
"Humans needs to learn how to not fuck with life."

A loud bloody scream came from the inside of the laboratory freezing the blood in the doctors' veins and was followed by the sound of the alarm and buzzers going on, all lights turned red indicating a security breach.
"Attention! Test subject 33 has escaped! Attention! All unarmed individuals do not engage with subjet 33-" the robotic voice was cut off all of a sudden making it even harder for them.

"Hansun we need to run!" one of them, Sungkyo said while standing on his feet but life was sucked out of both when they saw subject 33 standing in front of them, hands covered in blood .  He had the shape of a human, he had the appearance of a human but his eyes and soul...were never human.
Humans should really learn how not to fuck with life.

"God..what kind of massacre happened here?"
Dead people were scattered on the porcelain floor just like leaf papers in fall ,apparently there were no survivors in this lab.
"Let's cover the bodies for now till the rest of the team arrive."
"And the culprit or suspects?"
"We're not sure yet but as we speak the chairman of this company is being questioned, apparently the old man secretly owned this laboratory where some illegal action took place."
"You think the rumors we heard back in the station were valid?"
"Which are?"
"That chairman, Mr.Jeon went insane after losing his one and only son which was barely 23 and since then he's trying to revive him?"
"How about you shut the fuck up cause apparently the heavy smell of blood got into your thick head and messed your brain."
The detective said before slapping the other one on his head.
"Okay jesus calm down. I was just kidding to lighten up the mood."
"Be more professional or die please."

"You don't understand." the man said while shivering tho the room's temperature was regular and no one felt cold except for him. He was looking around, and looked extremely frightened.
"Mr.Jeon. For the last time. Why did you own this laboratory?"
"Shhh he's coming."
"Who's coming?"
"My son is coming."
The detective sighed in defeat,  unable to get a clear answer from the man who apparently was insane like they claimed.
After getting up he pressed a green button and spoke through the speaker.
"It's not working. We need a psychiatrist help."


"A serial killer is lurking in the city's darkness and the owner of Jeon's companies is now in an asylum. Why good morning Seoul. I swear god  the news are getting crazier with each passing day."
"Hide this shit immediately Jin is coming!"
"Ya Namjoon! What does Jin have to do with this-Oh holy fuck."

"Hello Seokjin. Is everything alright? You look really pale."
Namjoon asked in a worried tone while Jaesun was busy putting the newspaper aside but couldn't help but feel anxious when heard a thud behind him.
He looked back to see that Jin has collapsed,  luckily Joon caught him.
"Jaesun water!"
"You fuckin shit I meant bring me some goddamn water!!"

"I am sorry Mr.Jeon we did everything we could. But we lost the patient."
Seokjin turned a deaf ear to all the screaming and sobbing that followed the announcement of the doctor and went directly towards the operation room, where his Jungkook was sleeping.
His placed his head on his lover's chest but couldn't understand why. Why isn't he feeling the strong heart beat that used to vibrate inside the warm chest..
"Kookie...Wake up..don't you want to hear the news?" he whispered with tears damping his cheeks but no answer.
"Kookie you have to wake up...Our baby is coming."

Suddenly he felt a movement, Seokjin slowly looked up only to see Jungkook looking at him but his eyes were solid black with no white.

"!!!!" Seokjin woke up up with a loud gasp as if someone was crushing his throat but now let go of it.
He was shaking from head to toe.
This was probably the worst most terrifying nightmare he ever got.
This morning when he was cleaning tables in the cafe,  he could swear he felt someone watching him. At first Seokjin thought it's his imagination but when he looked up,  he saw someone looking through the glass...Jungkook..but no.. Impossible..Jk is dead.. His mind reallly chose the worse time to play tricks against him.
In mere seconds the person disappeared and Jin went to talk to his coworkers,  Namjoon and Jaesun, about it only to collapse in front of them.

He was currently  on the couch in the employee's resting room covered with Jaesun's jacket and luckily lights aren't turned off.

"Thank god you're up. You scared me shitless."
"Thank you for the save Joon."
"It's nothing..Here drink this tea. It has extra sugar to keep you up...So what happened? You don't collapse out of nowhere."
"I just...pregnancy is really difficult on my body."
"Seokjin..we've talked about it hundreds of time...You should stop working and go home and get all the rest you need."
"If I stayed there...all I'll do is cry for Jungkook and sniff his clothes and look at his old things... Namjoon. I can't."
"...Am sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay,  just get me some tissues and we're tie."


"Mr.Jeon. After receiving the electric shock are you ready to answer?"
"Shhh...He's coming."
"This bullshit again. Listen old man I-"
"My son is coming. He wants to see his family."
"Your son is dead you old fuck and you'll follow after him because of murdering all these people in the laboratory."
"They held him captive...he wanted to see his one can be in his way.."
"What is that nonsense? His family? Aren't you his only family?"
"Jungkook wants to see his family. Wants to see Seokjin and the baby."
"Okay I am done with this shit. You're getting executed."

"Jimin why are you mad?" one of his colleague asked while handing him a cup of coffee which he gladly accepted.
"I just want that fucker dead. He killed those people..I am sure..he's just playing insane to get away with it..See his family,  hah! Family my ass."
"Relax. Okay?"
"I'll try."
"Am going to the crime scene again, we still have a few things to do."
"Okay take care and make sure to bring something that can prove that he is the reason behind the death of those people."

Jimin was about to dose off when he heard a small ding from his phone.

"Fucker...Hey Jackson am gonna send you a number, give me it's location."
"Ten minutes!"
"Now I just need to block him."




"Hnn?" the sleepy male humed in his sleep to tired to open his eyes. But the cold Arm that was wrapped around his waist almost painfully made him self aware.

"Kookie is back."

