Darth Pine-Hatred

Video Inspiration-Fan tribute called Maul Hatred

Darth Maul-Oscar Pine.

I couldn't get this video out of my head since I first watched it and decided to make Oscar be Maul.

May contain parts from how I want my Vader v Maul would go.

The whole theater was silent before,

"That line sounded so badass at the end," Sun said referring to the last line Darth Vader's last line in the trailer. "Why do the villains get to say the awesome one-liners?" Yang asked with a pout.

"You don't know the power of the Dark Side," G-Fan said imitating Vader's voice as he took the What If Qrow Orb out of the screen.

"It seemed that you were working with Darth Vader at the end there Tyrian," Watts pointed out to the scorpion Faunus. Tyrian clapped his hands together. "Wonderful!" he exclaimed happily. "Think of the carnage, the blood, the slaughter! The screams!"

"Calm yourself Tyrian," Salem commanded.

Gojira noticed that Winter was shaken from the trailer and asked, "Are you alright?" Winter blinked her eyes and nodded before she hugged Gojira.

"Okay now this Oscar Orb is in the Star Wars realm," the Boy said getting some of the Audience to be excited. "It's not Aliit ori'shya tal'din," he added getting most to be mildly confused. "And it is before Darth Vader became Darth Salem's apprentice."

As everyone now got intrigued, Gojira became saddened. "I always found that Oscar to be a tragic one." he said somberly to which G-Fan nodded sadly. They ignored the looks from the Audience and the Boy switched it to a different mode trailer mode.

Evil is not born, it is taught.

Many blinked at that. A few though did see the logic in that. Adam, Mercury and Cinder were examples of it. Horrible human experiences/encouragement down his path, a assassin for a father, and an abusive household. Those traits passed on to them and caused them to lash out to the world in different ways.

Then the rest of the Audience pieced together what kind of character Oscar was. A Sith like Vader-Qrow. Ruby swallowed nervously as she looked to the screen.

"Lost," Oscar's voice said as the screen shows two twin suns. The Audience heard him sigh. "I am lost." A view of an underground temple was shown.

"Were you a Jedi?" Velvet asked as Oscar was shown, a black hood covering his head but showing two Sith yellow eyes.

The Faunus in question was surprised that she was appearing onscreen but stayed silent.

"Uh...N-No." Oscar says to the Rabbit Faunus. "No, but I was once a Force-Wielder." A younger version of him was shown walking out of an ship. "Long ago, long, long ago.

Oscar walks beside Darth Salem, "At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi," he said to Salem.

Oscar-At last we will have revenge.

"You have been well trained, my young apprentice." Salem replies as Oscar was shown standing in front of Ozpin and James Ironwood.

Whitley holds out a lightsaber to Oscar as the Audience hear Velvet say on edge. "Then you're a Sith."

Oscar summons his lightsaber hilt as the Audience see his appearance. His skin was red with black markings, instead of hair he had a crown of small yellow horns on his head.

"I was apprenticed to the most powerful being in the galaxy once," Oscar said before it shows two holograms of Salem and Oscar standing side by side.

"I was destined to become...so much more," he said to Whitley before he is shown speaking to Velvet.

"The Sith," Darth Salem was shown walking down a ramp, a black hood concealing her face. "The Sith took everything from me," Oscar snapped.

Oscar-Ripped me from my mother's arms, murdered my brother, used me as a weapon and then casted me aside.

Salem pins both Oscar and Whitley to a window twelve feet off the ground. "Abandoned me." Oscar holds up a black bladed lightsaber. "Once I had power, now I have nothing," he shakes his head at Velvet.

The Audience see him on his knees in the middle of a desert.


"Ripped from his mother's arms," the students all repeated in horror.

"Murdered his brother," the adults said. Summer and Glynda covered their mouths as tears formed. Ozpin tightened the grip on his cane and web-like cracks formed on his mug.

"Used him as a weapon, and then casted him aside," The villians said. Tyrian and Cinder being the ones with more worry and fear. Fear that fate may happen to them.

In a throne room, Amber Autumn and Oscar stand. Oscar lets out a heavy sigh and says, "We were both tools for greater powers." Amber narrows her eyes at the statement.

Oscar and Darth Vader stand holding their lightsabers. "So, you are what I could have been, had I remained by Salem's side." Oscar says sadly. "The what if's we can think of are flights of fantasy," Darth Vader replied. He looks to his left hand. "Our lives were sealed the moment we meet our master."

Many were surprised by the meeting. Ruby and her family along with Winter looked to the screen sadly. For both Qrow and Oscar.

Oscar kneels to Salem, "I played my part," he turns to Melanie and asked, "and do you know what happened to me?"

Salem-Remember, there can only be two. And you are no longer my apprentice.

Oscar holds his hand out like he was tossing something away. "I was cast aside," he said.

Salem Force slammed Oscar against the wall and the floor. "Have mercy," he begged. "Please. Please! Have mercy!"

A sadistic grin was visible under Salem's hood. "There is no mercy," she said before she shoots Force Lightning at the man.

"I was forgotten."

Tears were starting to form in everyone's eyes as they looked on.

Back onscreen, Oscar looks from Velvet after hearing her real name. "Real name?" he said confused. "Ah yes, I had a real name, but it's been so long I...don't remember."

Oscar inspects his prosthetic legs with Whitley standing next to him. "It has been so long and my path has been dark."

"Darker then I could ever dream it could be." Oscar follows a green ball of flames with a crazed look of awe.

"But I survived," Oscar says determined.

Oscar and Velvet walk through the remains of his home village. "I am the last survivor," he says as the Audience see a brief memory of Oscar's people being slaughtered by Salem's forces.

"And I can thrive in the chaos that is to come." Salem pulls her hood over her face.

"Now," Oscar stands before holograms of multiple crime lords.

"Now, I am called..." Oscar lifts his hood to show his face to Cinder then Ozpin and Ironwood and finally Velvet. "Maul."

"At least we know his Sith Lord name," Jaune said trying to lighten up the mood. It didn't work but Nora forced a smile. "Yeah all shall fear Lord Darth Maul!" she said, getting some chuckles from most.

Maul was shown at a fire with his lower half being replaced by the legs of a spider droid.

"Always remember I am fear," he chanted to himself as a flashback of him snarling to Ozpin and Ironwood.

Maul walks to a land speeder, "Always remember I am hunter."

Emerald uses her power to give Maul prosthetic legs, "Always remember I am filth."

Maul covers his eyes with his hands. "Always remember I am nothing."

The Audience see Maul falling only to be caught by Amber who used the Force. 

"Let me go," Amber raises an eyebrow but doesn't comply. "Let me die!" 

The Audience see Republic transports now circling Maul. "We're all going to burn!" He says as Militia sees a hologram of Salem. "We're all gonna die!"

Cables wrap around Maul fired from the Clone troopers. "You don't know what you're doing!" Maul shouted as he struggled.

Maul chuckles as it switches to show Amber and Whitley giving him confused looks. "Hehehe. You...you don't know," Maul said holding his head as the Audience see that his horns were longer than before.

Whitley glances to Maul's spider legs. "Brother...your legs..." he says concerned.

"That scum!" Maul snaps. "He took them from me! He took them!" he screams like a madman as the Audience see Ironwood slicing Maul's waist with a green lightsaber.

Ruby gasped at the sight of her boyfriend speaking like that. She glared at the general in the Audience. Many shivered at the sight of the farm boy seemingly going mad.

"Who? Who took them?!" Whitley demanded. Maul snarls like an animal.

"Jedi," Ironwood and Ozpin were shown before the Jedi Council. "Jedi."

"Arise Maul," Emerald said to Maul who laid on a stone table. His horns were back to their normal size and his robotic legs were now human in appearance. "Reborn son of Dathomir."

Maul-Oscar's yellow eyes open up filled with rage. He turns to Whitley, "Revenge," he activates his lightsaber. "I must have revenge."

"Feel the disturbance do you?" Maria asks Ironwood.

"The Dark Side has been so much stronger." Maul's eyes open inside of a holding cell.

The Jedi Temple in Vale was shown, "Soon, the galaxy will be remade."

Qrow Branwen enters the temple with the 501st. "The Jedi and the Republic will die."

Maria-From the dead, an old enemy has awaken...seeking vengeance.

Velvet and Maul combine a Sith and Jedi holocron together resulting in a blinding light. "I see..." Maul-Oscar said. "I see him."

Most of the Audience was at the edge of their seats. Whether it was intentional or not, it's unknown. "This suspense is killing me," Tyrian said. "I hope it will last," he added with a smirk.

Both Velvet and Maul-Oscar's eyes were shown linked by green fire. "Where is he?" Maul demanded.

Maul runs through a ship's corridors, laughing to himself. "He lives." He sits in the cockpit. "He lives."

Multiple shots of the desert world of Vacuo is shown. "I can feel his presence, so close. So close."

Maul-I can see him...in my mind's eye.

Maul was shown walking through the desert. He looks up and lets out a low chuckle. "Ironwood."


Many jumped back from the scream. The Boy leaned forward with a small smile on his face.

In the Clone Wars, Maul stands before Ironwood before a burning building. "I have been waiting for you."

Years before, two metal doors open up in front of Ozpin and James. Maul stands dressed in black, head covered in a hood.

An older Amber and Fox Alistair turn as a temple door slides down behind Darth Maul as he holds his lightsaber like a cane. "Maul!" Amber exclaimed, surprised to see the Dathomiran.

"The Shadow," an Inquisitor said along with two other Inquisitors.

"The Dathomiran lives," Darth Vader stated in an impressed tone.

Maul-Oscar's face contorts into anger as Ironwood stands before him. "I know where you're from," Ironwood said. "I've been to your village."

Ironwood and Qrow walk through a village on Dathomir. "I know the decision to join the Dark Side wasn't your choice."

Many perk up at that. "Does that mean Oscar isn't the villian of this story?" Glynda asked the Boy. G-Fan shares a look with Gojira before saying, "No, he was just someone who had the potential to be a hero but a certain individual had other plans."

"Silence!" Maul onscreen snapped to Ironwood and his eyes seemed to have glowed. "You think you know me?!"

Maul-It was I who relinquished for years, thinking nothing but you. Nothing but this moment!

Glynda was shown pulling at invisible fingers that were on her throat in an steel trap.

"You cannot imagine the depths I would go to stay alive," Maul-Oscar said to James before the burning fire. "Fueled by my singular hatred for you."

"That may be so, but I defeated you before and I can defeat you again," Ironwood said confidently and ignited his lightsaber. Maul just laughed darkly in response. "Don't be so certain." he said slowly.

"That's one of the only times I ever you sound like that General," Ozpin said to the Atlassian in the Audience.

Back onscreen, Maul summons his lightsaber to his hand at separate times and some of the Audience felt awe at the scene changes.

"What fun," Maul-Oscar says to himself as he ignites his double bladed lightsaber. "What fun~!"

"He has a double bladed lightsaber!" Ruby, Summer, Nora, Neon, Marrow, and Jaune exclaimed in awe and excitement. 

In a montage, Darth Maul is shown fighting different people.

Adam in the throne of Manda'lore.

Ozpin in Vacuo.

Amber in the Manda'lore throne room.

Ironwood at Anima.

"Fear," Maul narrates as he is shown battling Darth Salem in the halls of the Manda'lore capital.

Darth Vader at a Sith temple underground.

Whitley and Darth Maul battle against James Ironwood and Sienna Khan.

"Fear is my ally."

Maul-Oscar grabs Ironwood by the face and holds his lightsaber close to his face, "I will make sure you stay awake long enough to feel every single cut."

Maul-I neve planned on killing you, but I will make you share my pain Ironwood. You will suffer as I have suffered.

Ozpin was seen getting stabbed at Anima before it changes to show Glynda being impaled in the stomach in Manda'lore.

"NOOOO!" Ironwood screamed. 

Ozpin gasped in pain as he fell to his knees before falling the ground.

Glynda grits her teeth as Maul drops her to her knees and she falls to the ground.

While the Good Side and most of the Bad Side was shocked by what they saw, Tyrian and Cinder smiled. "Well, now they're even I suppose." Cinder shrugged.

"Look what has become of you," Maul-Oscar said as the screen shows Ironwood now as a old man. "A rat in the desert."

"Look what I've risen above," Ironwood replies back. (Nora-Oh! He got burned! Ren-Nora!)

"If you define yourself by your power to take life," Maul was shown beheading Adam.

"A desire to dominate," Maul sits on a throne.

"To posses," Maul holds the black colored lightsaber.

"Then you have nothing," Ironwood says to Maul-Oscar who growls in response. He ignites one blade and used it to kick up dirt onto Ironwood's fire. "And what do you have?!" he asked.

Both Jedi and Sith stand silence, the source of light being the twin moons and Maul's lightsaber.

"Shit's about to go down," Sun said under his breath.

"Why come to this place?" Maul asked Ironwood. "Not to simply to hide," he said when the Jedi didn't respond. "Oh you have a purpose here, perhaps you are protecting something?"

Ironwood grew tense as the Audience see a small house. "No, protecting someone."

Ironwood was shown grieving over Ozpin and Glynda as Maul speaks, "You should have chosen the Dark Side, Master Jedi. Your emotions betray you."

Maul then ignites his second blade.

Ironwood ignites his blue one and enters a battle stance.

Ironwood-You are mistaken. It takes strength to resist the Dark Side, only the weak embrace it.

Maul-Oscar-It is more powerful than you know...

Ironwood-And those who oppose it are more powerful than you'll ever be.

Ironwood changes into Ozpin's battle stance shown in a flashback.

Another flashback shows Ironwood and Maul-Oscar glaring at one another when they were Padawan and Apprentice.

More flashbacks follow:

Their first fight on Anima.

The fight on Kuroyuri.

And the fight on a cargo ship.

And finally their fight on Vacuo.

Maul jumps and strikes two time at the Jedi who blocks them both.

Ozpin was shown fighting and Maul slams his hilt into the Jedi's chin then the Audience see Maul preform the same move on Ironwood only for him to slice the hilt in half.

The Jedi and the Sith glare at one another before Maul-Oscar's eyes soften and he lowers his arms and drops both halves of his lightsaber. The Dathomiran then drops to his knees and was about to drop to the ground before James catches him. The Audience get a flashback of Ironwood Ozpin and Glynda when they died.

Darth Vader holds Maul in the air with the Force. Maul looks down to him and chokes out, "Tell me are you really the Chosen One?" This got most of the Audiences attention as Vader stiffens at that before saying, "The Chosen One is what it always was: A fairy tale meant to place fear in the Sith." Maul looks saddened by the answer. "Then...there is no one to avenge us." he says.

The scene changes to Maul's final moment and he asks Ironwood urgently. "Tell me, is it the Chosen One?" The Audience see someone running into the farm as Ironwood replies solemnly, "He is."

"He...will...avenge us," Oscar-Maul said before he goes limp. Ironwood rolls his eyes closed before the screen goes black with the two moons remaining before going completely black.


So what do you think?

Next is Superman Returns.

Now I just came up with another What If: Mandalorian Oscar in RWBY?

Got to go to school. See y'all next time.
