Chapter 60

Hi guys! Thank you all so much for all the support and suggestions about the chapters! :D  I am so grateful for all my fans :)



I do not own the characters of TV show teen wolf such as Scott, Derek, Allison, Stiles, and so on. I do not own the show teen wolf. I do not own the ideas of the TV show Teen Wolf. (Though I wish I could be such an amazing writer as the writer of Teen Wolf!!!) I do own my characters such as Emily and her friend Stephanie because I created the two girls.




Chapter 60:

--Derek's POV:

I don't know how I knew but something in me was telling me that Emily was in danger. Every inch of my body was screaming at me to find her and protect her but I couldn't. I felt helpless and week chained to the wall like a damn animal. Another blow to my stomach by the man torturing me barely fazed me as I was so focused on Emily. Kate looked pissed that I wasn't showing any pain.

I arched my back as I felt a searing pain run from my shoulder blades down my back.

Another sharp pain rippled through my arm and then another along my chest. It felt as if I was being clawed. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening. The Alpha must have Emily.

"Hit him harder." Kate snapped.

Again the man swung his fist strait into my gut, hurting me slightly but again I was too focused on Emily. I was waiting for any sign that she was ok. I knew for some reason that if she were seriously hurt, I would know.

Kate stormed over to me and grabbed my chin roughly, pushing my face towards her own.

"What's on your mind Derek?" She hissed.

Before I could answer a searing pain shot through my body. I couldn't help the loud scream of pain that left my lips. The pain wasn't quick either. It felt like every cell in my body was tearing apart. My shoulder ached where my uncle had bit me. I didn’t know what was going on.

"What's wrong with him? What did you do?" Kate asked the man behind her.

He casually shrugged his shoulders.

The pain slowly died and I was left breathing heavily and feeling extremely weak.

"Emily." I whispered without thinking.

Kate looked up at me amused, and then her frown quickly turned into an evil smirk.

"Emily? Can you feel her?" She asked already knowing the answer.

I closed my eyes and focused on trying to find any sign of Emily but I couldn't. It was like she had disappeared. I felt sick.

"Oh. Is she in trouble?" Kate mocked me while she pushed her lower lip out into a pout.

"Well poor helpless Emily. Your not there to protect her are you? And, judging by what you just did, she isn't ok is she Derek?"

I lunged forward as far as I could, which was only a few inches, just to try and hurt her but I failed. The chains were too tight. I knew what she was saying was true though. Emily wasn't ok. I couldn't sense her anywhere near us and I couldn't feel her anymore. As weird as that sounds.

"Fascinating isn't it?" Kate said turning on her heel to face the man behind her. "How a male werewolf can sense his female when they are in trouble or are near by."

The man chuckled and all I wanted to do was rip that smile off both their faces. Kate turned to me and looked me dead strait in the eye. She was planning something and I knew it.

"Kate, please." I said in between deep breaths. I was desperate.

"Awe what Derek?" She asked, talking to me like a child, but I did my best to ignore it.

She made her way back to me, standing only a foot away from me.

"Please, find her and make sure she is ok. She's human." I said.

"I know Derek. I will find her." She said with a completely serious face.

I couldn't believe she actually was going to until her serious demeanor dropped into a cocky one. A smirk formed on her face and I couldn't help but feel like my heart was being ripped out. Kate wasn't going to go find her and I was stupid for even believing her in the first place.

"You should have seen that look on your face. You actually believed me." Kate said as her laughter filled the room.

I could feel myself begin to shift out of pure anger. I would kill her as soon as I'm free.

"That's to bad about Emily. She would of made a great hunter." She said as she made her way to the machine connected to my side.

She turned the knob fill throttle and I didn't have time to prepare myself for the pain the electricity caused me. I passed out within seconds.

--Emily’s POV:

My eyes widened as he snarled one last time then lunged forward with his teeth bearing at my neck.

This was the end. This was it. My dream had already decided my fate all those nights. He was going to either kill me or let me suffer losing Derek for forever.

I didn't want to die. I wanted to run to Derek and tell him that I knew everything. That I knew he was innocent and he hadn't killed anyone. The Alpha was the one who had done all of this. I still needed explanations as to why Derek lied to me. The only reasonable explanation was that he was lying to me to protect me. I had so many questions that still needed answers.

My breath caught in my throat and everything moved in slow motion as I felt his teeth against my neck. Each large tip of his teeth pressed against my exposed skin, pushing the skin inward, threatening to break through at any moment. It was only a matter of seconds until they would pierce through skin.

Everything seemed to stop as I heard my name being yelled in the distance. A loud explosion echoed through the forest and the Alpha was knocked off of me faster then I could blink. He lay next to me howling in pain and growling viscously. He began to try and claw at me as I lye there unable to move because of my injuries. Another shot rang out and he yelped as I saw another bullet go straight through his hide.

I couldn't move or breathe, my body just wouldn't respond.

"Emily!" I heard again but this time it was much closer.

My eyesight was blurry as I saw three figures running towards me. One stopped right next to me and dropped to their knees while the others went after the Alpha, who had began to run away.

‘Coward.’ I thought to myself.

The figure next to me leaned in closer quickly and pushed their arm underneath me, pulling me into their chest. I winced from the sudden movement but was thankful to be in their arms.

"Emily." I heard the person whisper and I recognize it immediately.

"Sean?" I asked weakly.

My body protested even when I tried to breathe.

"Yeah." I heard him say and I could barely see him grin for a second.

He shifted so that I was a little bit away from his chest. I could tell he was taking off his jacket and within a minuet; he had pulled his jacket painfully over me. I blushed madly realizing he had seen me in my bra but quickly realized I didn't really care at the moment. There was so much more to worry about now then Sean seeing my chest.

Sean pulled me closer to him and my vision began to clear up. When I could see his face I could see that he was eyeing me up and down.

"Did he bite you?" He said suddenly, his face growing dangerously serious.

"No. I don’t think so." I said quietly. I could feel where the Alpha’s teeth had touched my neck but I was almost positive the teeth hadn’t punctured the skin.

"Ok." He said, his face becoming slightly relaxed.

“You’re a hunter?” I mumbled, my question coming out as more of a statement then a question.

Sean tensed up and squinted his eyes. “How do you know about hunters?”

I was about to answer but I took in a sharp breath as the pain increased. 

I heard footsteps coming towards us and Sean looked up.

"He got away." I heard one say as they walked right next to us.

"Mr. Argent?" I whispered recognizing Allison’s dad’s voice and wincing a little at the same time.

"Yes, he is here too. Rest. Don't talk anymore."

I nodded my head and relaxed more into Sean's arms.

"Was she bitten?" I heard Mr. Argent ask and I could hear the pain in his voice.

I didn't know what they would do if I had been bit but I had a feeling I didn't want to know.

"No." Sean said with his teeth clinched tightly together.

"We need to get her out of here." Sean said and both men agreed.

Sean looked down at me with a pained expression on his face.

"I need to pick you up. It's going to hurt." He whispered and I nodded my head, having no choice.

He slowly lifted my broken body off the ground and I cried out as the pain hit me from moving so much.

"I'm sorry." Sean said as he pulled me against his chest, holding me bridal style.

The walk out of the forest was extremely painful and I had almost passed out a few times from the pain. Sean and the other men would stop every time I thought I was going to pass out so I could rest. They said that I needed to stay awake until they could look at the claw marks on my back, chest, and arm. I was confused as to why I couldn't sleep but Sean said he would explain everything later when the others weren't listening.

We finally reached the edge of the forest and I sighed as I saw Mr. Argents walk ahead to a large black SUV sitting in one of the parking spots. I silently thought to my self that maybe all hunters drive SUVs.

He opened the door for Sean and he tried to be as careful as possible to lay me down in the back seat but there was no avoiding the pain. After a few more minuets Sean got in to the back seat as well and laid my head in his lap. Mr. Argent and the other man quickly got in the car, with Mr. Argent at the wheel.

"Where are we taking her?" The man asked.

"To my apartment." Sean quickly answered. "I can take care of her there."

Mr. Argent nodded his head and we were speeding down the road within seconds.

Sean kept his arm draped over my stomach to keep me from moving off the seat. His other hand rested on top of my head, running his thumb over my forehead back in forth, giving me some comfort from the pain.

Every whimper or quiet cry that escaped my lips had both Sean and the man in the front seat looking at me.

We finally arrived at what was Sean's apartment and our car door was opened. Sean carefully picked me up and passed me into Mr. Argent's arms, who started carrying me immediately to Sean's apartment door. Sean was right behind us along with the other man. Sean quickly found his keys and opened the door to his apartment.

"Put her on the table." Sean mumbled as he went moved in front of us into the kitchen.

Mr. Argent gently placed my bruised body onto the table. His hand held onto my forearm in a protective matter. His fatherly instincts were kicking in.

By now I was getting dizzy and I felt like I was in an oven. I was burning up and I felt sick. The world was spinning around me and I couldn't stop it. I was falling into unconsciousness.

"Mr. Argent..." I started, trying to warn him that I was falling into the darkness.

His head snapped towards me and fear ran across his eyes.

"Sean!" He yelled towards the kitchen.

My vision became blurry and I could hear a lot of noise around me but I couldn't see it.

I heard Mr. Argents voice yelling at me to stay awake. He placed both hands on my cheeks and stared directly into my eyes and yelled again but this time I couldn't hear him. I was in a daze and the claw marks all over my body began to burn. I saw Mr. Argent look up and Sean then came into my line of sight. They both had a look of fear in their eyes. Sean was holding something in his hands but I didn't know what it was. It looked like a small container with something in it.

I vision became even more blurry and I felt like I was going to throw up. I cried out because the claw marks felt like they were on fire now. Sean leaned over me and looked me straight in the eyes. He started to say something but my hearing was completely gone now, my pounding heart was the only thing I could hear. He slowly reached down and started unzipping my jacket; slowly revealing the claw marks down my chest. I started to struggle out of instinct but Sean placed a hand on my shoulder and held it there. I could see him say that it was ok. He finished unzipping the jacket and left it half shut so I was saved from being further embarrassed.

The two looked at one another and Sean opened the container, dipping his fingers into the contents. I felt hands wrap around my ankles, which must belong to the other man that was with us. Mr. Argent moved above me and placed his hands firmly on my shoulders. He nodded to Sean and I let out a piercing scream as Sean started to rub what ever the hell was in the container onto the claw marks on my chest.

The pain was almost unbearable.

The same process had to be done on my back and arm, leaving me completely broken both mentally and physically after. I was shaking uncontrollably and I was breathing heavily. I stared up the ceiling and felt lifeless. I could hear the three men talking but I had no idea what they were saying though.

Before I knew what was happening Sean had slipped his arms underneath me and was carrying me away from the table. After a few seconds I felt something soft underneath me. I soon realized I was lying down on the couch. Sean sat down next to the couch and pushed the hair out of my face. I looked over at him with tears in my eyes. I was starting to gain some of my strength back but not much.

"Sean..." I started but he told me to not talk.

"I’ll explain everything later." He said with a sad expression written across his face. "Rest a while. I’ll wake you up in little bit."

I silently agreed and slowly shut my eyes, the claw marks still burning my skin. It wasn't long before the darkness took me.


--Sean's POV:

Em had been asleep for about an hour now. She would cry out occasionally and all I could do was hold on to her hand to offer her little comfort. She was sweating and her body was covered in dirt and blood. It was sickening seeing her like this.

Mr. Argent had already left along with his fellow hunter. I convinced them that I could take care of Em for now. I wasn't like them. I didn't call myself a hunter. Sure, I had worked with the Argents when I was younger but I just didn’t believe in killing unless necessary.

Em gasped in her sleep and her small hand squeezed my hand while her other hand went to her chest, clutching the jacket covering her. I carefully removed her hand from her chest so she wouldn't hurt herself anymore on accident.

I took a deep breath. I needed to wake her up.

I gently brought my hands to her face.

"Em?" I said in a quiet tone.

She only moved slightly but didn't wake up.

"Em." I said a little louder.

This time she shifted a little and I could see her slowly coming back to me.

"You need to wake up."

Her eyes slowly opened and her face contorted in pain.

"Sean?" She asked.

I held on to her hand tightly and pulled her carefully towards me, against my chest.

"Please tell me that is the last time you have to put that stuff on me." She mumbled into my chest as her hand clutched at my shirt.

She was referring to the wolfsbane in the jar that I had to put on the wounds the Alpha had inflicted on her.

"I don't know." I said truthfully.

It took an Alpha's bite to change a person completely but it is also a legend that if an Alpha's claws go deep enough into the flesh, it can change a person as well. We didn't want to take any chances. Some of the Alpha's venom had obviously entered her body, due to the fact of how she reacted to the wolfsbane. The type of wolfsbane I had put on the wounds was supposed to destroy any of the venom that might enter the human body of they are attacked by an Alpha. We could only hope and wait for the full moon to see if the wolfsbane had done its job.

Em seemed saddened by my answer but she knew she has no choice. She frowned as she looked down at herself.

I couldn't help the small smile that ran across my lips.

"Here. Let's get you cleaned up." I said as I slowly began to pick her up.

"Thanks." She breathed.

I carried her into the bathroom and sat her down on the closed toilet seat.

I turned the water on and put the plug on the bathtub.

"Wait here." I said before leaving.

I came back with some clothes that my friend had left over here a long time ago. Em frowned as she saw the clothes.

"Are you a cross dresser?" She smirked weakly.

"No." I laughed. "A few friends from college were over a while back and they all spent the night. They forget stuff here all the time."

She smiled and nodded her head.

"Can you undress yourself?" I asked, feeling a little awkward as the question left my mouth.

"Yes." She mumbled, as her face grew red.

I turned away and after a while she told me it was ok for me to turn around again. I only looked at her eyes, which were full of pain. She held her arms around her chest like a scared animal.

I noticed that she wasn't able to get her pants off as I slowly moved towards her. I held her shoulders in my hands, my eyes never leaving hers.

"Hey. Look at me." I said as I reached up to her chin and gently pulled her face up towards me. "Everything's going to be ok."

She smiled slightly and nodded her head. I helped her take off her pants and I was glad she wasn't embarrassed anymore or this would be really awkward. She was left in her underwear and bra as I carefully picked her up and placed her in the half filled bathtub. She let out a sigh as the warm water hit her aching muscles. I rolled up my sleeves and helped her reach a washcloth.

"Thank you Sean." She whispered.

"No problem."

She was able to get most of the dirt and mud off herself but I had to help her a few times. I could tell she was in a lot of pain but was fighting it.

After, she pulled her knees up to her chest and held her knees in her arms. She was visibly shaking and breathing slowly. I could tell that she felt vulnerable and weak.

"Em?" I paused for a second as I heard her sob.

I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around her shaking frame. As I held her, I wondered how she knew about hunters and all of this. Maybe Derek had told her everything; I don’t know. Maybe she knew where Derek was or had disappeared too. I would ask her later, but for now all I needed to do was be there for her.

