Aliit ori'shya tal'din Episode 2

We all know the translation: "Family is more than blood."

Inspiration from the Mandalorian Season 1 Episode 2


Din Djarin/the Mandalorian-Oscar Pine

Ruby Rose-Jedi Padawan learner who survived Order 66

Kuiil-Klein Sieben

Honestly can't find any replacements for the Jawas. And I realized that I said that Ruby's character is aka Crimson Reaper but kept on writing Red Reaper down so, I'm sorry about that.

 The bats were now settled down on the ceiling and G-Fan opened a transparent portal under them so no droppings would land on the Audience. The Boy walks to Nora who had a baby bat in her hair. "Next time, just ask before you you touch a big red button." Nora nodded with sad look but smiled as she petted the baby bat on her head.

"Now, no one was hurt or bit by any of the bats right?" G-Fan asked he snapped his fingers for those that said yes. He pulled the Batman orb out and said, "We'll return to this DC Universe viewing soon but we are going back to the bounty hunting world of Star Wars."

"Sweet! We get to see me with a lightsaber," Ruby cheered. "So the farm boy is a bounty hunter along with the little red pipsqueak?" Vernal asked, glancing at said red pipsqueak. "Alright let's see it."

"I wonder what they're going to do with the Child," Jaune whispered to Pyrrha.

"Sshh!" Nora said as the lights dimmed and the Boy tossed the Aliit ori'shya tal'din Orb into the screen.

The screen shows the Mandalorian and the Crimson Reaper standing in front of the Child and its egg shaped crib. "The Force is strong with this one," Reaper said to herself in awe. Mando-Oscar stares at the Child mesmerized as he holds his finger for it touch.

The Child seemed to have smiled and reached to grab onto Mando-Oscar's finger. "It's...cute." He said slowly. "Yes he is," Reaper said a smile growing on her face. The Mandalorian then looked down to P3's limp form and turned to Reaper. 

With no one around, he called her by her real name, "I'm sorry for P3, Ruby." Ruby looked to him and she smiled sadly at P3, "I forgive you Mando, you gave her a chance and she wanted to kill a child."

Mando-Oscar nodded solemnly. "Come on, let's head back to the Crest." He moved to close the crib but Ruby stopped him. He looked at her confused and the Audience see a light blush on her face. "...I want to hold him." She says after a moment of silence.

"Awww~! Why does she get to hold him?" Many of the female Audience pouted. 

"EEEEEEEEeeek!!" Summer squealed causing the Faunus and the dog to flinch at the  pitch. "I know that look! This Ruby wants to be the child's mom!"

"W-W-What?!" Ruby stammered. "I-I don't-" Yang looked closer at her sister's Other. "Huh, I think you're right Mom." She said. Then the blonde brawler smiled. "I guess I'm an aunt." She wrapped her left arm around the red reaper. "Yang~!" Ruby whined. G-Fan chuckled. "My best friend is a mother! Sensational~!" Penny exclaimed.

Ruby just pulled her hood over her head and groaned in mortification. "They grow up so fast," Tai muttered much to his daughter's mortification.

Under the helmet, Mando-Oscar blinked in confusion. "...Alright. But uh, we'll take the crib in case." he said after picking up the cooing Child and handed him to Ruby.

The scene changed to show them walking in a ravine with the egg-shaped floating crib behind them as Ruby was heard humming a lullaby. The Child gurgled happily. Mando-Oscar shook his head. Ruby's lullaby is starting to make me tired. he thought. The Audience see some small duck-billed lizards scurry about on the ground as the Bounty hunting duo walked. Ruby's head suddenly shot up, eyes widened in alert.  She quickly turned around and placed the Child in it's crib. 

The Audience blinked in confusion as Ruby pulled her hood over her head and summoned her lightsaber to her hand while Mando-Oscar grabbed his sniper blaster. Then two reptilian humanoids jump out from the ravine and swings a axe at Mando. Another jumps before the Crimson Reaper and swings an identical axe. 

Mando-Oscar deflects the strikes with his sniper rifle as Reaper's lightsaber slices through the third reptilian's axe before she stabs through his chest. Mando-Oscar jabs his  double spearhead into the one on his right and blue electricity shot through the mercenary's body. Then Mando-Oscar fired one blaster bolt at the second one and he completely disintegrate to nothing but a shower of sparks. 

Another reptilian humanoid ran toward the Child's crib but Mando-Oscar fired at him as well. The Child's ears drooped as he watched before cooing at Mando and Reaper. Reaper held out her hand and a tracking fob flew into her hand. 

Aliit ori'shya tal'din: The Child.

"Oh, that explains it," Pyrrha said. "Those were bounty hunters." The Audience grew a bit tense at that. If the Child was still hunted, Mando-Oscar and Red Reaper would have a hard time reaching the Razor Crest. "Relax, the other bounty hunters aren't their main problem." G-Fan said. "Let's continue watching shall we?"

It was nighttime now, the Audience see Ruby laying down with the Child in her arms, ("Awww!") as Mando-Oscar sits up at a fire. The Audience see him tending to a small cut wound he had received  in the fight on his arm. 

The Audience see that the Child had moved out of Ruby's arms and held its hand out to Mando's cut. It wasn't long until Mando-Oscar noticed that the Child was standing next to him and picked him up back in Ruby's arms.

"What was that about?" Nora asked but the Boy only said, "The Force is strong with this one."

As Mando-Oscar returned to his seat and tried to tend to his wound. Only to notice that the Child was standing next to him. Ruby seemed to have felt that the Child was out of her grasp and instantly sat up. 

She seemed to know what the Child was trying to do and waited for a few seconds before Mando-Oscar, who didn't notice that she was awake, picked him up and handed the Child to her.

She giggled as she held him in her arms. She looked up to Mando-Oscar with a smile before she noticed the cut on his arm. "Mando, I thought you'd say something if you got hurt." She said placing the Child in its crib.

Mando-Oscar shook his head, "No Ruby, we agreed that I'd say something if I had a broken bone or a sprained ankle." he said as she walks to him, "This," he gestures to his cut, "is small scratch."

Ruby-How long until you trust me to tell me if you are hurt?

Mando-Oscar-If it's serious, I'd tell you. This small cut isn't serious.

He turns away from her and and grabs his blowtorch and says, "The Child is out of its crib." Ruby turns and sure enough, the Child was tugging and rubbing his face on her cloak. He looked up at her, cooing. She smiled and picked him and rocked him back and forth a little. As she lays back down, she gives the Mandalorian a worried look before closing her eyes as the Child yawned.

"Why am I getting the feeling, Mando-Oscar did get a broken leg or a sprained ankle?" Ruby asked to herself but those near her still heard her. 

The next day, the two were walking up a hill. When they got to the top, they stopped abruptly. "You got to be kriffing kidding me," Mando-Oscar said to himself. 

The Razor Crest was being dismantled by a large group of Jawas. "One of us probably should've stayed to guard the Crest," Reaper said as Mando-Oscar pulls out his sniper spear rifle. 

He shoots and disintegrates three of them, causing the rest to run into their sandcrawler. 

"Scavengers that always sell anything they find," G-Fan said to the Audience. "Great, and now they're stealing parts from us," Ruby  grumbled. "Hey you used to work with junk too, sis," Yang replied. "Yeah and I paid for it, these guys are stealing the parts. Parts from Mando-Oscar's and my ship." 

"I think they look kinda cute," Velvet said. "Looks are deceiving, there is a dark side to the Jawas. One I'd prefer not to talk about." The Boy said to the Rabbit Faunus.

"Stay with the Child!" Mando-Oscar said as he ran after the sandcrawler. "Mando, wait!" Reaper called out. The Mandalorian ran up to the side of the sandcrawler and jumped onto a ladder on the side. "Mando! Rock!" the Crimson Reaper shouted as she ran with the Child and its crib floating/flying behind her. Mando-Oscar looked up and saw the rock wall curving outwards. Quickly, he jumped onto the platform above the track and laid still until the sandcrawler past the rock wall curve. 

He got back onto the ladder and climbed up. As he climbed, Jawas poked their heads out of compartment-windows and threw stuff at the Mandalorian. He ignores most of it before he reaches the top. He then reached the top and the Audience see the Jawas holding large taser rod. The scavengers jab the rod in Mando-Oscar's chest plate. Electricity surged through his whole body before he fell off the crawler and landed on the sandy ground with a thud.

"Mando!" Reaper said in worry as she knelt down to him, "Are you alright?"

Mando-Oscar-Does being alive count?

Crimson Reaper-Yeah!

"Then I guess I'm alright." (1)

The Audience flinched at the impact. Ruby in the Audience placed her hand over her heart and sighed in relief. "Worried about your boyfriend there Rubes?" Yang teased. "Yang~! Not now!" the red reaper whined. Yang just chuckled and ruffled her sister's hair. "Hopefully Oscar's armor prevented any damage from the impact." Weiss said. "He's fine," G-Fan said, dismissively waving his hand. "Of course you know," Cinder said looking to the boy. "You know everything's that has and will happen in these viewings."

"Maybe," the Boy shrugged. "That doesn't mean these aren't fun to watch." Especially the Last Samurai and the Godzilla AU's for both characters. Followed by the Batman and the Hulk.

The duo are now shown returning to the dismantled Crest. Inside, Ruby opens up the weapons cache and finds it all empty. "They took all our weapons," she mutters angrily. Mando-Oscar tried to start the starship up but to no avail. "Kriff," he mutters.

The scene then changes for the Audience see the Mandalorian and the Crimson Reaper back at Klein's home at night.

"I thought you two were dead," the farmer said to them. "What~?" Reaper asked exasperated. "Whatcha talking about~? It'll take a lot more than that band of mercenaries to kill us." Mando-Oscar stays silent. (Weiss-Ruby, don't be arrogant. Ruby-Hey, it's true. Blake-Only if you're focused.)

Klein then watches the Child as he walks. "This is what was causing all the fuss?" he asks. Ruby nodded, laying on her stomach, hands holding her head up as she watches the Child.

"I think it's a child," Mando-Oscar commented. "It is better to deliver it alive then," Klein responded.

Many nodded their heads in full agreement. Tyrian pouted with a grumble. "Do any of you think the client Lil' Miss Malachite didn't know that the target was a child of its species?" Weiss asked looking at her family and friends. "Because if she did, then maybe it would explain why she said killing it was acceptable?" Some thought over and assumed that was the most likely reason.

Mando-Oscar-Our ship has been destroyed. We're trapped here.

Klein-Stripped. Not destroyed. Jawas steal. They do not destroy.

C. Reaper- Stolen, destroyed. It looks the same to me. (Coco-Well, she's not wrong.)

The bounty hunters see the Child chasing a frog. "Go on, little one," Reaper whispered. "Catch the frog." 

Mando-Oscar continues speaking to Klein as Ruby silently cheers the Child on. "They're protected by their crawling fortress. There is no way to recover the parts."

"You can trade," Klein offered. "Trade with Jawas? Are you out of your mind?" Mando-Oscar repeats as Reaper turns away from the Child and asks, "Trade our parts for what? They took everything from the Razor Crest."

"I will take you to them," Klein replies. "I have spoken."

Reaper and the Mandalorian turn and see the Child pushing the frog he was chasing earlier in his mouth. "Awww!" Reaper said. "Hey! Spit that out!" Mando-Oscar exclaimed but the Child already swallowed the frog's legs like noodles. 

"Relax, Mando." Reaper said. "The other member of its species I've met ate frogs and other things before."

Mando-Oscar-But he looks too young. He should eat chewed food.

Reaper-He can eat them.

Mando-Oscar-But what if he chokes on the next one he eats?

"Quiet, the Child is sleeping," Klein quietly snapped gesturing to the Child.

The Child-Zzz...Zzz...Zzz

Many of the Audience were mildly disgusted with the Child eating the frog alive but a few were amused by the Mandalorian worried about the Child. Like an actual father. That made Ruby blush at some images. Her family noticed and it was surprisingly Raven who spoke.

"Ruby," the Bandit Queen said, getting the red reaper's attention. "I know you like him but you should wait for going on a date, I'm pretty sure you two haven't went on a date." Ruby wanted to deny that she was thinking that but stopped abruptly stopped when she realized that Oscar and her haven't gone on a date. The R of RWBY then began to think of changing that once she got back to their realm. The Boy shape shifted into a eagle and landed on the seat in front of her.  "Just a suggestion Little Rose," the Eagle said. "Before you start scheming, take into consideration that Atlas is under attack the moment I let time resume and return you back to your realm."

"Oh." Ruby said, nodding her head slowly.

Back onscreen, the Audience see Klein on a Blurrg mount pulling the Mandalorian and the Crimson Reaper on a hovering sled through a rain storm before it showed them arriving the Jawa sandcrawler.

"Greetings!" Klein said in the Jawas native tongue. The Jawas saw the Mandalorian and the Crimson Reaper and quickly grabbed their weapons and shouted in their native tongue to tell them to stay away.

"They really don't seem to like you for some reason," Klein noted confused. "Well..." Reaper said sheepishly. "I did disintegrate some of them." Mando-Oscar finished. "You two need to drop your weapons." (Ruby-I'll never part with Crescent Rose!) Klein said as he got off the Blurrg. Yeah, Mando's not gonna do that, Reaper thought before Mando-Oscar said, "I'm a Mandalorian, guns are part of my religion." Yep that's what I thought.

"What in Remnant is that suppose to mean?" Glynda asked. "Hmm, fascinating." Oobleck writing in a notebook. "Mando's are warriors." G-Fan said. "This is the way."

"Then you two are not getting your parts back," Klein replied. The Reaper glances at Mando-Oscar who stays silent after a moment before he sighs and says, "Fine." He puts his sniper rifle down on the sled as Reaper places her lightsaber down as well.

"Never thought I'd hear you say you'd say that Mando," Reaper said teasingly. "Shut it." the Mandalorian snapped. "And the blaster," Klein added.

The Mandalorian and the Crimson Reaper sit down with Klein across the Jawas. The Jawas speak to Klein who translates to the two. "They will trade all the parts for the Beskar." 

Crimson Reaper-Seriously? That's a no. (Subtitled) They won't treat the metal with honor and respect. They will only sell it for credits.

"Thank you," Mando-Oscar says to the Jedi and turns his head to the Jawas and said, "We're not gonna to trade anything. These are our parts. They stolen them from us." he then speaks in the Jawa language. Though he spoke poorly. "They, us."

The Jawa Leader laughs mockingly, "You speak terrible Jawa," he says, "You sound like a Wookiee." The other Jawas laugh as Reaper nods with a sheepish smile. 

Mando-Oscar blushes under the helmet and shouts angrily, "YOU UNDERSTAND THIS?!" He holds his left hand up and activates a flame thrower and shoots flames at the Jawas causing them to scream in terror as Klein shouts "NOO!" 

The Reaper jumps back with a little yelp.  "Whoa, easy, easy." Klein said soothingly. Reaper sits up, eyes widened. Okay, my bad. I forgot how easily he gets angry sometimes, Reaper thought as she blinked and rubbed her eyes.

Many were a little surprised that Mando-Oscar had a flame thrower. A few (Nora, Coco, Yang, Mercury and Summer with Ruby.) wished they had one. A few chuckled that he lost his temper easily.

Klein looks back to the Jawa Leader, "He's a Mandalorian," he says, subtitled, "He  cannot give you his beskar armor. What else may he trade?" the Jawa leader says something not subtitled and gestures to the sled. The three look back and see two Jawas standing near the Child.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Reaper and Mando-Oscar shout. The Reaper shoots her hand up and she does a hand gesture and the two Jawas  fly in the air. One of them slams into the wall of the sandcrawler and falls down, limp.

Some of the other Jawas scatter.

"Okayyyy," Roman said before leaning to Neo, "Might want to stay away from Lil' Red when she has kids, Neo." the master thief said to his daughter who slowly nodded. Some other members of the Audience were surprised at how the Ruby and Oscar onscreen were really protective of the Child. A few that were planning on being parents or are parents couldn't blame them.

Ruby ducked her head, expecting some teasing from Yang when her sister turned her head to her. Instead the blonde brawler smiles genuinely, "I think you two would be great parents sis," Ruby perks her head up at that. "Really?" Yang nods and gets hugged by Ruby. "Don't become one just yet though." Yang said after a moment.

Back onscreen, "There must be something else." Klein said, subtitled. ("Anything but the Child.") The Jawa Leader replies, "We will require The Egg. Bring us the The Egg." Klein groans and facepalms. "The Egg?" Both Reaper and Mando-Oscar repeats in unison. "What egg?"

The Jawas don't answer the questions but begin chanting. "The Egg! The Egg! The Egg!"

Question marks float around everybody's heads and some blink in confusion. "I have a bad feeling about this," Weiss said to herself. Those that heard her nodded in agreement.

Somewhere in a galaxy far, far away. Han Solo sneezed in the Millennium Falcone. 

Onscreen, the scene changes to show the Bounty Hunter duo sitting in the sandcrawler's cockpit. Their heads nearly touch the ceiling. The crawler bounces once and they both bang their heads on the ceiling. Mando-Oscar wasn't affected by this due to wearing a beskar helmet. The Crimson Reaper on the other hand, now had a bruise on her head. 

As she rubbed her head, the crawler bounced, this time more harder and the Reaper bumped into Mando-Oscar. Caught off-guard, Mando-Oscar was knocked to the floor. He tried to catch himself but instead pulled the Reaper down with him.

The two Bounty Hunters found themselves laying on the ground. With Reaper sitting on Mando's chest and said Mandalorian's hands were on her hips. Mando-Oscar and Reaper looked to each other for couple of seconds before Klein cleared his throat beside them. They both turned their heads and see the Child tilting his head and cooed curiously. 

"It was an accident!" Reaper said sitting up and once again banged her head on the ceiling. "She knocked me down and I pulled on her cape," Mando-Oscar said but Klein just shook his head and looked away.

Most of the Audience chuckled in amusement, Ruby hid her blush under her hood. She waited for a while for some teasing from her family and team as she pulled her hood down. "Didn't think you wanted to be on top sis~" Yang said. Ruby groaned and laid her head on her mom's lap. "Yang, I think that's enough teasing." Summer said warmly. Yang nodded and rubbed Ruby's head. "Sorry Ruby."

Back onscreen, the Mandalorian and the Crimson Reaper arrive in the entrance of a large cave. Mando-Oscar checks his knife and readjusts his gauntlets as the Reaper summons her lightsaber from her hip and pulls out a blaster pistol. They glance at each other before Reaper activates her saber and Mando-Oscar turns on a flashlight on the side of his helmet.

They both enter looking left and right as they walked further into the dark area. "Why didn't the Jawas tell us what kind of egg we're suppose to get for them?" Reaper asks as she walked on a muddy surface. "Probably something they want to eat." Mando-Oscar replied. His light shines on the ground where the Audience see a large eye open up in the mud. 

The Audience see a silhouette rise from the ground. One that Mando-Oscar recognized. "Oh," He said before turning to the Crimson Reaper, "A Mudhorn egg."

The scene quickly changes to the outside of the cave where the Child and the Audience see flashes and then the bellow of a Mudhorn is heard. The Child's bat-like ears drooped down as he cooed worriedly.

Then the Crimson Reaper flies out of the cave followed by the Mandalorian. Both covered in mud, the Audience notices. "Ow," Reaper weakly says as she and Mando-Oscar get up.

A loud roar is heard as the Mudhorn stomps out of the cave. The Audience see that it is a large Rhinoceros like creature with mud colored fur which is caked in mud.

"So that's  a Mudhorn," Port says stroking his mustache. "Looks similar to the rhinos in Vacuo." Thankfully for some, he didn't start telling them a story that would even make Salem sleep.

Mando-Oscar aims his sniper and pulls the trigger. Only a click is heard. He pulls the trigger again but the same click is heard. The Red Reaper aims her blaster only to get the same resulting click. She curses in Hutse before the Mudhorn slams its horn into Mando-Oscar's chest plate. He flies thirty feet back and Reaper and the Audience see that the armor plate is dented and hanging loosely attached to his chest.

The Crimson Reaper activates her lightsaber and Force  jumps into the air. She swings to the Mudhorn's head but it charges out of the way and her blue blade stabs into the muddy ground. The Mudhorn turns around and its horn hits Reaper like a baseball bat sending her flying thirty feet.

Many of the Audience cringed at the site of Ruby and Oscar getting hit by the Mudhorn. "I thought that since it looked like a rhino, this would've been easy for them," Sun comments. "As Glynda said in the Batman viewing, you should never underestimate your opponents Mr. Wukong." Ozpin replied sipping from his mug. "Oh right." the Monkey Faunus said sheepishly.

Back onscreen, Mando-Oscar staggers to his knees  and sees the Mudhorn charging to the Child. Quickly he presses a button on his right gauntlet and the crib flies out  of the way. He looks to the Crimson Reaper. She tries to get up but pain shot through her right forearm causing her to fall back down. 

He looks back to the Mudhorn as it slams its horn to the muddy ground repeatedly. He gives one back to the Crimson Reaper before he pulls his knife out and holds it in front of him.

Reaper-Ruby's eyes widened and she turns to Mando-Oscar and then the Audience see a flashback of Clone Troopers shooting a man in the chest. The flashback ends to show Reaper-Ruby frozen in place, eyes filled in fear.

Meanwhile, Mando-Oscar bows his head as the Mudhorn charges forward. This is the way, he thought.

For a couple of seconds, the Audience was mildly confused at the flashback, though some remembered that the Boy said that Ruby's Other fought in a war, so they'd assumed she has PTSD and it was just triggered when Mando-Oscar was gonna sacrifice himself.

Speaking of which, those that knew Oscar in their realm, RWBY, JNR, the two members of FNKI, and the Ace-Ops with Ozpin, Penny, Winter and cried out for him to move out of the way. The loudest of all was Ruby. "OSCAR!"

The Child raises his hand and the Mudhorn stops its charge before it is slowly levitated into the air. Mando-Oscar raises his head confused as Reaper-Ruby seems to be knocked out of her PTSD. They both looked to the Child who closed his eyes in concentration and held out his hand, then looked to the floating Mudhorn.

Everyone was in awe at what the Child was doing. "The Force is strong with this one," Ozpin, Salem and Glynda muttered in amazement. "You can say that again," Coco, Sun, Flynt replied with wide eyes. "Definitely," Ruby, Blake and Weiss said.

Back onscreen, the Child falls down back into his crib. This in turn, causes the Mudhorn to fall down. Reaper-Ruby shakes her head and says, "Mando, the knife!" Mando-Oscar looks at the knife before he stabs it into the pressure point in the Mudhorn's neck. The rhino-like creature shrieks in pain before it falls to the ground with a loud thump. The Mandalorian digs the blade deeper before he pulls it out and sheaths back in his boot.

He turns and sees Crimson checking on the Child. Before he could ask if the Child was okay, she turns around with an angry glare. She shoves him and says, "You scared me! I thought we said we'd have none of that."

Mando-Oscar-If I was going to die, today would've been a warrior's death. This is the way.

Crimson just growls in annoyance. Mando-Oscar stared at her for a moment before realizing why she was reacting like this and pulled her into a hug. Ruby's silver eyes widened in surprise. "I'm sorry...Ruby." Mando-Oscar whispered. Ruby's eyes softened before she hugged him back.

After a long moment, they broke up the hug as Mando-Oscar said, "C'mon let's get what we came for."

The scene briefly changes to show the Crimson Reaper pulling a brown-fur covered egg out the mud.

The scene switches to show where Klein and the Jawas are waiting, the Audience see the Jawas getting to leave. Klein says to the leader Jawa, subtitled. "Just a little while longer." the Leader shakes his head. "Fine. Go without me." he sighs as the door begins to close. In the distance, he sees the Mandalorian and the Crimson Reaper. "Mando! Reaper!" the farmer calls out, causing the Jawas to stop.

"We got it!" Mando-Oscar calls back. "We got the Egg," the Crimson Reaper clarified. Mando-Oscar hands it to the Jawas who cut it open with a knife and begin to eats its contents.

Mando-Oscar-I'm surprised you waited.

Klein-I'm surprised you took so long.

Crimson Reaper-I'm surprised that...uh, I don't know. I just said because you two said that.

Ques chuckles from some members of the Audience. Ruby just pouted and crossed her arms.

The Mandalorian and the Crimson Reaper sit on the sled with all of the Razor Crest's parts as Klein's Blurrg mound pulls the sled. "Is it still sleeping?" Klein asks, both Bounty Hunters look to the sleeping Child. "Yes," Reaper-Ruby answers. "Was it injured?" Klein asks. Mando-Oscar shakes his head. "I don't think so." he said, looking at the Child's sleeping face. "Not physically."

Klein-Explain it again. I still don't understand what happened.

Mando-Oscar-Crimson understood it better.

C. Reaper-Well, using the Force often drains energy from the user, if the user is a learner.

"Hmm, interesting." Ozpin, Salem, Ironwood, Cinder, Ghira commented.

At night time, they all return to the dismantled Razor Crest. "There is no way we can get this to work without a full maintenance facility," commented the Mandalorian.

"It will take days to fix." Crimson said, taking off her cloak. "If you two care to help," Klein replied, "it might go faster. There is much work to do." 

Que montage of assembling the Razor Crest.

It wasn't long until the ship was complete. "Neither of us can thank you enough," Mando-Oscar said and Crimson says, "Allow us to a portion of the reward."

Klein shakes his head. "I cannot accept." he replies. "You two are my guests. Therefor I am in your service."

Mando-Oscar looks to the wall. "I think we could use a crew member of your ability." he says. "And we can pay handsomely." Reaper adds.

"I am honored." Klein says, looking down for a moment before looking up at the duo.  "But I have worked a lifetime to finally be free of servitude."

"So, this is your retirement Klein," Weiss said turning to her butler. Klein nodded. "It appears so, Ms. Schnee." he answers.  "Have you thought about what you will do now that...Father let you go?" Winter asks. "Well I honestly thinking just staying in my home back in Atlas." The sisters nodded. Happy that he'd be close by. Even by a few miles. "If you need any help Klein," Whitley said with a warm smile. "Don't hesitate to ask." The butler chuckled warmly and nodded. Willow smiled and gave her brother figure a hug.

Mando-Oscar-...Then...all I think we can offer is our thanks.

C. Reaper- *nods with a smile.* Thank you for the Blurrg riding lessons and helping us with the Jawas.

Klein-And I offer you both mine. Thank you two for bringing peace to my valley.

Klein steps off the Razor and mounts his Blurrg before saying, "Good luck with the Child. May it survive and bring you both a handsome reward." he waves and says, "I have spoken."

The duo step into the cockpit and Reaper-Ruby places the crib on her lap as Mando-Oscar starts the engines up. The Razor Crest is seen leaving the Arvala-7 before the screen goes black.

The some of the Audience chuckled at the butler's last departing words. "I have spoken," Sun laughed. "That's still funny."

"So, what Qrow viewing are we watching now?" Winter asks as G-Fan pulled the Oscar Orb out. "You eager there, Ice Queen?" Summer asked with a toothy smirk. Winter's eyes widened and a visible blush was on her face. "I-I-'m just asking for what will be next in our...viewing...routine." 

The three members of STRQ give the Atlas Specialist a smirk with raised eyebrows, causing her to look down to the floor. "Oohh~!" Coco said amused, "Is the Ice Queen crushing?"

"I don't understand," Penny says blinking in confusion. "Special Operative Schnee is  not crushing anything at the moment." Pietro leaned to his daughter and said, "I'll explain later, my little bolt." Penny nodded and looked the Boy as he pulled out Qrow Orb. "We'll be watching another familiar Qrow viewing."

Everyone looked to him and waited for him to be more specific. He opened his mouth and made an all-too-familiar noise.



This probably could've been published in the morning but I had to run after my older brother's two huskies. Achilles and Kiki. Dealing with a dog in heat, and another dog in love with said dog is tough. 

But enough about my day.

(1) The little talk there is a reference to a YouTube Comic dub series called After Story. Great comic series. I might include it in here.

Next time

    The Rebel soldiers pound on the door that jammed in front of them. A loud noise was heard and the rebels turn to the dark end of the hallway.

It was eerily until a coarse sound was heard.

