Intermission 1

 About twenty minutes have passed and G-Fan laid on the ground, sleeping soundlessly while the people that stayed were now conversating among themselves. "So, how are you two doing at Shade Academy?" Glynda asked, looking at Coco and Velvet. "We're doing pretty good teach," Coco answered with a casual shrug. "Vacuo isn't that bad," Velvet said, "But you do need to make sure the other students don't steal your stuff. The younger ones at least." Glynda gave a curt nod. "I see."

Roman was busy writing to Neo, who immediately responded. Roman chuckled as he read every word. Suddenly Adam fell and landed beside the master thief. Roman actually yelped and jumped away from the Bull Faunus who had fatal stab wounds in his back and chest. Adam glowed and the killing wounds disappeared. Adam sat up and coughed up some water. G-Fan woke up and looked to Adam with a mild sad expression. "So that still happened huh?" G-Fan said with a raised eyebrow. "You knew I was going to die?" Adam asked after seeing where he was, "I did," G-Fan nodded. "Then why didn't you do anything?!" Adam shouted.

"I don't exactly stop somethings from happening, Adam." G-Fan replied. "Especially something people can avoid themselves on their own." Adam gritted his teeth as the Boy continued. "You looked like you wanted to say something to Blake and Yang before you fell, what were you going to say?"

Adam's glare lessened and the Bull Faunus looked to the ground, "Don't create another me," Adam said. "I hope she doesn't turn Yang into me. A lot of people did that to me. Some turned me into what I am, while some, Ghira, Sienna, Kali, Blake...they let it happen. People like Cinder and Salem, used me. Like I was their toy and tossed me aside after Haven. And lot of my people, Ilia, Banesaw (The White Fang Lieutenant) Corsac and Fennec followed and worshipped what I became," G-Fan nodded in agreement. "I hope Blake doesn't do what the people that hurt me, do to Yang: turn me into a...Beast."

G-Fan- You and me both, Adam. Trust me (He looked thoughtful before creating a large orb for Adam to watch.) Here, an alternative where you're a good guy, you might as well do that while the Intermissions are up.

Roman watched the scene unfold and looked at the fourth wall, and said "I have no idea what just happened."  Sun and Neptune were sitting next to him and watched the same scene. "Apparently Blake's ex-boyfriend died before he got here," Sun pointed out. "Wait, he just died?" Neptune asked in shock. Roman shrugged, "Eh, who cares?" the master thief asked.

Summer and Tai looked between themselves and Raven. "Soooo...I guess we should talk?" Summer asked more than stated. There was a long moment of silence before, "I...will say somethings I probably should have said were around," Raven said, actually nervous looking at her team leader.

"...Okay. Go on ahead," Tai said a little hesitant. "I...Despite our differences, Summer...I had nothing but respect for you. I hope you knew-know that." Raven said, "Life outside of the Kingdoms was hard. And two times worse for Qrow because of his Semblance. You-Both of you showed us that life can't hard for people like us forever and you were both willing to share it with us. Do I regret leaving you three and Yang? Yes, it hurt but I was able to hide it and get over it. I'm sorry. For not being there for Yang, Ruby, you Qrow and Tai."

Summer and Tai just sat still, waiting for their teammate/wife/partner to finish. "But I don't regret leaving Ozpin. That lying wizard had different plans for me! I know he did." Raven took some deep breaths as she looked back to Summer and Tai. "I forgive you Raven," Summer said softly and placed her hand on the Bandit Queen's shoulder, "You shouldn't," Raven responded bitterly. "I do!" Summer protested. "I really do forgive you, Rae. I know you were just afraid of Salem. I was too, believe me I really was. But just like Ruby and Yang, I wasn't going to let it stop me. I almost did but I kept going. You gave in, anyone could've done that. So I don't blame you." Tai was silent for a long time before he said softly, "What are you going to do now?"

Raven stared at him surprised, "That's all you're going to say?!" she shouted, "I abandoned you, Summer and Yang! Even Ruby! And that's your response to-?!" 

"That seems important than the past," Tai interrupted her. He took a deep breath before he continued. "As far as I'm concerned, the past is history. Today and tomorrow is what I'm focusing on now. What are you going to do? Come back to our family? Or...leave us and go back to the ones you call family?"

Raven was silent for a moment or two before answering honestly, "I want to stay with you and make up to Yang. Maybe make up to Ruby, she is...technically my step daughter." Tai slowly smiled and hugged Raven tightly. Summer smiled warmly and joined in the hug. "Team STRQ is almost back together!" the white reaper cheered with tears in her eyes. "That's lovely," exclaimed Pyrrha with a smile.

    "It's not my intention to ruin tender moments like this," G-Fan said standing not far off from the three, "But I do believe there is one more person you should apologize to." Klein nodded in agreement.

Raven and her teammates did look confused but then Raven got who the Boy was talking about. "I will, I promise." The Boy looked at her with a skeptic eyebrow, before slowly smiling with a nod, "Well, I guess you're redeemed in my eyes. Can't say the same for others of my kind." Raven and everyone gave him surprised looks but before they ask, G-Fan held his hand up as if he was sensing something. "And here I thought I stopped that from happening," he muttered to himself before he snapped his fingers this time twice. The first, flashed in blue sparks. The second time flashed in green sparks.

As quick has they left, Teams RWBY, JNR, Ozpin, Ironwood, Winter, Penny, Maria, Willow and Whitley and Team WTCH, EM, Neo, and Salem returned to the Theater. This time with more people. Those extra people were the following: Flynt Coal and Neon Katt, Pietro Polendina, Robyn Hill, Clover Ebi, (Who came dead with a bleeding wound in his chest but was quickly healed.) and the rest of the Ace-Ops appeared as well. "Don't worry I froze time on your world so Qrow and Oscar are safe," G-Fan said once everyone got their bearings and explained everything to the new comers. "Wait, if you had the ability to freeze time  in our world, why didn't you do that the first time?" Arthur asked.

"Because last time Qrow and Oscar and the rest of you weren't in the beginning of one of the massive Grimm attacks in the history of your world," the Boy answered before he went up and punched Irondi-wood-Ironwood across the face and sent him flying across the Theater. "Wow! What was that for?!" Elm asked moving to stand but was sat back down by the increase of gravity around her. "Go ahead tin man," The Boy growled. "Tell them what was the last thing you did before I summoned you."

James got up as Glynda was holding back Ozpin, "I shot Oscar," the General said, rendering the Audience to silence. The Bad Side because, well they didn't see that coming. (Minus Salem.) the Good Side (minus Ozpin.) were shocked to the core. Especially those from Atlas and Glynda. Ozpin growled and struggled to get past Glynda but ropes appeared and held him. "You...shot Oscar...?" Ruby slowly asked as horror and sadness crept into her heart. G-Fan looked into her mind and saw more memories that some would call Rosegarden. Including a memory of Oscar asking Ruby why Yang was always teasing them both. Which led to a cute confession of emotions and feels. 

"Oh...that wasn't suppose to happen," Was all the Boy said after he saw all the Rosegarden memories. He took a deep breath, and turned to Ruby and calmly said, "You don't have to worry little Rose, the Farmboy is fine. Thanks to both Ozpin's powers and inspirations from all of you." Ruby looked at G-Fan with tears in her eyes, "Really?" She asked as her family came and gave her comforting hugs. The Boy nodded and turned to James and levitated him to the far side of the villian section of the Theater.

"Your fate is unknown, James Ironwood." G-Fan said to the General, "so you'll remain here to from them," he points to the rest of the Good Side, and turns back to Ironwood, "and they can be safe from you." James didn't say anything and just nodded. "Good now last time we started with a Qrow viewing, this time we'll start with an Oscar viewing."

Ruby-What is this one going to be about?

G-Fan-Let's just say, it's a complicated profession.

Weiss-A complicated profession?

Blake-What does that mean?

G-Fan-This is the way.
