Chapter 46




I do not own the characters of TV show teen wolf such as Scott, Derek, Allison, Stiles, and so on. I do not own the show teen wolf. I do not own the ideas of the TV show Teen Wolf. (Though I wish I could be such an amazing writer as the writer of Teen Wolf!!!) I do own my characters such as Emily and her friend Stephanie because I created the two girls.



Chapter 46:

--Emily's POV:

The ride home with Sean was extremely quiet and I could feel the tension in the air. He was still angry about earlier and I felt horrible for putting him through it.

It didn't take long for us to get to my house as he pulled into the driveway. I noticed Scott's bike was gone from the front door, meaning Scott wasn't home again. I rolled my eyes knowing he was still avoiding me.

He got out and silently opened my door and helped me out. I was eager as he walked me to my door and I opened the door. I knew he was going to want to check the house so I stepped aside and he walked past me. After a few minuets he reappeared and looked at me.

"All clear?" I asked trying to lighten the mood slightly.

"Yes. I'm staying inside for tonight if that's all right?" He said and I could tell I didn't exactly have a choice.

I nodded my head and started to make my way towards the stairs but he grabbed me by my upper arm.

"I'm sorry for being a complete ass." He said. "I was just worried that's all."

"Don't be. It was my fault." I said while smiling slightly.

He hummed his reply and let go of my arm.

"Night Em." He said as he walked towards the living room, disappearing within seconds.

"Good night." I called after him.

I made my way up the stairs and into my bedroom. I literally jumped onto my bed and fell back on my back. I laid there trying to take in everything that had just happened.

I reached for my phone and dialed Derek's number. Before I pressed call I ran to my door and quietly closed it so Sean wouldn't hear me talking. I turned on some music also, hoping it would drown out my voice.

I ran back to my bed and jumped back on it. I eagerly pressed call and waited for him to answer. Each ring was driving me crazy.

To my disappointment he didn't answer.

I sighed and laid down on my bed but shot back up when my phone began to buzz in my hand.

I smiled, seeing Derek's name, and answered it.

"Em?" He asked and I could feel the relief flood my veins, as he sounded perfectly ok.

"Yeah." I said in a nervous tone remembering why I was calling him in the first place.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Something happened at school today and I don't know what to do." I replied.

"Em, tell me what happened." His voice sounded dead serious and concerned at the same time.

"Ok please don't freak out," I started knowing he probably wouldn't take the news very well.

I explained everything that had happened. Even about Jackson inviting me to the club on Friday. The line was silent as I finished telling him about the blood on my locker.

"Derek?" I asked.

"Where is that Sean kid?" he asked and I could tell he was holding back his anger.

"He is inside. He wanted to stay the night inside because of what happened at school. They think it was you who did it."

Again the line was silent for a few seconds.

"Ok." Was all he said.

"I'm so sorry." I said, not really sure why I was apologizing but I felt the need to.

"Don’t be. Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yes, just freaked out."

"I know, don't worry. Sean is there to protect you and if you start getting a bad feeling call me and I will be there in seconds."

I smiled at him. "Thanks."

"I need to go ok? I’ll call you later on."

I felt disappointed but decided it was probably better to just let him go for now.

"Ok. Stay safe please." I begged.

"I will."

And with that he hung up. He was pissed and I could tell. I just hoped he wasn't going to go do something stupid because of it.

--Derek's POV:

I slapped my phone shut and could feel the anger rising up in me. I had a very good idea who had done that to Em.

I grabbed my black leather jacket off the couch and stuffed my car keys into my pocket.

Opening my front door, the cold air poured into my apartment and hit my skin.

I made my way to my car and started it up. As usual I didn't pay any attention to the speed limits and sped down the road towards the forest. I knew that’s where he would be.

As I entered the forest the sun had completely gone down, leaving me to rely on my night vision to see where I was going. I shut off my car and slammed the door behind me. The anger in me was building up and I shifted. My ears grew longer and my canines grew long and sharp. I began to run through the forest, dodging tree branches with ease along the way. I knew he was here, I could feel it in my bones.

I stopped just as I heard a low growl to the left of me. I looked over just in time to see the Alpha's red eyes staring back at me. His black fur somewhat shined under the moonlight.

He lunged towards me but I was prepared. His claw came down to hit me but I dodged it and grabbed his wrist, spinning it around so both his arm and I were behind him. I twisted his arm up painfully and he snarled out of pain. We were both shocked at my sudden strength, but I knew anger had always been my strong suit. I pulled his arm up further then shoved him forward so his face was in the dirt. I placed my other hand on the back of his neck and used my body weight to keep him down.

"Stay away from her." I growled, referring to Emily.

To my surprise he laughed. His voice sounded demonic as his fur began to disappear and transform into skin. He was shifting to his human form. That’s when I realized this was all a set up. He had smeared that blood on Em’s locker so he would get my attention and I would come looking for him. I had fallen it.

I jumped off him and stood in a defensive pose. He slowly pushed himself off the ground and finished shifting back into his human form. He stood there with his back facing me completely naked. It wasn't a surprise to me that he was completely nude. I knew Alphas transform back into this form because when they transform into a full werewolf, their clothes are usually torn from their bodies due to the fact that an Alpha werewolf is four times the size of their human form.

The wind blew and before he could turn around I caught his scent. I took a deep breath and my body went rigid.

"Uncle Peter?" I asked.

"Derek, it has been a while." He said as he turned around to face me.

He had an evil smile spread across his dirt covered face.

"I don't understand. You were in a coma!" I said as the level of my voice began to rise. I was confused as hell.

"Correction, I was in a coma. I'm a lot better now obviously." He said as he walked closer to me.

I felt myself grow angrier as I realized the Alpha, who is my uncle, was responsible for killing my sister.

"Why did you kill Laura? And all those people?" I yelled.

He had killed my sister and I needed answers now.

He chuckled and I could feel my fingers balling up into fists.

"Your sister was an accident. And for those other people, I am sad that you don't know why I ended their pathetic lives." He said, his eyes glowing red for a mere second.

"They were innocent." I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh Derek, you have much to learn." He said placing a hand on my shoulder, which I quickly swiped off.

"Not from you." I growled. "You are psychotic."

He didn't seem to like that at all. He grabbed me by my shirts neckline and lifted me up in to the air easily.

"I killed all those people because they were the ones that burned our family alive."

My eyes widened and he flung me to the ground. He stood over me and growled lowly.

"You will understand soon enough." He said with a smirk.

I watched in horror as my uncle Peter that I used to love transformed back into the monster he truly was. Once he had fully transformed back into his Alpha form he looked down at me then grabbed my neck with lightening speed. He threw me through the trees and I slammed into a huge tree. My back took the full brute of the impact. Before my body could fall to the ground my uncle was in front of me. His large clawed hand slammed into my stomach then into my chest. He didn't pull away from my chest though as his huge hand pressed into my chest, forcing the air out of my lungs. He looked at me with glowing red eyes as he bared his teeth.

"Join me." He snarled.

"No." I gasped, trying to get some air in my lungs.

"You don't have a choice." Peter said as he bared his teeth at me again.

I couldn't stop what happened next. I stood there pinned against the tree as his teeth ripped into the skin on my shoulder.

I howled out in pain as I could feel his teeth hit bone.

Within seconds he released his teeth from me and let me fall to the ground below us.

I fell to my knees holding onto my shoulder, trying to process what had just happened.

"Your part of my pack now." He laughed. His laughter was filled with evil intentions.

I stared at the ground in front of his feet gasping for air and trying to stop the bleeding on my shoulder. I could feel the venom of his bite racing through my body.

I felt the adrenalin hit me and I jumped towards him with the remaining energy I had. He easily moved away and brought his fist to my face, knocking me to the ground again. I couldn't get up this time. My shoulder hurt like hell.

"And about that girl I visited today. I think her name way Emily?" He said kneeling down to my level, mocking me.

"You wont be able to protect her always. She will make me a beautiful werewolf, if I so wish, so I suggest you follow my orders. Not all those who are responsible for the fire have paid yet. You are going to help me get what I want."

I growled at him but he chuckled, standing up fully and took a few steps away from me.

"I will call you when I need you." He said and just like that he was gone.

I took a deep breath and rolled onto my back. It relieved some of the pain being on my back. The pain was already disappearing and the bite was already healing as well. I was healing like normal now because the full moon was so close.

I had heard about things like this happening but I didn't think it was true. An Alpha could bite another werewolf and add them to their pack, which is what he did; only making him stronger. He wouldn't be able to control me but he would have some of power over me.

I pulled myself up against a tree and leaned my back against it. All I could think about was Emily. She was officially involved in this and it was all my fault. I had to protect her and I would with my life.

After about another hour I was healed enough to get up and make my way back to my car. I walked slowly as I thought about what I could do. There was nothing I could do about Peter biting me so I decided to just accept it as best as I could, although I was more then pissed off about it. I needed to focus on keeping Emily safe. The fact that my uncle, who was supposed to be in a coma, was the Alpha hadn't fully hit me yet but I knew it would soon.

I needed to tell Scott as well about the situation, but the problem was he thought I was dead. I finally got to my car and got inside, leaning my head against the headrest trying to calm myself down. I was still in my werewolf form and I needed to relax more so I could shift back. My mind wondered strait to Em.

After a few minuets of focusing on the only thing that calmed me down at the moment, my body was able to shift back. I looked down at my shirt and sighed. A huge hole was ripped into the front of it and multiple holes exposed my shoulder where his teeth had bitten down into my flesh.

I turned my car on and the engine roared to life. I had already decided I was going to Em’s house. I needed to know that she was ok. I didn’t tell her I was coming because I knew she would tell me not to come because of that officer guarding her.

I sped down the road, making my way to Emily’s house.

Pulling into her neighborhood I parked my car far enough from her house so it would go unnoticed. I got out into the cold air and took a deep breath. Cool air filled my lungs and I knew my body had completely healed, except for the small puncture wounds on my shoulder. They looked more like scars but they would heal soon. I pulled my jacket over them and began to walk towards Em’s house.

As I approached her house I could hear her heartbeat and another heartbeat that I guessed was Sean’s.

I carefully snuck around her house to where her window was and easily scaled the wall to the roof next to her window. I could hear her slow breathing and I relaxed realizing she was asleep. I slowly opened the window, careful not to make any noise. Her scent hit me hard as I silently stepped into her room. I shut the window slightly but not all the way incase I needed to make a quick exit. She shifted in her sleep and turned away from me. I smiled as she mumbled something but I had no idea what she had said. I walked to her door and locked it.

Slipping off my shirt, I pulled up the covers slightly and slipped in. She hummed something else in her sleep and rolled over to me. Her petite hand went to my chest and she moved closer to me. Her skin was so cold that she must be freezing. I carefully draped my arm across her and held her close to my body.

Her eyes slowly opened halfway and I could hear her heartbeat quickening. Probably due to the fact that she just realized she wasn’t the only one in bed now. 

I shushed her quietly and looked strait into her eyes. Her eyes were fully open now and I could tell she was stressed.

“Derek?” She mumbled.

“Yeah.” I replied with a smile as she returned my smile.

She didn’t say anything else as she let her head fall back on to the pillow. She was half asleep already again.

I pulled her into my chest and buried my face into her hair, kissing her forehead at the same time.

I heard her laugh lightly before her breathing became heavy again as she fell back asleep.

I honestly didn’t care if Sean was downstairs. He wouldn’t be able to protect her against an Alpha. I wasn’t going to let my uncle touch her or even get near her. I would stay with her every night if I had to.

She shifted in her sleep once again, burying her face into my chest and moving her body even closer to mine. She would always be safe with me and she knew it.


Ok, who else would love to wake up to Derek? Hahahaha

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! :D and the picture matches very well if I might say so myself XP haha 

Vote, etc. If you liked it! :D  
