The New Recruit

Nightmare's POV

I growled in frustration as I remember what happened earlier with those 2 f**kers. "So we're supposed to share Y/n with some other 2 b**ches?" Dust protested. "Shut the f**k up. Waging war against those two is suicide." I spat as I rubbed my forehead. It's a good thing those two are busy finding that certain skeleton they're talking about because if they didnt, they might kill Dust for saying that about them. Not that I care about him. Y/n might get sad or something if one of us is suddenly dead and just blame herself.


After Y/n got dragged to the star shit's base, I ordered Dust, Horror, and Killer to track them down as I, Error, Razz and Cross try to hold them back. At least just a little bit. As I was prepared to fight, Bill sighed. "Alright, let's get straight to the point." Bill growled as Alastor sighed. "We noticed Y/n is quiet.. close to you all. And so, as proper gentlemans, we.. decided to have a truce, instead of.. well, war. Although it's more like a one sided war. We'll let you have time to decide, or you can decide now. Share Y/n with us and get her back again or.. well, I'm sure you get the program." Bill said as he shrugged. I frowned, more f**kers to share Y/n with? Are you f**king kidding me? I clicked my magical tongue, it's better than waging war that has 5% chance of winning. "Fine. We'll share Y/n with you." I spat. Error, Cross and Razz looked at me as if I'm crazy. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME, NIGHTMARE? YOU'RE SERIOUSLY SHARING THE HUMAN WITH THESE TWO-" "Shut the f**k up, Razz. You don't get a thing." I interrupted before he can even finish. Offending this two overpowered alternate b**ches is suicide. Tsk, now I have to keep myself in check with these two gentlef**kers. I sighed, "So? How are you gonna find Y/n?" I asked. "Easy, we'll just have to find a certain skeleton." Alastor said. "Oh? aNd HoW dO We fInD tHiS cErTaiN sKeLeToN?" Error asked sarcastically. "Heh, he moves around fast. It might take a while to find him." Bill said as he snapped his fingers, a portal appeared. "So, let's split up. Since you're the boss of them, you can just take a while to group them up and call those three back." Bill suggested as he approached the portal. "We'll see you around~" Bill said as he jumped into the portal while Alastor snapped his phalanges and disappeared. And so, I called the trio back and explained the situation we're in.

-Present Time-

"So? Who is this certain skeleton?" Cross asked, "He didn't even tell us who to find." Cross added as he crossed his arms. I sighed, "It's just a hunch but, I might know who we should find. And to do that, we have to visit a particular AU." I said. "No shit sherlock." Killer spat. I gritted my teeth, "Start controlling your shitty magical tongue. If you piss those two b**ches off you won't see Y/n again." I growled. Killer clicked his magical tongue as Dust sighed. "So? Which AU are we gonna go 'visit'?" Horror asked, "uNdErHelL. ItS tImE tO vIsIt aN oLd 'fRiEnD'." Error answered as he snapped his phalanges, summoning a portal. "What? That bold b**ch?" Dust complained as Killer frowned even more. "Stop complaining." I growled. We all walked in the portal and found a very empty AU. We saw as skeleton using red jacket with black linings all over and grey hood,  talking to Bill and Alastor. "Heh, long time no see, Hell." I greeted. Hell turned to look at me with a scowl. He had one of his eye sockets glowing purple and he wore a grey sweater. "What do you want?" He growled. My grin strained, "Hey now, is that a way to greet an old boss?" I asked as I stared at him. He frowned, "Now, now. Dont scare this certain skeleton away." Bill said as he grinned playfully. Dust clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. "Alright, lets make a deal." Bill said, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets. "Whatever you want, in exchange you work with us for a while. How's that?" Bill asked, raising a nonexistent eyebrow. He frowned, then smiled a strained smile, "I want you out of my life and give me a proper place to stay. Dont bother me anymore after this." He said. Bill grinned, satisfied. "Deal." He said as he snapped his phalanges. A huge mansion appeared out of nowhere behind us. Hell seemed surprised at what he's capable of. Heh, he hasn't even seen half of his capability. "The furniture's are set." Bill added. making Hell nod in surprise.  "Now, you'll help us find the 'Star Sanses' base." Bill said as he snapped his phalanges again, letting a small void open as the star shits face appeared. "Track them down, dont harm the human with them. When you find them, you'll work with us to exterminate them. Is that clear?" Bill said as he snapped his phalanges once more and the void disappears. Hell nodded, "Which human?" He asked. Bill frowned, "She has silky (h/c) hair and shiny (e/c) eyes. Mess with her, and I'll make your life a living hell, Hell." Bill threatened as his pinpricks glowed yellow and his grin turned horrifying. It made chills down my spine even though it wasnt for me. Hell looked terrified down to the bone as he gritted  his teeth, his skeletal hand formed into a fist. He frowned as his pinpricks shrink. These overpowered b**ches! I sighed, "We done here?" I asked. Bill nodded, "Yep, we're done." He answered. "So? Where am I supposed to start?" Hell asked as he watched Bill's movements. "Start with their castle. We'll be at Error's anti-void, searching for some traces." Bill said as he looked at Error. Error growled something under his breath and summoned a portal to the anti-void. "See you later, Hell. And I hope that will be the time when you found the Star sanses base." Bill said as he entered the portal with Error and Alastor. 

And so, we were left alone. I snapped my phalanges and summoned a portal to the castle and walked into it. And so, we arrived at the castle. Hell looked around at the nostalgic place, he seemed curious of some changes. It's more clean and.. comfortable. We walked down the corridor and we finally reached the living room where it's a bit messy. It's the spot where we last fought with the star shit's that fled. Hell scanned the room and sniffed the place.

"So.. who's this human?" Hell asked, raising a nonexistent eyebrow. "None of your f**king business brat." Dust spat. Hell frowned and rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Just do your job and we'll leave you alone." I growled, I'm pissed off. I stood at the corner where I usually peek at what's Y/n doing. Hell closed his eyes then  used one of his abilities, that allows him to peek at other universes. "How long is this gonna take?" Killer grumbled. "A few days, I found a clue of their whereabouts. But theres a barrier shielding the area. Its very strong too." Hell said as he scowled. Horror grumbled, "Great. There's just more work." He said as he slumped on the couch. "The faster we work, the faster we can see Y/n." Cross said as he sighed, "I already miss her food.." He muttered. "And snacks." Horror added as he started to drool. "And her voice.." Killer added. "I miss her sweet smile, her pretty face." Dust added. We all sighed in defeat. We really are a sucker for Y/n. "Whew, who's this Y/n that can make the hard boys sick in love?" Hell muttered to himself as he looked at us in a bewildered way. "Shut the f**k up." We all said. Hell huffed and got back to work. I teleported to my room and checked Y/n's necklace. She's fine. I sighed in relief and closed my eye sockets. Yes, the necklace I putted on Y/n is a tracker. Although it didnt work thanks to the star f**kers. But, I can still make sure she's safe. 

Thats all that matters.

"We'll come for you, Y/n. Whatever it takes." I whispered. 

yeah, we all will. 

Y/n's POV 

Today, Classic persuaded that he's the one who should watch Y/n. But everyone persuaded they wanted to know her better and Classic got voted off. So, tomorrow Classic will be the one to guard you as the others look around to make sure things are safe. Today, you will be cooking. You chose to cook some omelets. You fried the eggs, stir fried the sausage and meat and all the ingredients. You finally finished as you spread open the egg, filling it with rice and meat as you closed it up again and decorated it with some lettuce and ketchup. You decided to leave Red's with mustard instead of ketchup and some bacons since he might protest. Perfectly done! You put all the plates on the table as others started to come. "WOOWW!!" Blue shouted as his pinpricks turned to stars. G seemed surprised and smiled while Stretch gave a nod of approval. Classic wowed at your food since he didnt know you can cook while Dream and Ink praised you. The day ended with you reading a book of grimm fairytales as Red and others joined in with Classic saying 'Its a bit too twisted for a fairytale for a girl like you.. No? Oh well.' At the end, you all slept on the couch as you were surrounded by skeletons. 

Wanted to make a whole POV about the bad sanses situation- and so, here it is! Hope you enjoyed it!! See you in the next chapter! - V
