,” Mrs. Moore said, directing her attention at the boy who was seated behind me.

“I signed up for drama class not dance class.” He grumbled.

Mrs. Moore shrugged, “I am well aware of that, Mr. Wilson. However, I am the teacher and you are the student, and I could change up the course if I wanted too, which I am.”

Whispers and groans arose from my classmates, as they spoke to one another. I just sat there as I watched my classmates groan in annoyance. I didn’t want to dance either, but seeming I had no choice.

“Settle down!” Mrs. Moore yelled, trying to quiet us down, but we ignored her as classmates continued to whisper to one another.

The door of the theater swung open shutting with a loud thud. I turned my head to see who walked in, the person’s figure was noticeable as it took a seat at the back of the theater.

The class was now silent as we all stared at the dark figure at the back of the classroom. Mrs. Moore wanted us all to fill up the first two rows of the theater, not wanting us to be scattered around the room.

“Can I help you?” Mrs. Moore yelled, probably to the person sitting at the back.

The dark figure got up, walking down the aisle and towards our class, I kept my eyes trained on the person as the light was now hitting the person’s face look more noticeable.

The person walked down the aisle stopping at the end of my row, looking at my teacher, “I’ve been transferred to this class.” He spoke, pulling down his hood.

My eyes widened as I took in the person’s face, it was of course Gavin. I rolled my eyes, as my classmate’s then began to whisper to one another once again.

“What brings you here Mr. Storm?” She asked, walking down the steps of the stage and towards Gavin.

“As I mentioned before.” He said, “I was sent to this class.”

“And why is that?” She asked taking the slip of paper from his hand, her eyes scanning whatever it said.

“Because I need an art credit to graduate, and this was the only other art elective I could take.” He said, in an annoyed tone.

“What class were you in before?”  Mrs. Moore asked.


“Then, why are you here? You already had a credit.” She said, looking somewhat confused.

“I got kicked out,” Gavin said simply, taking a seat at the end of the aisle, next to some blonde girl looking like she was just about to pass out.

“And why was that?” Mrs. Moore asked, placing her hand on her hip.

“They were some problems that the teacher had with me.” He said, trying to make it sound like he wasn’t just kicked out of a class.

Mrs. Moore let out a sigh, “Fine but we better not have any problems in this class or I won’t hesitate to kick you out, as well. Am I understood?” She asked, Gavin.

He waved his head dismal, looking at the blonde girl next to him.

Mrs. Moore nodded, walking back towards the front of the class, “As I was saying we will be doing a dance, I will be pairing you up. So no complaints, am I understood?”

The class let out a yes, as Mrs. Moore then began to read out the list of names, “Jenna and Michael, Elizabeth and Jessie, Donald and Victoria, Hailey and Adrianna…” I tuned her out after that, patiently waiting for her to call my name.

“And lastly, Sarah and Ali,” She said, smiling at me.

I silently thanked her I wasn’t going to end up being with Gavin for this project; I didn’t even think I heard his name being called out.

“Excuse me?” Gavin called out, “You didn’t announce my name…” He said.

“Oh, yeah I am sorry.” Mrs. Moore said chuckling. “Since you’re new I guess I forgot to put you in a group.” She said looking at the list, by now everyone was already with there partner.

Since Sarah wasn’t here today, I just stayed in my seat. “I guess I will put you with Ali, considering her partner is absent for today. You guys will be in a group of three.” She said looking at me.

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, I am with Gavin for this project? I looked at Gavin who had a shocked expression on his face, I made no movement to go and sit next to him considering there was only five minutes left of class.

I glanced at Gavin from the corner of my eye, he seemed to have a smug look on his face. I shrugged, waiting in my seat for the bell to dismiss us from class.

When it finally did, I got up from my seat like everyone else, walking towards the theaters door. “I guess we are partners…” Someone spoke next to me.

I turned my head, looking up to see Gavin, “What do you want?” I asked, groaning.

Ever since, the whole getting lost thing and him calling me mom. Which I still hadn’t questioned him about, I was trying to stay clear of him. It was pretty embarrassing seeing myself so weak and pathetic in a situation like that. Considering, my dad made me take self-defence classes if something like that were to ever happen to me.

“Nothing, I just want to know when you’re free.” He said, walking with me towards my locker.

“I am not going out with you,” I muttered, grabbing my chemistry books, and shutting my locker.

“Relax, I wasn’t asking you out on a date, but if you want to just let me know.” He said winking at me, “I wanted to know when you’re free to work on the dance.” He explained, following me.

I shrugged, “I don’t know. We will talk about it when Sarah comes tomorrow, okay?”

“Who?” He asked, confused.

“Sarah, the red head who is in our group…”

“There’s another person in our group?” Gavin asked, shocked by the news.

I mentally groaned, I had enough of Gavin for one day. “Let’s just talk about this tomorrow,” I said to him, not giving him a chance to respond and quickly walking away.

I passed by students as the bustled past me, as we all tried to get to our second period class. I felt someone’s presence next to me as I turned my head, and noticed Gavin beside me.

I stopped causing him to run into me, “Why are you following me?” I asked, annoyed.

“I am not following you,” He said, a smirk playing on his lips.

“Yes, you are.” I stated.

“No, I am not.” He protested.






“No-“He began but I cut him off with a glare.

“Could you just go, to like class or something?” I asked, in a pleading tone.

“I am going to class, we have chemistry together.” He said.

“We do?” I said, shocked by the news, as I tried to remember if I ever saw him in that class. My eyes widened as I recalled, seeing Gavin in that class. He was a pain in the arse, in that class. Even more so than usual, how could I forget?

I continued walking as I just ignored him, as he tried to make conversation. The science hall was in a whole different wing of the school, so it took a few minutes to get there, but with Gavin it felt like a life time.

When we finally entered the classroom, I went over and took a seat next to Holly while Gavin went towards the back of the class where all the delinquents-as I call them, were.

As I walked towards Holly, but Gavin grabbed my sleeve pulling me back and whispering something into my ear, “I can’t wait for third period, partner.” He said, smirking at me as I pulled away.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, we now have all classes together, nerd. And I plan to make lots of new memories together.” He said giving me a smug smile as he sauntered to the back of the class.

I groaned making my way towards Holly who was giving me a weird look, kind of like the rest of the class was. I now have Gavin in all my classes?

“Well there goes my good mood…” I muttered, taking a seat next to Holly as Mr. Kelly began to speak starting today’s lesson.  


Hello Lovelies,

Guess What? I am at over 500k reads and 11k votes, and i finally reached 20 chapters!  I really do want to thank ALL of you, this is like a dream come true! I want your thoughts on this chapter, we have to a dance in drama as well… I find it pretty stupid. But, I have no choice, unless I want to fail.

Give me some reasons why you think Gavin got kicked out of Art Class? It will be announced next chapter! Also, I have spring break coming up and I will spend the time editing the book, and fixing errors.

I also want to say, that I did create instagram @xoxo_mysteriousgirl to connect with all of you, so follow me, if you haven’t already. Also please check out my other works? :’( I will love you all if you do, well I will love you even more…

Oh and I got a comment last chapter, to have Boys POV. I was thinking of making a book about Gavin, and it will be random parts of his thoughts, would you want that?

This is dedicated to @alwaysfeelhappy for the wonderful trailer she made on the side. I want to thank her for that! :) 

Please Remember: Vote, Comment, Share and Fan!


